Published at 10th of May 2024 07:03:45 AM

Chapter 48: Chapter 48: Chapter 31: Visitor_1

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Chapter 48: Chapter 31: Visitor_1


Translator: 549690339

So it was, three days later.

A huge caravan entered Xuzhou City.

Armored soldiers led the way with imposing military horses at the front, followed by sturdy servants and skilled Martial World escorts at the rear.

In the center was a grand carriage pulled by four horses side by side, luxurious and extraordinary, further exuding majesty.

Since ancient times, there were regulations for the number of horses in a carriage: the emperors carriage had six, vassals had five, high-ranking officials had four, scholars had three, literati had two, and commoners had one.

A four-horse carriage was the privilege of high-ranking officials, indicating the extraordinary status of the person inside.

Inside the carriage, two men were seated opposite each other. One was dressed as a scholar, gentle and refined, the image of cultured elegance.

The other was dressed as a warrior, wearing foreign attire and skilled in mounted archery, exuding authority with every glance.

The scholar lifted the curtain to look outside and saw the streets smooth and wide, carriages like dragons, people like streams, the endless calls of hawkers, and shops bustling with customerseverywhere bristling with vitality and prosperity.

The scholar squinted his eyes, let the curtain fall, and turned to the warrior seated opposite him, Shi Ji, what do you see?

The warriors expression was calm and steady, A thriving vigor, everything blooming in competition, truly a scene of prosperous times!


The scholar nodded and sighed, This place is as prosperous as the Eastern

Capital, even surpassing Jiangnan!

After saying this, he looked outside again, Just now on the way here, outside the city, I saw the fields being tilled, villages inhabited, no vagrants on the roads, no starved bodies along the way, and the commoners showed no signs of hunger. They live and work in peace and contentment, truly enjoying a time of great peace.

Given this

The scholar turned his gaze back and asked in a serious tone, Isnt it strange?

It is indeed strange.

The warrior furrowed his brow, These years have seen grand constructions that exhaust the people and drain the wealth, with internal efforts to build canals and the Eastern Capital, and external military campaigns, annihilating the Tuyuhun, subjugating Goguryeo, repeatedly imposing taxes on the people, and the burden of labor is heavy, causing the livelihood of the people to wither, with uprisings breaking out across the lands, and the sky lit with the fires of war

The scholar smiled and continued, Given that, to still have places where people live in peace and contentment with ample food and clothing, isnt it bizarre?

The warrior frowned and asked in a heavy tone, What could be the reason? The scholar shook his head, I dont know yet, but I suspect it has something to do with that man.

That man? The warrior furrowed his brow and probed, Are you referring to Doctor Xu?

Exactly, its him.

The scholar nodded and murmured, This man came from a beggars background, starving and freezing, yet from somewhere he acquired an unparalleled medical skill. Sixteen years ago, he cured the stubborn illness of the governor Wang Boshengs child, thereby establishing himself in Xuzhou and starting the Security Hall clinic.

In these sixteen years, he has been a healer to the world. The great families of Xuzhou and those of renown and noble lineage have all been treated by him; his miraculous healings and immediate remedies have increased his fame and significantly added to his wealth.

He also accepted numerous disciples, over a hundred in discipleship and nearly a thousand students, all receiving the true transmission of his medical skills. Not only was the Security Hall in Xuzhou City expanded several times, but he also opened many branch clinics, spreading throughout Xuzhou.

Five years ago, he changed his policy and started offering free treatments to the people, not charging them for medicine or consultations, thus winning their hearts. The people of Xuzhou, upon hearing his name, invariably praise him as the magic hand with a benevolent heart at Security Hall, the righteous and kind Xu Qingyang!

Even more, some have set up his longevity plaque in their homes, offering incense day and night without rest, proclaiming him as a Bodhisattva incarnate, Buddha reborna great compassionate being, delivering all people

Listening to the scholars words, the warrior knitted his brows in surprise and apprehension, What is he trying to do?

Yes, what is he trying to do?

The scholar sighed and murmured, Offering medical services for free, performing charity, rejuvenating with magical hands, garnering the hearts of people. With such actions, Shi Ji, what does it remind you of?

