Published at 5th of July 2023 04:07:13 PM

Chapter 013

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          As Bastian had stated, he wanted all his women to achieve high cultivation as part of his increasing lifespan, so he took some daily time to train them and give cultivation orientations. As some of them had already started some kind of cultivation, he needed to raise them all in an equal state, as he had explained to them, that they needed to make preparations for further merging into godhood as well. At first, Julya and all his women did not believe in his explanations of his 3 paths of cultivation and levels. Later, they recognized his statements from a different point of view after a light display of his skills and abilities in a magical beast hunt.

The main problem for any commoner's cultivation was the lack of good resources and high-level techniques, but for Bastian that was a matter of a flip of his hands, because inside the abode there was an old library with plenty of material and knowledge at his full disposal, and Bastian took his time reading thousands of books about the high elves’ physiology and anatomy to better comprehend the best course of action in his path of cultivation. But for women, it is different, as we know and understand. So, he took time to read some imprints about how to make the best use of knowledge.

Creating some routines for their cultivation, he inserted some baths, which needed herbs and other materials, but it was not a problem for a wealthy family clan, and Bastian started to look for the resources he needed, not only for himself but for his women’s cultivation too. He knew that some of those listed materials were rare or sparse in this world and could not be found anywhere in the village. 

He also took some time to teach Julya, Aleena, Renee, and Maleen to practice Tai Chi, for that they trained for 6 hours, several days a month, and in no time, they had already dominated all 108 movements between all forms that he had decided to teach them.

He took some time to develop and create a special training array for them, as he wanted to help them increase their body cultivation as fast as possible. He designed and crafted an array of time with 2 years for them to train, but included tests every 3 months. In this test, they would face a "doppelganger" of themselves with the same cultivation levels to test the proficiency and combat skills of everyone.

Explaining to them about the array, under stunned eyes, he took 10 high-grade magic cores, placed nine on the floor, and raised his hands to lift one that floated in the air. After that, Bastian placed the banners, closed a perimeter array formation, and said:

- See you in 2 years! Practice well! By the time you end it, all of you should be able to control and run the energies through your meridians, according to the techniques – I Love you! As the floor started spinning, he moved 2 steps back and watched for a while to see if everything went on as he had planned. Sometime later, he knocked his head, called for one of the servants, stepped down the training ground, and said: 

- Nobody can enter this training ground! I placed a training array! Keep guard! Bastian walked away as the servant made a bow and answered:

- Yes, young master! 

Bastian had imagined that they could reach at least Expert Levels, during this training, as they had a good predisposition to train in Martial Arts. He also knew that was difficult for them, who had only had basic training to engage in the tests from the array, so he made his mind prepared for whatever result that "training" would bring. 

He also knew that their bodies were weak, their skin was too soft, and body training was too far from a perfect result. He also planned that this "special training" would improve their other path of cultivation, the path of energy, or, to be more specific, their magic. 

As they aimed to control the energy according to the technique, their "control" over energy would improve a lot, as casting spells through enchantment was nothing more than a subconscious training of the "root" that the energy would take to control the nature and format of the spell. The idea was to cut the "enchantment" part of the castings.

Enclosed in the office, Bastian started to read again, looking for options, and he understood that they needed to apply for an auction. The elders did not oppose the outgoings, as he was the Young Master, he could spend from the vaults of the Family Clan as he thought it was necessary, and looking through documents from his father’s acquisitions, he noticed that they were wealthy in the small village of the family clan in the interior near the border of the territory scenario.

Still inside the office, applying the illusion and time acceleration arrays, Bastian resumed reading through all the books, documents, scrolls, and maps to better comprehend the overall monetary and geographic situation, of the family clan village, the family territory, the region, the empire, and the continent he was on. 

Looking at the wall of his office there was a large old leather from an unknown beast hanging alone on the wall, it was a continental proportion hand-drawn map, in the middle of what at first view, only had an appearance of a hanging work of art to adorn the office, had the mapped drawings of 2 shaped lands, one similar to a diamond in the middle of the ocean, to better understand he closed the distance and observing it he read in the upper part the name "Fallen Continent", it was surrounded by water, and as that draw map displayed 2 chunks of land, a very big one and another smaller one with an area about ¼ of the big one, written "Demondor" by the southeast of the bigger chunk of land.

Looking a bit closer, he understood that the smaller one was also a part of the big continent, but had some water in between. Back to the "Fallen Continent" a big chunk of land where he read the name of an empire and surrounding it 5 countries, back to the empire, he read the name of the empire: "Mixun Empire" and its emperor was "Carlile Mixun". This empire was split into 8 smaller parts of lands, the Regions, and each Region was named after the Commanding Family Clan surname as: "Elvendor", "Dwarvendor", "Mandor", "Beastdor", "Drakendor", "Mixundor", "Angeldor" and "Demondor", He also observed the racial division of the regions.

