Published at 30th of April 2024 08:09:49 AM

Chapter 234: Chapter 234: Chapter 232: Searching for Xu Chun

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Chapter 234: Chapter 232: Searching for Xu Chun

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: 549690339

In the 86 virtual cities, the battles came to an end, and teams succeeded in advancing through the fierce preliminary selection.

Just within three hours in the morning, a total of 800,000 players were eliminated to select these 860 teams!

However, these three hours have brought countless experiences and lessons to all players.

Yis shouting was destined to be the ignored wail of a loser.

Everyone was busy summarizing experiences and lessons, formulating targeted training plans, in order to gain greater opportunities for further matches.

Its not easy; theres a lot of research on just the use of cars alone.

The private messages of cold weapon expert Xu Chun were almost exploding.

Before today, Xu Chuns private messages often received questions: Does the boss accept disciples?

But that was more of a tease, and the players who were genuinely interested and sincerely wanted to learn were not in high proportion.

Now its different, with inquiries from ordinary players as well as esports clubs trying to find him, even outside the game.

Many club managers were looking for his contact information, hoping to invite him into the reality to give classes for their players, and if he could help in formulating training plans, that would be even better!

Money is not a problem!

Several clubs even publicly posted messages on Spiritual Rhinoceros, offering a sky-high price of 10,000 yuan per class to find him as soon as possible.

No one could have foreseen how useful cold weapons would be under special circumstances!

This was an area that previous training had not covered, so they had to consult the person who performed most outrageously in this aspect.

Regardless of whether they could find him or not, coaches would include this area in their training schedule.

Finding a real cold weapon expert in the Internet age is actually not difficult for these esports club managers

Not at all!

Due to the influence of the hundreds of years of war, Daxia has been peaceful for over a decade, and the tertiary industry has thrived, but the martial spirit is far from declining.

The martial arts of various schools are still intact, not only the widely spread large boxing styles and schools, but also many small boxing styles limited to a county or town, which can easily find students.

Moreover, benefiting from the open-mindedness of the new era, the situation of teaching a disciple and starving a master no longer exists.

The elderly and truly skilled boxing masters are living intangible cultural heritages, registered with local official institutions, receiving subsidies and nrntpctinn

Boxing masters are highly respected in the local area.

When a master teaches their students, they truly spare no effort, and the students respect their masters from the heart.

Years ago, a young man took advantage of the absence of the masters disciple and challenged an old boxing master, seriously injuring the 55-year-old master.

As a result, the next day, the police came to find him.

Not to arrest him, but to protect him. If they didnt move him to the police station immediately, the students of the martial arts school would surround the small hotel he stayed at that day.

Even so, it didnt help, as the old boxing master didnt want to pursue the matter, and the young man was taught a few days and then sent home.

However, after leaving the county, the young man was beaten the next day on his hometowns streets.

Being skilled didnt help, as the attackers were trained, and 10 of them squeezed him, and he was finished.

He was beaten and didnt accept his defeat. He went to look for his fellow disciples for help, but none of them helped him, and the master scolded him severely and expelled him from the school.

Since then, even though public and private competitions and exchanges among different martial arts schools and regional styles continue to be very frequent, and the competitive atmosphere is strong, thanks to the involvement of Daxias relevant agencies, the industry has quickly formed relatively complete rules of competition, and its no longer the harsh environment it used to be.

Incidents like a young man challenging an old master basically dont happen anymore.

As everyone knows, many martial arts have corresponding cold weapon techniques and traditions.

Some of them are for facilitating the finding of power and assisting in boxing training, but others serve to maximize the damage inflicted!

However, the latter is still not lightly taught, and if a master wants to teach a disciple this, they have to make a record first and check the disciples background.

If they have a criminal record or even a direct relative with a criminal record, then they can forget about learning, as its not allowed at all.

So for these managers, finding a cold weapon master is not difficult.

The hard part is finding a cold weapon master who can perform as a Superman in the game.

