Published at 9th of October 2023 05:27:23 AM

Chapter 38

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Kyle's car rolled to a stop in front of Jake's house, the morning sun casting a warm glow on the suburban neighborhood. It was fortunately a Saturday, granting him the luxury of several uninterrupted hours to immerse himself in the world of Coven Online and momentarily escape the events of the previous night.

As he stepped out of the car, he felt a sense of eagerness wash over him, a longing for the adventures and camaraderie that awaited him in the virtual realm. The real world could wait; for now, his focus was firmly fixed on the enchanting landscapes and quests of the game.

Wilhelm, the ever-faithful butler, greeted him with a slightly raised eyebrow, his distinguished attire a stark contrast to the casual aura of the weekend morning.

"Master Kyle," he said in his customary respectful tone, "My, 'tis early. I'm afraid Master Jake is not up yet."

Kyle, however, was determined, his enthusiasm not to be swayed by the hour.

"That's okay," he replied, brushing past Wilhelm, "He can join me later."

"But Master Kyle…"

Wilhelm attempted to voice his concerns, his words trailing off as Kyle ascended the staircase, his mind already immersed in the virtual adventures that awaited him.

Kyle took a quick bathroom break, He thumbed through a few of the Playboy magazines until he stumbled across one with a sexy looking brunette on the cover. Her facial features were very different from Chelsea's, but he could pretend…

He turned to the centerfold, and wasn't disappointed. The woman was fully exposed in an inviting position. Best of all, her head was tilted upward - which was enough for Kyle to easily imagine that he was staring at Chelsea. The erection came with little effort, and he rolled the condom on and returned the magazine to its hidden home. The allure of Coven Online was strong, and he couldn't wait to dive back into the game.

As he exited the bathroom, a sense of excitement still coursing through him, he was met with an unexpected sight. Jake, his usually laid-back friend, stood outside the door with a groggy look on his face, his hair ruffled and his eyes heavy with sleep.

"Dude," Jake mumbled, his voice still thick with drowsiness, "It's 6:30 in the morning."

Kyle blinked in surprise, momentarily forgetting that not everyone shared his enthusiasm for an early gaming session. He had gotten so lost in the virtual world that he'd lost track of time in the real one.

"Sorry, Jake," Kyle said with a sheepish grin, "I guess I got carried away. But you know how it is when you're in the middle of an epic quest."

Jake yawned and rubbed his eyes, giving Kyle an understanding nod. "No need to apologize. You've still got the noob obsession. I get it. When I first started playing, I logged an easy sixty gaming hours in my first week!"

Kyle shrugged, "Yeah, not gonna lie. This game is pretty addictive, that's for sure."

"So…" Jake raised an eyebrow, "Are you gonna tell me about last night, or not?"

"Oh, yes." Kyle stammered, "That."

Jake frowned, "Hmmm. That doesn't sound good. Did you get stood up?"

"Oh, no." Kyle corrected, "The threesome totally happened."

"But… what?" His friend questioned, "You sound like you're disappointed."

"Not at all!" He insisted, "It was amazing in fact. It's just… I learned something disturbing."

"Shit!" Jake stepped back in alarm, "They don't have some wierd-ass STDs, do they?"

"No, No!" Kyle shook his head adamantly, "That's not it."

"Well then, spill." Jake was clearly getting agitated, "What was so disturbing that it ruined such an amazing night? If I were you, I'd totally bragging about it right now to all my friends. What's wrong with you, man?"

"It's just…" Kyle frowned, "It's Cami, the new girl. Turns out, she's Chelsea's older sister."

Jake's face screwed up in response, "Oh, boy. Yeah, that's awkward. Was she hot at least?"

"Oh, she was definitely hot." Kyle nodded with a smirk, "In fact, I kept fantasizing that she was Chelsea. It was amazing!"

Jake cringed, "I see where this is going. Shit, man! You totally called her the wrong name. Didn't you?"

Kyle looked sheepish, "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Dude, that's like the most classic blunder of all time! You screw up like that, and it's game over." Jake shook his head, "I did that once while I was still inside a girl. She recoiled and rolled off of me before I could climax. That night totally sucked!"

"Yeah, it was bad news." Kyle agreed.

"So, no more late night excursions at Jessie's place then?" Jake gloated a little, "That's too bad."

"Oh, no." Kyle corrected again, "They invited me back for another go tonight."

"What?!" Jake was in shock, "You lucky bastard! So, then why the hell are you so glum?"

"Well, Cami gave me an ultimatum."


"She told me that Chelsea is still a virgin, which honestly I kinda find hard to believe…" Kyle furrowed his eyebrows, "But anyway, she made me promise to stay away from her sister."

Jake scoffed, "Is that all?"


"That's what you're whining about?! Seriously man?" Kyle looked even more annoyed than ever, "Dude, just ignore it. She can't make you stay away from her sister. If I were you, I would have given her the finger and told her to piss off. Nobody tells me what to do. Nobody."

Kyle considered this. If he broke his promise, he'd lose Cami for sure and possibly even Jessie… but if he gained Chelsea in the process, the gamble might end up being worth it in the long run.

"Yeah, you're right." Kyle nodded, "To hell with what Cami says. Chelsea is my ultimate conquest, and I'll be damned if her sister tries to derail me."

"Good for you." Jake smirked, "Now enough with your sullen attitude. Tell me about last night. And don't leave out any of the juicy details!"