Closing his attention, he noticed that each Region was split into smaller chunks of land, the Territories, which were commanded by several family clans. As an example, the Elvendor Region was split into 5 territories, but it was noticeable that there were 2 Elvendor Territories, one big one covering the 1/2 of the lands by the border in the south and the to the north other 4, all about the same side. The Territories were: Elvendor, Elfian, Elvian, and Highetherean. Stunned, Bastian looked at the flag of the Family Clan on the wall and read his surname: "Elvendor" in golden embroidery letters over a black silk fabric, and he thought to himself:

“-Humph! It would be too much of a coincidence”.   

Now, Bastian tuned in his view and ran the point of his index finger at the map, finally, he placed his finger at a point marked in a short mountain range, His Family Clan Village, “Elvendor Village”, which stood in the very north border of the territory and region. 

Placing his left arm over his belly, he supported his right elbow over his left hand, and with his right hand he rubbed his chin wondering, hummed, and stated:

- Hum! So, there is a Main Family Clan branch, named Elvendor, commanding the region and the main and biggest territory and city: “Elvendor City”. As in this region, there are 2 territories with the same name, so “I” am the Young Master of a secondary family clan branch! After a second of knocking his head up and down, he said “good” twice and stated:

- Good! Good! It is a nice start! Looking back to the map he saw the next territory, and the region resumed on the mountains, the Dwarvendor region, which extended through a high mountain range also split into 3 territories, but after the mountain region and dwarven territories, another Region started, one human region city, and near the border there was a larger human city named “Edo”. These maps were accurate somehow, and the distances were displayed in “journey days”.

Just to state, he looked at both Elvendor territories' names and cities and giggled while scratching the back of his head wondering what were they thinking about, and he decided to put that thought to the back of his head, and go on with his research.   

By the documents, Bastian could estimate that city was not the nearest, nor easier to buy. But from his “predecessor” memories he understood that there was an indisposition towards his Great Grandmother, Liara. But now, he needed means to get resources, and reading through the books again he understood the main source of currency from the elven, and about the economics and the monetary situation itself.

They scratched some papers and digested while describing that worldly accepted monetary system that was based on various precious metals, including silver and mithril, and the system was designed for an easy understanding because the commoners, had low or no education. As it was easier to explain, it was also easy to distinguish among all of them. 

Copper Pieces (CP) were the most basic unit of currency in this system is the copper piece. Copper pieces are small, round coins made from copper and are used for everyday transactions. They were the most common and least valuable of all the coins. 

Silver Pieces (SP) Ten copper pieces were equivalent to one silver piece. Silver pieces were made from silver and were more valuable than copper pieces as well as 1 medium-grade magic core. They were used for larger transactions and were more commonly found in the hands of merchants and wealthier individuals.

Gold Pieces (GP) One hundred copper pieces or ten silver pieces were equivalent to one gold piece as well as 10 medium-grade magic cores. Gold pieces were made from gold and were the standard unit of currency for large transactions and wealth storage. They were often used by nobles, high-ranking officials, and successful merchants.

Platinum Pieces (PP) One thousand copper pieces, one hundred silver pieces, or ten gold pieces were equivalent to one platinum piece as well as 1 high-grade magic core. Platinum pieces were made from platinum and were the most valuable of the standard coins. They were used for very large transactions and were typically only found in the possession of the extremely wealthy or powerful.

Electrum Pieces (EP) Electrum pieces were a less common form of currency, made from a mixture of gold and silver. They were worth five silver pieces or half a gold piece. Electrum pieces were often used in regions where gold and silver were scarce or where the local government had chosen to issue electrum coins for specific purposes.

Mithril Pieces (MP) Mithril was a rare and valuable metal in this world, known for its strength and lightweight properties. Mithril pieces were worth one hundred gold pieces or ten platinum pieces as well as 100 high-grade magic cores. Due to their rarity and value, mithril pieces were typically used only for the most significant transactions or as a means of storing vast amounts of wealth. They were often found in the possession of royalty, high-ranking officials, and legendary heroes.

In this monetary system, the exchange rates between the various coins were fixed, making it easy for individuals to convert between different denominations. However, the actual value of the coins may fluctuate based on the supply and demand for the metals used to create them, as well as other factors such as political stability and economic conditions.

In addition to the standard coins, this system also included various regional or specialty currencies, such as potions, magic artifacts, magic cores, array banners, trade bars, gemstones, or other valuable items that could be used as a medium of exchange, if accepted by the other part.  These alternative forms of currency added depth and complexity to the world, as a form of increasing the value by the time of recovery of the artifact.

Now, with the basic knowledge, he could prepare himself to acquire the desired items, and a new headache popped up the veins on his forehead. Because as he had stated before, his wealth was entailed by the location aspect, and looking through the Family clan vaults and reserves he realized that it would not be enough to fulfill his intentions. 

Bastian now had to prepare himself with currency enough to make a good bid to gather all the items he needed and with a simple grim thought that he would think about it carefully on another day because he would go crazy if he spent another second inside the office.  

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