Published at 11th of April 2024 09:09:35 AM

Chapter 198: Chapter 198: Chapter 196: Freedom Day!

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Chapter 198: Chapter 196: Freedom Day!

Translator: 549690339

The name poses a risk? Lincoln nodded with understanding, Then lets change it.

It was just a joke that only he knew about, so he might as well change it. Theres no point in insisting on it.

The name was never the key. The real key is whether the event will be well received by the players.

Do you guys think players will like this event?

Without a second thought, Fred said, For players, the most important thing is feeling involved. This event can get all interested players to participate. I believe it will definitely be very popular.

Of course, we also need to control it a bit, so that they dont get eliminated too quickly at the beginning; otherwise, itll dampen their enthusiasm, Fred added.

Randall chimed in, I have a similar idea. We must control the beginning, otherwise, if players have been waiting for a long time, and they encounter an expert and get eliminated as soon as the event starts, the frustration will be too overwhelming.

Then, at the beginning of the event, lets limit the number of weapons and ammunition supplies, while increasing the quantity of armor and medical supplies, Lincoln said as he thought, and then introduce the near-death mechanism, allowing players whose health bars are empty to be revived by their teammatesprovided they havent been finished off by the enemy. This should greatly improve the players survival rates at the beginning.

Indeed, Randall thought it was very reasonable. According to the ten-player maximum per world setting in Assassins Alliance, if the size of the participating teams were also expanded up to ten players, then the likelihood of individuals being instantly killed would be greatly reduced.

Even if they were still eliminated, they would at least be eliminated with their teammates.

Everyone would be in the same boat, venting together and cursing their opponents. Anger would dissipate, and frustration wouldnt be too intense.

Although its called an event, its essentially a large-scale competition involving all players! Randall grew more excited about the idea.

Compared to previous domestic competitions, which proudly boasted about millions of viewers watching simultaneously, millions of participating players seemed much more significant.

Updted on

Then! Lincoln made the final decision, I announce that the preparation for the first major event of Assassins Alliance, [Freedom Day], will begin! First, draft a proposal to determine the specific plans! In the name of Freedom Day, he came up with for the event.

Freedom and gunfights, they go hand in hand, dont they?

As for the timing, it was tentatively scheduled for after the release of Light Encounter, to give Light Encounter enough room to ferment.

Otherwise, Little Chun and the Art girls might harbor some resentment.

The little intern, Camille, at the studio probably wouldnt be an exception either.

After approving the pre-launch plan for Light Encounter by Samuel, Lincoln finally announced the end of the meeting.

After the meeting, Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief. Even as a boss, he still didnt like meetings. It felt more tiring than doing a days work.

However, he couldnt rest yet. He needed to go to the Unmanned Factory in the afternoon, which seemed even more exhausting.

So he turned to go to the Spaceship to find Mavis and relax his nerves.

Even Lincoln, who hates meetings so much, held a meeting for his employees on the first day of September. NetDragon was no exception.

In fact, holding a monthly meeting on the first or last day of the month seemed to have become an unwritten custom.

Employees loathe it, while managers revel in it.

In NetDragons meeting room.

Richard glared at Warner with anger, Its been two months. Did your R&D come up with anything?

Warner didnt know how to answer.

Very well, no results. Richard suppressed his anger, So, I think, at least you can tell me about your R&D progress, right? Any breakthroughs? How much longer do you need?

Progress Warner organized his thoughts, Weve ruled out all the mainstream chip cracking methods currently available and are trying completely new cracking techniques.

??? Richard, after all, studied management and didnt know much about technology, so he was inevitably befuddled by these words.

However, he quickly reacted, So, in aweeks time, all youve done is to try all the mainstream cracking methods one by one, and then declare failure. Is that right?

Warner nodded bitterly.

So there hasnt been any progress, has there? Richard pressed.

Warner nodded again.

Richard angrily slapped his office desk, making a loud noise, startling everyone in front of the conference table.

So many people, and none of you can come up with a solution?! He finally couldnt hold back his anger, his voice getting louder: You are all veteran members in the industry for so many years, yet are forced into a corner by a college student who hasnt even graduated?! Cant you come up with a single countermeasure, only being able to passively wait to be beaten?!

Everyone present lowered their heads and stayed silent while being scolded.

Richard looked at the ineffectiveness of these people and grew even angrier, Think about it! If the companys business doesnt improve and our profits continue to decline, do you think you can maintain your current income levels?!

I know some people dont care and think they can just jump ship if the company isnt doing well, but let me tell you! Richard roared, If you dont want to find a solution, even if you switch to another company, theres no way you can maintain your current income! Think about the treatment youll get at a PC and console game studio after the rise of VR! Practitioners income has generally decreased by at least a quarter!

If you still dont care, thats fine! As you wish!

Having vented his anger, Richards voice slowly calmed down, But if you still care and want to maintain, or even surpass, your current income levels, then please use your brains and come up with a countermeasure!

He finished speaking, closed his mouth, crossed his arms, and looked at the managers in the office.

In the office, the air seemed to have become stagnant as all the executives felt the suffocating atmosphere.

Richard may be young, but he is still the boss. And since he doesnt have a long historv of working with them. there is little emotional attachment.

Being impartial towards the veterans is a kind of pressure!

In this unbearable silence, the marketing department director, Wesley, finally broke the silence and said, I have an idea, but I need to report it privately to the boss.

Richard looked at Wesley who had just spoken and thought about it. Wesleys performance recently had been quite good.

He was the first to discover Cloud Dreams production of the Mirage Console, and later helped Warner to buy the console from the market without any mistakes. Every evaluation on the market was quite accurate.

Even with those few mistakes, it was purely because Henry screwed up the command and dragged everyone down.

He waved his hand, Meeting adjourned.

The crowd let out a sigh of relief, got up, and quickly left the meeting room.

When only Richard and Wesley were left in the meeting room, Wesley finally sat down nearby and whispered to Richard, Yesterday, I got the news that Cloud Dream had signed supply agreements with three more unmanned factories.

Richard seemed to understand, and followed up Wesleys words, So what?

Two of them used to be our suppliers before. Wesley revealed something Richard didnt know.

Ever since NetDragon built its own unmanned factory, it no longer places orders from external companies.

Wesley had been with the company for years and had been responsible for all their previous collaborations, which is why he was so familiar with them.

If we can provide them with enough benefits, this might be a breakthrough. Wesleys voice was very low, as if he was afraid of being overheard.

But Richards eyes lit up!

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