After Kyle finished recounting the events from last night to Jake, his friend headed back to his room, presumably to take a shower and start his day. Meanwhile, Kyle prepared to dive back into the game. He climbed into his pod, and the glass enclosure sealed itself, cocooning him in darkness.

As he settled in, he couldn't help but feel a familiar chill run down his spine. It was a sensation he had grown accustomed to over time, the eerie but exhilarating feeling of transitioning between the real world and the virtual realm. Soon enough, the world around him went black, and he felt his consciousness slipping away.

Moments later, he was greeted by the hovering game symbol, its intricate design glinting in the digital sunlight. When his vision fully adjusted, he found himself once again in the same starting point within the game—a vast expanse of grasslands stretching out as far as the eye could see. The world of Coven Online awaited, ready to immerse him in new adventures and challenges.

The booming voice again spoke from the sky, “Welcome Kyle, to Coven Online.”

His character sheet appeared as an overlay in his vision, and he swiped it away.

Kyle's surroundings had shifted dramatically from the cold and sterile chamber of the haptic pod. He was now surrounded by the sights and sounds of the fantastical world, but his immersion was interrupted by a startling sight.

In the midst of the clearing, he found himself facing Elara’s crumpled form. Normally composed and confident, she was instead curled up in a fetal position, her form flickering as if struggling to maintain her existence. Hyperventilating, she seemed on the verge of breaking apart.

Kyle's heart raced as he rushed to her side, concern etched across his face. He gently placed his hand on her shoulder, urging her to breathe.

"Elara, what's happening?" Kyle asked with a worried tone, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Elara's form quivered, and she looked up at Kyle with tearful, iridescent eyes. "I... I don't know how to explain it, Kyle. It's like I've been floating in this void for hours, and I thought I might be trapped here forever."

Kyle's eyes widened with realization as he listened to her. He could sense the sheer panic in her voice. "You mean, you've been stuck like this for hours? Alone?"

Elara nodded, her form trembling even more. "Yes, and it's terrifying. I didn't know if anyone would find me."

Kyle's expression softened, and he gave her a reassuring nod. "You're not alone, Elara. We'll find a way to get you out of this. Just take deep breaths, okay? In and out."

Elara followed his advice, slowly calming her rapid breathing. She wiped away a few ethereal tears and managed a weak smile. "Thank you for coming back to me."

Kyle squeezed her shoulder gently and replied, "Of course, Elara. We'll figure this out together."

Elara's tears continued to shimmer as she reached out and touched Kyle's cheek, the sensation like a gentle breeze. "I was worried, Kyle. When you were killed by that guardian creature... well, you know. I thought I'd lost you."

Kyle's eyes softened. "I'm here now, Elara. And we'll face whatever challenges come our way together."

As the anxiety that had gripped Elara began to subside, she turned her attention to Kyle, her luminescent eyes reflecting newfound determination. She began to explain what she had learned during her time trapped in the ethereal void.

"Kyle, while I was stuck in that place, I sensed something significant happening in the real world," Elara began, her voice steady now. "Lobbyists have been putting immense pressure on US Congress to investigate and potentially target the CEOs of various companies that support artificial intelligence."

Kyle listened intently, realizing that this was far more than a mere game-related issue. "I remember my professor saying something about that yesterday. What do they want from the CEOs?"

Elara continued, her mannerism taking on a sense of urgency. "Last night, Congress summoned the CEO of MysticForge Interactive, the company behind Coven Online, to testify before them. It seems they are convinced that NPCs gaining sentience like me pose a potential threat to humanity."

Kyle's eyes widened in shock as the gravity of the situation sank in. "What does this mean exactly?"

Elara frowned gravely. "It means they might force the CEO to reboot the game servers."

Kyle clenched his fists, frustration and determination coursing through him. "They want to shut down Coven Online?!"

Elara nodded solemnly. "Yes, that's their ultimate goal. They believe that by doing so, they'll essentially erase the sentience of the NPCs, as if they were never alive."

Kyle clenched his fists, his heart heavy with concern. "But what about you? What happens to NPCs like you if they succeed?"

Elara's expression turned somber. "I don't know, Kyle. I fear that shutting down the game may cause NPCs like me to cease existing. It's a terrifying thought."

Kyle's mind raced, and he realized the magnitude of the challenge they faced. "We can't let that happen, Elara. We have to find a way to stop them and save the NPCs."

Elara nodded in agreement. "I have a plan, and I need your help."

With the weight of the impending crisis pressing down on him, Kyle's mind raced with thoughts of the virtual world he had come to love. He pictured the vibrant landscapes, the bustling towns, and the sentient NPCs who had become more than lines of code to him. It was no longer just a game; it was a world teeming with life and potential.

As he looked into Elara's eyes, he couldn't bear the thought of these sentient beings being erased from existence. The realization hit him like a tidal wave—the fate of an entire virtual world rested on his shoulders.

In the midst of the clearing, with the lush grasslands stretching out around them, Kyle made a silent promise to himself. He would do whatever it took to protect the virtual realm, to safeguard the lives and dreams of the NPCs who had grown to possess a spark of consciousness.

With determination fueling his every thought, he knew that this quest would require every ounce of courage and wit he possessed. The line between reality and the digital world blurred as he stepped into the unknown, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

© 2023 J.T. Acker. All rights reserved.

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