Delayed Transfer - Chapter 108

Published at 22nd of December 2023 11:31:57 AM

Chapter 108

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Mark and the gang were enjoying the little slice of paradise that the dungeon blessed them. While they were swimming, Sam asked him why he allowed the government to take samples of his body and Mark replied that he wanted to fully cooperate with the government so they wouldn’t think of doing something to block his freedom. He wanted to enjoy his life as a citizen. He also told Sam that he knew that it wouldn’t always be that way, that sooner or later someone higher up with greedy intentions could or would do something unspeakable to get a hold of his magic.

When that time came, Mark told Sam that he fully intended to fight but he really wanted to continue living life and dungeon dive peacefully. Also, one of his request that he included on the negotiation that David the lawyer did was to provide him the result of the test on his blood and any other samples from his body, but he doubted that the scientific instruments could detect the changes that mana did and if it did make some changes, he wanted to know.

Armina and Enleed then said that they were actually planning to cooperate with Donald’s researchers regarding tests that could be conducted on their bodes as well but the fact that there were actually no changes happened to the fundamental part of their bodies since the strength they receive were from dungeon items, they were highly doubtful that research on them would be proven fruitful.

Mark also told the group that after a couple of months, once the excitement with his skill died down, he planned to tour around the world. Armina told Mark that she highly doubts that the government would allow him to do that. Mark shrugged and said he would manage it when that time arrived.

Mark stopped swimming to get some food for the group and the rest just continued swimming with the fishes in the oasis pool.

Mark prepared a table and food then once everything was ready, he called everyone to eat. The group asked Mark first to let them go outside the dungeon and come back since they wanted to change to swimsuits, so everybody left the dungeon to change. After a few minutes, they went back to continue frolicking on the oasis.

The next day, Mark continued working on his villa. He wanted to concentrate on completing it as soon as possible. After several hours, he went outside the dungeon to check if there were any important messages that he needed to know and he did receive one from Agent Harper saying that they wanted to talk to him.

Mark called Agent Harper to ask what they wanted to know since they knew that he supposedly could only cast the Dryad’s Circle spell again after a couple of weeks. The agent said that it would be best to talk face to face and Mark agreed to meet with them after an hour or so.

When Agent Harper arrived, Agent Feldman was with her as well as a couple of doctors or scientists. Mark let them in, and the agents started their questions when they were seated in the living room.

“Mark, the government appreciates how cooperative you’ve been regarding sharing your skills. We know for a fact that you could have kept your skills hidden but decided to share it.”

“I just don’t want to be kidnapped and experimented on.”  Mark said jokingly the continued seriously.

“I wanted to share my skill since it would really help a lot of people and I don’t want to be on the run. I just want to continue my peaceful life here playing games with my friends. As long as the government would allow me to do that, I would of course give the government my full cooperation.”

One of the doctors then shared the result of the tests they’ve conducted on his blood and other samples.

“Based on the results of the tests, everything is normal. Your parameters state that you’re a healthy male but nothing else. We would have liked to do some more deep testing, but we are aware that that is not possible for now. What the government would like to know is if you can teach these spells to others.”

“No. Not that I don’t want to teach it, it’s just not possible. First you will need to have the bloodline and even then, there is a small chance that you can activate the power. That’s what my mother said when she was alive. After that, my mother taught me telepathically and that could only be done with blood relative, the closer the better like parent and child. Unfortunately, my mother died, and my education was not complete. I don’t even know if there’s anyone back in my mother’s homeland with the skills.”

Agent Harper then said that regarding his request for vacation outside the country after a couple of months, the higher ups were still reviewing it.

As per their agreement, every time he conducted the spell for the government, there would be a couple of hours testing. Agent Harper then mentioned to Mark that some government agents would be staying nearby for his protection and Mark just shrugged.

After the agents left, Mark went back to the dungeon to continue working on his villa since everyone was outside doing their personal things. After a couple more hours, Mark was sure that it would only take him a few more days before everything was complete.

At night, everyone was eating and talking about their plans for the following days and Mark told them the Sunday Dungeons and Dragon meet ups would still continue and Enleed just celebrated and said he needed to just wait a couple more days.

When Sunday arrived, everyone prepared to go the studio that Donald Dren arranged for their weekly dungeon dive. Mark was especially happy since his villa was already complete. It just needs some finishing touches and decoration and equipment installations, and he decided to do it the day after their group dungeon dive.

At the studio, everyone was there including Robert Scott and his family. Mark saw that the gate where he usually assigned the portal had some light fixtures and projectors that simulated the appearance of a portal. Donald also assured Sam that there would be loyal people that would be guarding the locked door of the studio and knowledgeable people who already swept the location for any recording devices.

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