After all, the difference between cold weapon combat in reality and in the game is significant

Seeing so many people looking for Xu Chun on the Internet, Lincoln was quite happy.

Because he had contacted Xu Chun before.

But not for apprenticeship

He had a vague game idea in his mind: allowing players to become a chivalrous person, walking on walls in the ancient Changan City.

Although it had no chance to be implemented yet, it didnt prevent him from gathering talents first.

However, since childhood, Xu Chun practiced martial arts with his Old Dad and went back to help him run a martial arts school after graduating from university. His Old Dad wanted him to inherit the martial arts school and did not want him to leave his hometown.

Although he liked games and was tempted by Lincolns invitation, he couldnt persuade his Old Dad, so he couldnt make the trip.

He didnt know if this big event would be an opportunity.

After watching the morning games with Mavis, Lincoln didnt plan to pay attention to the afternoon games, as he was busy with many things.

The first was Kyles invitation to jointly interview key positions in the newly registered Brain-Controlled Prosthetic Limbs Company.

Barely quitting was always a minority; most people worked regular hours on weekdays and would only be available for interviews on weekends.

Only after confirming that they could work would they resign from their original companies.

Dream Cloud Studio didnt like this.

But for companies outside of the studio, Lincoln wouldnt be so demanding, as normal people need to support their families, and job stability was a normal state of mind.

Lincoln attended an afternoon interview with a poker face, holding a dog in his arms.

Kyle respected him and always asked for his opinion, but in general, he had no opinions, and would only shake his head and refuse if Mavis told him that the interviewee had a problem.

In the end, Mavis also provided an additional report, listing which ones among the chosen candidates for each position were Kyles old subordinates, cooperated partners, and completely newly recruited strangers.

With Quentinas recruited financial staff and intelligent office platform controlled by Mavis the whole time, the development of the company could be basically guaranteed not to get out of Lincolns control.

After dinner, Lincoln looked at Yue Pengju and hesitated to ask: Brother Yue, have you ever been to a night club?

? Yue Pengju looked at him suspiciously, thinking Lincoln was planning to go to the nightclub behind the Princesss back.

No, Yue Pengju replied simply, as he was also a fan of the Princess and couldnt indulge Lincoln.

Lincoln opened his mobile phone, looking for help from Mavis.

Mavis had great confidence in him and quickly found a well-reviewed and not too far away night club for him, even planning the route for him.

Yue Pengju saw the address sent by Lincoln, hesitated for two seconds, and still kept quiet, somewhat depressed, as he drove off.

Lincoln didnt forget to say, Brother Yue, Ill treat you to the most expensive wine when we get there!

Before Yue Pengju could refuse, Lincoln realized and said, Oh, you cant drink when you drive, never mind.

Yue Pengju became more depressed.

But when they arrived at the club, Lincoln faced a problem.

He just remembered that dogs couldnt be taken into night clubs not only because the clubs wouldnt allow it, but the dog wouldnt like it either!

He came to experience the atmosphere of restlessness, ambiguity, passion, and enthusiasm, but the dog couldnt stand the noise.

While hesitating, he suddenly heard a surprised voice from behind: Lincoln?

Lincoln turned around and saw his monitor, Xu Qiuyun, looking at him in surprise, I didnt expect you to come to a night club!

In the past, Lincoln had always been a good student in his classmates eyes: he studied hard at school, did Work-Study Programs out of school to earn a living, and basically had no entertainment.

After inventing the virtual reality game console and founding Cloud Dream to make a fortune, it seemed that people just added a label of techie, and the impression in their hearts did not change much.

Now, suddenly meeting him at the entrance of a nightclub without any warning, it was no wonder Xu Qiuyun was surprised.

Im not, I am not, dont misunderstand! Lincoln denied subconsciously, Its for work purposes, feeling the atmosphere and looking for inspiration. Oh- Xu Qiuyun nodded knowingly, with an I understand expression.

Dont worry, I wont tell the Princess, she said.

Lincoln looked contused. What did she mean by that( He and the Princess were completely innocent!

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