Published at 18th of September 2023 09:43:36 AM

Chapter 072

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Bastian woke feeling dizzy for some time, and he shook his head from side to side, but it took some time for the sensation to decrease, and as soon as it passed, completely lost, he looked around, searching everywhere, and he found all his women, some were sitting while others were trying to stand.

The huge hall was bright with some dust in the air, making it look somehow ethereal, the ceiling was too high to see its shape, and it felt like the sky itself. It was so large that Bastian took some time to see its walls, and it felt like it was made of some sort of jade. The floor was also slim and bright, made of the finest marble.

Bastian walked towards his women to see their state and discovered that everyone was fine, just with some dizziness from the sudden and fast teleportation. After gathering them and everyone adjusted to the best state, they walked around and found some drawings and carvings on the walls.

The carvings and drawings talked about the life's history of the place, with lots of people fighting giant beasts, and also about the wonders of the place's owner himself. Bastian was stunned, as it appeared that he understood them thoroughly as if they were written in a language he spoke. It took some time as he recalled that he had already seen that style of scenario on the walls of the throne room with the skeleton from whom he inherited the Godly Abode. 

As he talked to his women about it, a sudden voice spoke inside his head, and Bastian was glad to hear the voice from the Operator, who said:

- Master, this is a burial ceremonial ground, it was common for the ancients to create a place like this as their resting place! 

Bastian nodded his head, resuming to walk through the place, where he found another throne, skillfully carved in a single piece of stone, and a huge skeleton was sitting on it. As Bastian had seen it before, the skeleton was sitting on a regal stand, and no doubt was left for Bastian as it seemed familiar for him to see it. 

Bastian asked his women not to touch anything, and while scrutinizing the skeleton, he noticed something familiar and asked the Operator:

- What is that flame hovering on top of his head? The Operator answered:

- Master, you are really lucky, as it is a tamed essence flame! Bastian, confused, asked the Operator to explain it and the Operator said:

- Master, essence flame is the purest type of fire energy, and that one is already tamed. Bastian did not understand the "Tamed" part and asked again:

- Tamed? The Operator continued:

- Master, tamed essence flame because the owner had already conquered and absorbed it, refining it to his best. That is one of the most valued inheritances! Bastian had a doubtful expression and asked:

- Like the Thunder Energy I absorbed and merged? The Operator answered:

- Master, this is even better as you do not have to fight with it will be an easy absorption and merging. Bastian still investigated and scrutinized the skeleton part by part, bone by bone, and asked the Operator:

- Is it possible for all of us to absorb it? The Operator said:

- Yes, Master. It is really powerful for everyone to have it. Use your "Telekinesis" to bring it down, form a circle around it, and everybody can absorb it at the same time.

Bastian was happy and used his Telekinesis to bring it down. He explained it to all his women, and no time later everyone sat around the flame, and following his instruction, they released their old and polluted energy opening space to absorb the purer one, they took time to absorb it. Later on, after absorbing the flame, they felt really powerful, with pure energy running through their bodies, and Bastian walked towards the skeleton again, and this time he noticed a familiar stone in the skeleton's arm and asked the Operator:

- Is that red stone an artifact like the Godly Abode? The Operator said:

- Yes, Master. Take it and put a drop of blood on it.

Bastian did exactly as the Operator had said, and the stone disappeared from his hand. He felt a strange sensation and went inside his mind space with the representation of his cultivation. By his side, the Operator bowed and said:

- Master, it is a great acquisition for Master, as it has no vessel spirit. I can command it smoothly. Bastian did not understand and asked:

- Tell me what happened! The Operator bowed again and explained:

- Master, the artifact is exactly like the Godly Abode, but with a higher grade, it is several times more spacious with plenty more functions, and its energy reserves are full to the brim. Bastian was stunned by the information and asked:

- Is it mine now? The Operator answered with the truth:

- Congratulations Master! It has been successfully refined by the master and integrated with my device. Bastian took some time to comprehend it and asked the Operator:

- What functions are available? The Operator answered the truth:

- Master, the advanced functions depend on the power of the owner, and Master will take some time to reach them, but I am integrating all the resources available to my domain, such as libraries, offices, and training rooms, but it will take some time as it is several times more spacious and powerful. Bastian understood and asked:

- Is it difficult to leave it? The Operator said:

- Master, it is the same as it was before, under your will and command! Bastian was happy and said:

- Good! Good! Julya was surprised by Bastian's sudden expression and asked:

- Bastian? What happened? Bastian giggled, and with a large grin, he answered:

- Hi! Hi! We can leave it immediately! Now I am the owner of this Hidden Realm!

