Delayed Transfer - Chapter 112

Published at 22nd of December 2023 11:31:52 AM

Chapter 112

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Enleed, Sam, Armina, Robert, and Donald continued planning the building of their vacation villa. Armina had a sketch pad opened drawing on the details of what they were talking about. Enleed had his notebook noting the list of materials that they would need to build the villa. It was a bit easier for him since Mark provided him with the list of materials that he used to create his 11th-floor villa that came from the architect. He also provided Enleed with a detailed plan of the villa so they would have a basis on how to build their vacation home on the 21st Oasis Paradise floor.

While the adults were planning the kids were frolicking on the pond being looked at by Danielle and Elizabeth who were chatting. The kids, meaning Mark, Melissa, and Albert.

After swimming for a bit, Albert invited Mark and Melissa to the grove that he found nearby, and they saw some small animals native to the desert. The good thing about the floor being safe floor, that even the supposedly poisonous insects and reptiles were harmless and as a matter of fact, were very tame. Albert could even pick up a reptile with his hands and chase Melissa with it.

After a couple of hours of planning, the rest of the group joined Mark, Albert, and Melissa playing on the pond. Mark excused himself for a bit to prepare food for the group and Sam asked Mark where it came from. He told Sam that he always had a lot of food prepared on his storage accessory.

After a few more hours, Robert, and his family as well as Donald and his wife went home, exhausted from playing but Sam, Enleed, and Armina with Melissa joining them, continued designing their vacation villa, excited about the fact that they had the complete reigns on how to build and decorate it. Mark kept hearing about themes and stuff with Melissa arguing about making sure that the vacation villa was not a nerdy guild hall. Sam, Enleed, and Armina reluctantly agreed with Melissa since they were not the only ones who would use the house but Robert and his family and Donald and his wife as well.

The next day, the group excitedly went out to start purchasing the materials needed for the villa, but they went to the studio first so Mark could assign the dungeon door to the movie set portal that was set up in the middle of the studio. After setting it up, Sam tested if he could open it and it went without a hitch.

Armina and Melissa assigned themselves to buy the decorations for the villa and planned to spend the rest of the day shopping for them. Mark joined the two women since he wanted to buy some more things for his villa on the 11th floor. Sam and Enleed would buy the rest of the material needed.

In the afternoon, when everyone was finished buying things, at least for the day, they went back to the studio to wait for some of the things they purchased to be delivered. Everyone was surprised at how fast the materials were delivered and they marveled again at the power of the rich folks since they used Donald’s name and the studio that he purchased for the delivery drop off.

Mark transferred the items to his Inventory since a lot of them were very big and bulky and would not fit on the dungeon door. He told everyone that his storage accessory was especially large but didn’t provide the specifics.

Once all the materials were transported to the 21st floor, the group started constructing the villa while Albert played on the oasis pond. Mark was feeling lazy so he told everyone that he would look after Albert the two played on the pond and when they got tired of it, they played among the trees and animals.

When Mark and Albert got tired of playing, they went to check on the construction project and they were amazed at how fast the villa was being created. The kids also noticed a table full of food courtesy of Danielle and Elizabeth, so Mark and Albert started digging in.

After a full day of construction wherein Mark helped on the latter part, he was informed by Enleed that based on how fast the villa was being constructed, it would probably take less than a week for the group to complete the vacation home.

The next day, the group continued building the vacation villa on the 21st floor but Mark told Melissa first to get a hold of the laptops and hard drives that had the latest downloaded media content so he could store a copy on his Inventory. While the group was building the villa, Mark told Albert that he got a hold of an item that would let him fly but unfortunately, he was the one who could only use it, so they spent time flying while Mark was carrying Albert by Telekinesis so in a way, the kid was flying as well.

When Melissa saw it after she got back, she yelled and said she wanted to fly too so Mark got a hold of her through Telekinesis as well. The rest of the gang then said they also wanted to fly as well so Mark tested the capability of his Telekinesis skill and more than likely, because of how high his Intelligence stat was, he was able to carry all the people there. 

The group went on a break by flying all over the oasis and Albert asked Mark what would happen if they kept on flying above. Mark honestly told the kid and the rest of the group that there were barriers that they couldn’t go through so they could only stay on the Oasis.

After a few minutes of flying, Mark, and the rest of the gang, even Albert helped construct the villa although Robert kept a sharp eye on the kid to make sure that there were no accidents. The group took their lunch on a huge table set up by Elizabeth and Danielle and then continued working.  Mark and the rest of the gang were jubilant about the progress of their vacation villa, but they needed to take a rest the next day since they would have a group dungeon dive the day after tomorrow.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!