Delayed Transfer - Chapter 100

Published at 8th of December 2023 05:35:50 AM

Chapter 100

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Tuesday morning, everyone was busy with their personal things. Armina went and bought some decorations for her room since Melissa moved out and went to live with her parents’ new house. Sam went to the recently established company that does nothing but download content legally and illegally for Mark. Enleed went to Donald’s recently purchased studio so he can manage what kind of decoration they could get for Dungeon and Dragons Role-play Games aesthetic.

Mark decided to complete the 19th and 20th floor of his personal dungeon simultaneously so at least he would have finished up to the 20th floor before Homeland Security, CIA or FBI or any other abbreviated government agency come knocking on his door.

He worked on his villa on the 11th floor for a couple of hours first because he really wanted to complete it as soon as possible and from how it looked like, he would only need one to two more weeks, less if he worked on it for several more hours instead of just two hours everyday.

After working on his villa, he went outside the dungeon first to message everyone that he would only be available at night then proceeded to head to the 19th floor.

The 19th floor was the same as the previous floor, ancient jungle and swamp resembling Kurast Docks setting in Diablo 2. Even some of the ruins resembled the ruins that can be found in the said place.

The first group of enemies he encountered were the Nagas and their elite counterpart plus a lot of zombie summons. He defeated them all using his Void Spells. The rest of the enemy group on the 19th floor were a combination of Naga Necromancers and their zombie summons, Naga Archer, Naga Warrior, Vampire Monkeys, Swamp Boars, Swamp Armored Crocodiles, Vampire Spiders and Vampire Mosquitos. Since Mark was overpowered for the 19th floor, he defeated all of the enemies without any issues. He destroyed all items below the Magic Blue rarity and kept the Unidentified ones on his Inventory, planning to Identify them once he was done with the dive.

Mark headed directly to the 20th floor, the next floor that had a boss. There were ruins in the middle of the dark jungle. The ruins were very familiar and when he studied them carefully, they looked like the Travincial Hall from Diablo 2 but more than likely it was just a generic ruin and it only resembled that hall to him since it was the only ruins in the middle of a jungle that he ever saw from games that was very familiar to him considering the hundreds of hours he spent trying to find runes when he was playing Diablo 2.

At the far end, he saw a huge Naga monster on a throne and based on its equipment, it looked like a magic user. Beside him were other two Naga, one was an archer and the other was a warrior. The Naga Sorcerer was wearing a beautiful crown made of gems and equipped with bejeweled staff. The Naga Archer and Naga Warrior’s equipment were equally majestic. Mark cast his Space Shield and Bark Skin the summoned the Space Tower. He then hurled a Glacial Void and Swamp of Briar to the boss as well as his two minions.

The first thing that the boss did was summon the undead and this time, not only there were Swamp Zombies, but there were also other types of undead like fast moving Ghouls, and hulking Giant Zombies. Mark cast his Floating Sunflower and Bed of Daisies for MP resource management and hurled his spells at the monsters one after the other. He summoned the golems but commanded them to stay by his side for defense and then kept on hurling all spells that he knew at the boss and his minions.

Mark also cast Forest Sanctuary for added defense and as expected, no spells and arrows reached him. After some time, he defeated the boss, its summons and his two minions.

Mark opened the treasure chest that coalesced after the boss and his minions died. There were five items in total. He kept them all in his Inventory and proceeded to the 11th floor to keep the items there for Identifying at a later time. He then went to bedroom to freshen up and rest.

When Mark woke up the next day, he checked his earning from the 19th floor and 20th floor. He leveled up from 68 to 75 and his total stat points was thirty adding the unspent stat points that he had. His total skill points were seventy-five. He then noticed blinking red exclamation point at the corner of his eyes. He opened it and a pop-up window appeared with a message that said that he would no longer earn stat point and skill points from monster drops. All skill and stats point would only be earned through leveling up and it would still only be one point per stat and skill per level.

The message also said that the experience earned would also be considerably lessened after the 20th floor and conquered dungeon would no longer provide experience points. No changes were done to the drop items frequency. There would still be a lot of them for the first run, but the subsequent dive would provide lesser number of drops.

Mark felt a bit sad for the nerf but considering he’s already level 75, it was understandable. Mark thought that he would concentrate on completing the villa on the 11th floor then getting all the items that he would need that he could replicate for the transmigration to the other world. He would also increase his Inventory so he could store the perishable items there.

Mark took his shower and breakfast and then continued making a list of all the items that he would need to store on his villa and Inventory. At around nine in the morning, he received a message from Donald that the studio with the props for their Dungeon and Dragons campaign were ready.

Mark arrived on the studio prepared by Donald and decorated by Enleed following the address Donald sent him. He was again impressed by the creativity of Enleed when he saw the decorations. There was also a stand-alone doorway in the middle looking like an ancient Elven architecture he assumed they would be using as the anchor for the dungeon portal.

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