Everyone was surprised by his words, and with no delay, Bastian took everyone out of the Hidden Realm, appearing exactly at the same place they entered the realm before, but there was nothing more on the stone where the door was carved. Bastian said:

- Let us go back to the city! With a gesture of his hand, he gathered all the packs from the girls, hummed, and stated:

- Hum! I possess a Hidden Realm now! Bastian and his woman went back to the city, and there they discovered that the Emperor had already left the city by teleporting directly to Mixundor.

With the mission in mind, he took everyone back to Mixundor and decided to pay a visit to the Emperor. Later that day, Bastian and Dressa went to the Imperial Palace, where Bastian took all the skeletons from the Hidden Realm and delivered them to the Emperor, as he had in mind that his sons would still be alive. He was a little sad. Bastian explained that it was difficult for mages to survive inside that realm because it restrained their magic powers, and Bastian also took their diaries. The Emperor looked at Bastian and Dressa, saying:

- Thank you, Bastian! At least I can properly bury their bodies!

Bastian understood that the Emperor was sad, as it was a tremendous regression for him. Bastian went home, and in the days after he explored the Hidden Realm, with the Operator's help, he rearranged the spaces, taking time to move the throne rooms, placing one beside the other.

Bastian asked the Operator if he could change the soil type from the desert, and the Operator confirmed that it was an easy task. Bastian understood that the beasts could also be reallocated, creating a single forest. He rearranged according to his will, and now he had even more space to create anything he wanted as the hidden realm was capable of supporting life.

Inside the Godly Abode, he could plant but could not support too much animal life, but now he could create a forest with several animal species, even rivers full of fish if he wanted. Bastian was excited with the possibilities and with all the discoveries he had achieved until now, and he tried to do his best to comprehend the whole situation when the operator called him:

- Master, I need to talk to Master for a moment! Bastian was reading some newly found books and decided to answer the Operator:

- Ok, go on! The Operator resumed his explanations:

- Master, I have fully integrated the Hidden Realm into our Godly Abode and also achieved some improvements in cultivation. Would you like to see them? Bastian nodded his head, and they teleported to a place, he named it Cultivation Hallway, and the Operator explained:

- Master, now that we have all the elemental energies cultivation rooms fully operating, Master can cultivate inside them! Bastian looked at the Operator and asked:

- Can anyone cultivate inside it? The Operator explained:

- Yes, Master. I have also integrated a time array into the room, and the absorption and merging will be of the purest energy type. For thunder and fire, I can make use of Master's source, but for all the others, we need to find essence sources. Bastian nodded and asked:

- In the books I acquired from the Emperor, I found several places with Hidden Realms, including some descriptions about each one. I believe we can look for other essences, as well.

- Master is wise! We have already opened soul cultivation rooms and a magic library! With that, Master will probably rise to higher levels easily! Bastian nodded his head, and as he had imagined, he could also help provide a better environment for his women. He was happy about it and left the cultivation hallway.

In the real world, he was walking in his yard when he heard a nice voice calling him.

- Master! Bastian turned his head to see the gorgeous Saori, and with a smile, he answered:

- Yes? Saori came towards him, holding him by his arms, bit her lower lip, and asked:

- Would Master make me some company? Bastian loved the companionship of beautiful women and answered:

- I can go through the doors of hell for you! Saori smiled and said:

- Giddy tongue! Bastian opened a soft smile and said:

- We can make good use of that for now, can we?

Bastian took Saori’s arms and went to his bedroom under some staring gazes.

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