Delayed Transfer - Chapter 107

Published at 8th of December 2023 05:35:42 AM

Chapter 107

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Mark was playing with his phone when Agent Harper and a couple of doctors or scientists came to the lounge room where he, David and his security guards were staying. He looked at his phone clock and noticed that it took the doctors assigned by the government to examine the people with diseases to complete the tests in about a couple of hours.

Agent Danielle informed Mark that the tests were conclusive. All sicknesses were miraculously cured. One of the doctor who introduced himself as Dr. Gupta, took over the explanation.  He explained to Mark that based on their tests, not only were the patients cured, but the whole body was also brought to the peak of health for their age range. One of the patients was a 65-year-old man suffering from lung cancer and when he was cured by the spell, all of his organs was brought to the peak health of a healthy 60-year-old man could have if the said man lived a healthy life without encountering any diseases.

According to the doctor, barring any accidents or contracting any new diseases, that 65-year-old man could possibly live to a healthy one hundred or possibly more. That meant that even those who weren’t sick would also benefit greatly from receiving the spell.

Mark then told Agent Harper that he didn’t care who the government would assign the spots for the bi-monthly cure session to as long as his identity weren’t divulge to those people who didn’t need to know since he informed them that he really would like to stay private and live quietly.

As per agreement, Mark was led by the doctor to a room where his blood and some other samples from his body could be gathered. Agent Harper also asked Mark not to travel, at least for a couple of months, to avoid any possible accidents. He agreed with the agent and then Mark asked them to talk to his lawyer regarding some of the condition he requested, for example, continuing their weekly Dungeon and Dragon game on the studio that Donald Dren assigned and to make sure that the government would not interfere.

Mark went home after being a lab rat for an hour and asked David to make sure that the government would be fair on their dealings with him.

When he arrived home, Mark saw that Sam, Enleed and Armina were bringing some equipment that they had purchased to the basement. He helped them bring the things in and when they were done, Mark treated the group to a feast that he prepared in the dining room from the restaurant food that he Replicated from his Inventory.

While they were eating, Mark told them that once all the equipment was purchased, he would give Sam, Enleed and Armina one million each as compensation, which caused the trio to protest since the work was really not difficult. Mark told them that he still had fifteen million dollars and would probably earn more since he was already on the 21st level of the dungeon and would probably get more items that he could sell.

Mark told his friends that during the year that the dungeon was available to them, he would make sure to get as many items as possible and money that he could so they could live the rest of their life without needing to work to pay their bills and just focus on doing what they love. He told them that he thought of the dungeon as the last gift his parents gave him and would like to share that gift with them since they were his guild mates and like-minded when it came to adventure.

When the trio heard what Mark said, they just went with his decision. After that, Enleed asked if the Sunday group dungeon and dragon schedule, which was their code for the dungeon group dive, was still on schedule and Mark told them that it was still going on ahead. He then informed them he was going to be out of contact range for a few hours since he decided to work on his villa.

Mark really wanted to complete his home on the 11th floor as soon as possible so he could start decorating it. He transferred all the purchased equipment from the basement to the 11th floor so the group would have more room to put purchased equipment in the basement. After he transferred all of the equipment, he went to the 21st to check the next safe floor.

It was nighttime when Mark arrived on the 21st floor and it was an oasis. The beauty of the oasis took his breath away. The dungeon portal was located at one of the corner of the oasis and even though it was nighttime, the two moons were glowing brightly enough to illuminate everything. The lake at the center of the oasis was a still and beautiful pond and he could see some fishes swimming. It was large as an Olympic Swimming pool and unbelievably clear that he could see the bottom and could see all the creatures living on it which was just normal beautiful and colorful fishes.  The oasis was surrounded by palm trees and the temperature, which he expected to be freezing since it was nighttime in the desert, was perfect. Not too hot and not too cold.

The beauty of the Oasis brought an urge to Mark to share the place with his friends and he decided to do so and assigned it as a vacation spot for them. Instead of working on his villa, Mark decided to go outside the dungeon to invite Sam, Enleed and Melissa to the 21st floor oasis.

Mark texted everyone in the house to meet him in the basement and informed them that he needed to show them something important. After waiting for a few minutes, Sam, Enleed and Armina arrived. Mark then prompted the group to enter the dungeon and told them that they were going to a safe place, so they need not equip the dungeon items.

When the group entered the portal and arrived on the 21st floor, Sam, Armina and Enleed gasped at the beauty of the oasis. The fact that there were two moons illuminating the place brought an alien beauty to the surroundings. When everyone saw the beauty of the pond and fishes swimming in it, Mark told them that the place was safe and this would be their swimming pool, basically a vacation spot. Everyone cheered and jumped in the pool with their clothes on. The temperature of the pool was perfect for swimming and when Armina accidentally swallowed some water, she told everyone that the water was sweet, like natural mineral water pure enough to be safe to drink.

Mark marveled again at the power of the system for creating another slice of paradise that he and his friends could enjoy.

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