Published at 1st of May 2024 10:22:21 AM

Chapter 235: Chapter 235: Chapter 233: Boss LinIs First Experience at the Night Club

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Chapter 235: Chapter 233: Boss LinIs First Experience at the Night Club

Udted by BXNVEL.CM

Translator: 549690339

Looking at the monitor, Xu Qiuyuns meaningful expression, Lincoln really wanted to throw the dog at her face!

Whats up? Youre allowed here but Im not? Is that fair?!

Before he could throw his dog, Xu Qiuyun leaned towards him, Is this the dog you bought? Hes adorable! Let me hold him!

Lincoln handed the dog over to her, pointing at the nightclub signboard: Is this your territory?

As the class monitor, Xu Qiuyun was very caring towards her classmates, especially Lincolns former self.

When he first got into Donghua University, he had a hard time getting used to Xiajing City. Xu Qiuyun was always there to lend a hand to him.

Not only did she help him apply for student aid for the underprivileged but also introduced him to some good part-time jobs.

Only when Lincoln got accustomed to life in Xiajing City, found a steady part-time job, became a top performer in class, and even won several scholarships, did Xu Qiuyun slowly stop looking out for him.

So, Lincoln knew Xu Qiuyun fairly well: She was a local from Xiajing, from a well-off family background, seemed to have wide social connections, was outgoing, and seemed to have a ton of friends. It seemed like she could get along wherever she went.

So when he saw her outside the nightclub, Lincoln wasnt surprised, and directly asked if it was her territory.

After petting the dog for a while, the little guy shamelessly wanted to lick her face. Xu Qiuyun promptly covered the dogs mouth and began rubbing its head.

Hearing Lincolns question, she laughed speechlessly: What do you mean my territory? A friend of mine got dumped and came here to drown her sorrows. Im just here to keep her company so she doesnt get taken advantage of while drunk. Do I look like Im here to party?

Compared to the dress code on a typical night at the club, Xu Qiuyun seemed to be dressed rather simply.

Im here working on a new game that needs some sensory data from the nightclub scene. As Ive never experienced anything like this before, I cant blindly wing it, so I came to gather some first-hand materials, Lincoln explained his purpose once again.

Seeing his serious face, Xu Qiuyun nodded, indicating she truly believed him.

However, she immediately noted: In that case, youve come too early. Right now is just the time for drinks and chats. If you want to experience when the nightclub gets lively, you have to wait until after 10 0clock. If you want to feel the most energetic and bustling atmosphere, you have to wait until 12 0clock at night.

I see. Lincoln nodded, That works too. Since I cant get in now, I might as well come back later.

You cant get in? Xu Qiuyun asked in surprise, Why? Lincoln pointed to the dog she was holding in her arms.

Oh, I see. Xu Qiuyun nodded, acknowledging his explanation. But immediately she expressed her disagreement, Dont be so rigid, you can always be flexible.

After saying that, she stuffed the dog into her bag and cheerfully said, Lets go. Ill buy you a drink in honor of boss Lincolns maiden visit to a nightclub.

You make it sound like its some monumental event Lincoln grumbled as he followed her inside.

Yue Pengju followed closely behind Lincoln.

Finding her friend sitting at the bar, drinking alone, Xu Qiuyun called over the bartender, One Tom Collins, and then another She gave a confused Lincoln a look, after pondering for a moment, another Martini, a first-time drinkers Martini. Watch him prepare it.

Martini, touted as the king of cocktails, is one of the most classic cocktails.

Considering Lincolns personality, Xu Qiuyun didnt think he was a regular at bars, so she simply ordered a classic drink for him.

As the Martini cocktail is so classic and has many ways to prepare, and Xu Qiuyun specifically mentioned its the first drink for a newbie, the bartender would take care of Lincolns acceptance level and adjust the taste.

You could say she was quite considerate.

Too bad Lincoln didnt understand any of this, nor did he care to. As long as a trustworthy friend was helping him choose, he was fine with anything.

Xu Qiuyuns friend was a short-haired girl who was currently attempting to drown her sorrows in alcohol because of a breakup, one drink following another.

After Xu Qiuyun tried to console her friend a few times but to no avail, she simply stopped trying to persuade her and instead took out the little milkshake from her bag in plain sight and started rubbing its head.

She wasnt really the type of person who can relate to others feelings, so keeping an eye on her friend to make sure she wasnt taken advantage of, and sending her home before the nightclub started getting rowdy was enough to fulfil her duty as a friend.

Did she need to play the part of the motherly sister, comforting her one sentence at a time? Spare her!

Who knows if you would happily scold the jerk with her, only for them to get back together? She wasnt about to do something that foolish.

While the bar was quiet and Little Milkshake was behaving, why not play with the dog.

The bartender was taken aback when he saw the dog, did these people not take him seriously?

Although this really wasnt his concern

Passing the prepared drinks over without a word, he signaled to a waiter.

The waiter, clearly startled by the sight of the dog, hurried over.

Xu Qiuyun looked to Lincoln, gesturing for him to handle it.

Lincoln looked back at her, signaling for her to handle it herself.

Lincoln did guess that if he casually dropped a line like, Bring me ten bottles of your most expensive wine,

The waiter probably wouldnt utter another word and might even treat them like royalty.

But sorry, Boss Lin is frugal, even if the money was insignificant to him, he still didnt want to waste it.

What he couldnt spend so much money on? Throwing it to a night club he wouldnt visit again?

Even donating to the Ancient Architecture Recording and Protection Foundation, many people would sincerely thank him.

Would anyone thank him for throwing money in a night club? They would likely curse him behind his back for being gullible.

As for saving face in front of a beautiful woman?

Sorry, Lincoln didnt need it, nor did he consider squandering money a way to improve his image.

So, its showtime, Ms. President. Time to expertly adapt, as youve said!

Seeing Lincoln unmoved, Xu Qiuyun rolled her eyes.

Though if Lincoln mindlessly threw money around, shed stop him, but Lincolns complete indifference and amusement at the situation frustrated her.

Sorry, we dont allow pets inside. The waiter spoke politely.

Oh, this isnt a pet. Xu Qiuyun lied without blinking.

??? The waiter looked confused, was she treating him like a fool? Then whats that in your hands?

This? , Xu Qiuyun continued nonchalantly, Its emergency food, I think your establishment allows customers to bring their own food.

The waiter was shocked by such an outrageous excuse, he felt his intelligence had been insulted.

But he didnt know how to refute it and was rendered speechless for a moment.

Lincoln kind of pitied the guy.

But Xu Qiuyun wasnt trying to make things difficult for him. Before the waiter could say anything else, she took a gold membership card out of her bag and handed it over. After a glance, the waiter silently walked away.

Lincoln was dumbfounded: And you said this wasnt your turf?

Xu Qiuyun shrugged, not giving much explanation, Drink up.

While Lincoln was enjoying his cocktail leisurely for his Speed Chase project, Xu Chun was in the midst of making a critical life decision..

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