Published at 20th of February 2024 12:48:46 PM

Chapter 189

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 Sad Slaughter.

(*Celia’s POV*)

Before nightfall, Ria and I decided to ask every person we could find if they wanted us to kill them. Then, the entire place started begging us to kill them. In the end, we agreed, but only during the night, so that they wouldn’t die in pain. Now, we were waiting in our room for the sun to go down.

Celia: “I can’t believe that they all want to die…” I say with a sigh.

Teren: “I’ve been alone for a long time, so of course my words were the truth. I love my people, and asking you to kill them still pains me. And will probably scar me for the rest of my life.” She explained.

Ria: “We will kill them, but will you actually give us one of those Elixirs of Life?” She asked with a serious tone.

Teren: “I was planning on giving you something else. What do you want one for? If it is just because you want to be immortal, then I won’t give it to you.” She replied.

Well, we had to wait anyway. So we explained our reasons for needing an Elixir of Life, and why we have come to this continent. After explaining, Teren agreed to give us one of the Elixirs of Life. In her words, Yona getting injured is partly her fault, as Teren didn’t finish off that Rot Goddess. As she was a transmigrater, we also explained most of our life to her as well.

Teren: “Is there perhaps more room back on your continent? It will take some convincing, but I am sure that Soma would love to come with me to your land.” She asked.

Celia: “There is room, but why do you want to come to our land?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Teren: “Are you kidding me? Why wouldn’t I want to live near so many powerful beings? Besides, I will even repair that teleportation array.” She offered.

Ria: “You can repair it?” She asked with an unsure tone.

Teren: “It’s not even broken.” She replied.

Celia: “What!?” I exclaim.

Teren: “It breaking down is part of its design. How else would I constantly scam all of those kingdoms out of their Celestium?” She replied with a laugh.

Fuck… I can’t believe she got away with scamming so many kingdoms… And what’s worse, is that the scam continued to work, even after she got trapped here in Brimo. If she got out a few years ago, then no one would even notice a thing…

Teren: “Ah, I hear them already starting to screech and claw at the door. I guess it’s time to end this whole thing, huh?” She said with a sigh.

Celia: “I guess so… I’ll make sure to gloat to Yona that I killed an army of the undead just to wake her up!” I exclaim.

Before opening up the door, we put on some of those anti zombie gear. They didn’t work as well as before, but it was good enough for what we needed at the moment. Even though they don’t seem to notice Teren, we made sure to pile a few of them onto her, just in case. I feel like I scarily say this a lot, but let the slaughter commence!

*Hours Later.*

I feel like I heavily underestimated how many people lived in this city… Ruina, bless her heart, took time off from working to count how many undead that Ria and I killed. It seems that a majority of the people here decided to stay in doors, and only a few would actually walk around during the day.

All in all, we killed over a few hundred thousand undead. And we luckily managed to finish them off before the sun came up. Teren solemnly looked at the bodies of her people. She then turned to us, and flashed us an evil smile.

Teren: “Tell me ladies, have you ever wanted to play with a nuke?” She asked.

Celia: “I don’t like where this is going, Teren…” I reply with a nervous tone.

Teren: “Well, you see, I was bored for a long time, and I managed to make a mini-nuke. I feel that it is only right to burn this kingdom to the ground. Why not do it in a grand way?” She proposed.

Ria and I wouldn’t budge, and we kept denying her crazy ass idea. Teren kept trying to convince us while we made our way to her house. Which was where she stashed those elixirs. Funnily enough, she slowly regained her true size while we walked.

Teren: “Now that I’ve returned to my true age, wearing this dress that is far too small for me makes me look like a pervert…” She said with an embarrassed tone.

With a laugh, I handed her a new dress to wear, to which she happily accepted. Teren rummaged through her small shack house, before she handed us an Elixir of Life. I quickly stored it in my inventory, and Teren opened her other one up and drank it in one gulp.

Teren: “We should quickly leave this place.” She suggested with a hurried tone.

Ria: “Why?” She asked.

Teren: “Because I set the nuke to go off in a few minutes.” She answered with a nonchalant tone.

Ria: “…”

Without waiting a second longer, Ria picked us both up and flew to the barrier. Ria flew head first into the barrier, which caused a human sized hole to show up. Luckily, the barrier was weak, so Ria wasn’t hurt by it at all. The hole quickly closed up, but we were now safe outside. Not! The crazy chick Teren set off a fucking nuke!

Soma: “Teren!? You’re alive!?” She exclaimed with a happy tone.

Did Soma come here because her magic was triggered by Teren using the Elixir of Life? That isn’t important at all right now!

Ria: “Soma, turn into your dragon form and fly us away as fast as you can! Your wife set off some crazy weapon!” She demanded.

I think Ria used some kind of power, as Soma quickly did as Ria said. Soma flew us away as fast as she could, and we were luckily far outside the blast radius of the nuke. As it set off, we just watched the explosion. Wait… that wasn’t a nuke, though? I mean, it was a big explosion, but I don’t think that it was a nuclear one…

Soma: “That was what you were worried about? It barely had enough power to destroy the barrier…” She said with a disappointed tone.

Ria and I looked at Teren, who had a very guilty look on her face. Apparently, it wasn’t a nuke at all, just a decently strong magical bomb that she made for fun. Once again, Ria and I were both still very tired, so we asked Soma if we could sleep in her home with her.

Soma complained that she wouldn’t be able to touch her wife until we leave, but she accepted in the end. Without even bothering to take our clothes off, I just made a whole ass bed appear out from my inventory, and went to sleep next to Ria. Tomorrow, we should be able to head home, and finally wake Yona up. I can’t wait, I am just so excited! I didn’t just jinx myself again, right?…

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!