The end of the Han Dynasty!

Zhang Jiao! The Yellow Turbans!


The warriors gaze sharpened as he spoke forcefully, Clearly this man intends to start a rebellion!

Hearing this, the scholars face turned stern, Without evidence, we must not speak rashly!

What proof is needed?

The martial artist didnt understand and asked in a deep voice, Isnt his behavior proof enough?

It is and it isnt.

The scholar shook his head and said solemnly, In any case, before the situation becomes clear, we should neither jump to conclusions nor act rashly.

Why not?

Because Im afraid he really might rebel!

A silence ensued; neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere inside the carriage suddenly became oppressive.

After a while, the martial artist looked up and said solemnly, Xuzhou City is the heart of the Central Plains, a strategic location that all warriors vie for. Our Yuwen Sect intends to accomplish great things, and we must keep this place under our control. How can we allow this man to occupy it?

Of course we cant, otherwise why would our elder brother petition the emperor, sending you and me to take up official posts in Xuzhou?

The scholar shook his head and said softly, But with the situation unclear, we must not act rashly. We must plan gradually. This Xu Qingyang has an unknown background and is unfathomable. Now that he has established his influence, a direct conflict, even if our Yuwen Sect could win, would cost us dearly. Such an action would be unwise!

Then what do you suggest

Add fuel to the fire, let the wolf devour the tiger!

The scholar smiled chillingly and continued, Although this man is extraordinary, he ultimately comes from a lowly background, and this world belongs to the noble families. The four major clans, the Five Surnames and Seven Hopes, and the eight great familieseach has been inherited for hundreds to nearly a thousand years, with deep potential and strong strength that this man cannot match with just over a decades accumulation.

His actions must have already caused dissatisfaction among the noble families of Xuzhou City. Its only because of his ample resources and the mediation of the retiring governor, Wang Bosheng, that they have managed to coexist. Now that Wang Bosheng is old and leaving office, and you and I have been appointed the new leaders of Xuzhou, all we need to do is add fuel to the fire, and we can certainly provoke a fight between the two sides.

At that time, we can exploit the power of the noble families to uncover the roots of this Xu Qingyang, devise a plan, and strike a successful blow in one fell swoop!


Hearing this plan, the martial artist also praised, chuckling, Zhiji, you truly deserve to be the chief strategist of our Yuwen Sect!


The scholar laughed, taking the praise in stride, and the atmosphere inside the carriage relaxed.

Just then

Giddy up!

Suddenly, the sound of a galloping horse was heard, followed by movement outside the carriage. A family servant lifted the carriage curtain and presented a letter.


Yuwen Zhiji took the letter, and his brows immediately furrowed, Its a message from our elder brother!

Yuwen Shiji leaned over, Whats the matter?

Yuwen Zhiji opened the letter, reading it carefully, and after a moment, he frowned and said, Our elder brother has been chasing the three people who fled with the Longevity Jue. However, he has been repeatedly thwarted by a mysterious force, which has allowed those three to escape to Xuzhou. Hence, he has asked us to cooperate in intercepting them to acquire the Longevity Jue.


Hearing this, Yuwen Shiji was also taken aback, With Chengdu and Wudi by Huajis side, what skill could those three possess that allowed them to escape the pursuit of the three formidable masters of our Yuwen Sect?

The martial arts of those three are merely average. The key lies in that mysterious force. Moreover

Yuwen Zhijis expression darkened, Those three have come to Xuzhou because they were severely injured by our elder brothers Ice Mysterious Power, and their lives are at risk. They are in need of medical attention, which means they must currently be at the Security Hall!

Upon hearing this, Yuwen Shiji fell silent.

The Longevity Jue cannot be lost. Change of plan!

Yuwen Zhiji set down the letter, Send couriers immediately in the name of our Yuwen Sect, inviting the heads of Xuzhous great families to a gathering. Then with the military tally and imperial edict in hand, proceed to the barracks to command the troops, in preparation for any potential civil unrest in Xuzhou. Our elder brother is already on his way; as soon as he arrives, we will act at once to eliminate the Security Hall!


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!