Delayed Transfer - Chapter 121

Published at 22nd of December 2023 11:31:42 AM

Chapter 121

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Mark and his friends, Sam, Enleed, and Armina together with Donald and Elizabeth and Robert and his wife Danielle prepared themselves to battle the boss monster and his minions on the 10th floor of the dungeon.

This time, Robert was adamant about leaving Albert behind since the boss was incredibly dangerous, and even with Mark's assurance that he would do his best to protect the kid, Danielle put her foot down and Robert and Albert had no choice but to comply.

Mark then told the kid that he wasn’t missing anything much since the 10th floor would probably only take them a couple of hours and there were other floors that his parents would allow him to join.

Mark also prepared the recording devices to make sure that the battle would be recorded.

The moment the group arrived on the 10th floor; everyone followed the plan that they held before tackling the 10th floor. Mark summoned the Tree Golems as well as the Bush Golems to assist his group and then after that, he controlled the recording device. He was still not planning to join but would be ready to assist if anyone were truly in danger.

His friends saw the Orc King and his two almost equally large minions, the Orc Archer, and the Orc Shaman at the far end of the field. The Orc King was sitting on a throne made of some sort of bones. Mark commanded the Tree Golems and Bush Golems to move forward but stopped to wait for the monsters to attack.

Mark decided to let the summoned golems fill in the tank role to make sure that everyone was safe and when the orc king and his two minions were focused on the summons, his friends started attacking the monsters. They planned to kill off the two minions first, so they focused fired on the orc archer.

Sam and one of the bush golems focus on the orc shaman to distract it while the others use all their skill to kill the orc archer first. Armina fired her Triple Strafe on the orc archer and Mark was really amazed at her accuracy and sense of timing since she was able to hit the orc archer without any issue. After several floors battling monsters, Mark was proud of his friend’s growth. Their nerves became steel-like, their environmental sense was on point and their battling tactics were superb.

Enleed continually cast his Fire Bolt on the archer and Donald stunning the monster helped the group a lot. The orc king was being distracted by the two Tree Golems and one of the bush Golems.

After several minutes, the orc archer died so they switched their focus on the orc shaman which was easily killed because it was slower than the orc archer. When the orc shaman died, Mark’s friends focused all their firepower on the orc king and after an hour of exhaustive battle, it finally died.

Mark and his friend waited for the treasure chest to coalesce and when it did, they were happy to see that they received three drops. When Mark identified the items, they were ecstatic to find out that all three items had skill and one of them was a purple legendary item.

Mark showed everyone the two accessories and the gauntlet. He told them of the item’s names, stats, and skills. The first one was a magic blue Amulet of The Archer. It would give the user 10 Dexterity and 10 Agility. It would also allow the user to use the skill Frozen Arrow which would freeze regular enemies and would severely slow down elites as well as damage them for 80 freezing damage. It had 40 charges and would earn one charge per 10 minutes. It did require the user to have a bow equipped so he gave the ring directly to Armina.

The next item was a magic blue item called the Ring of the Shaman. It would give the user 10 Intelligence and 10 to Wisdom.  It had the skill Mass Hold Person that would summon eldritch rings that would hold up to five individuals for five seconds. It had 20 charges and would also earn one charge per 10 minutes. Mark directly gave the amulet to Enleed.

The last one was called Gauntlets of Volcanic Punch, and it was a legendary purple item. The good thing about the gauntlet was, that it would allow the user to use another weapon, so that meant that the holder could use the gauntlet as well as a sword or another weapon for that matter...  So, he gave it directly to Sam. It would give the user 20 Strength, 10 Agility, and 10 Vitality and it had 40 Durability. It had the skill Volcanic Punch which was an area of effect skill that would allow the user to smash the ground that would damage the enemies around him or her for 100 fire and earth damage. It had 20 charges and would earn one charge per 10 minutes.

Mark apologized to Donald and Robert and promised them that the next items would be theirs. He also told them that since it only took them at most three hours to defeat the 10th floor, they could do it again after a couple of days once the monsters re-spawned to get more items and the whole group agreed.

Sam, Enleed, and Armina were happy with the items they’d received since the stats on the items would truly make them powerful, so the rest of the group was excited to do the 10th floor again for more powerful items.

After the group dungeon dive, Mark and his friends went out to eat to celebrate and since it was still very early, Donald and Elizabeth as well as Robert and his family joined them. While they were eating at a fancy restaurant, they talked about the items that they’d gotten and how powerful those items made them. Sam told everyone that he felt that they were practically as powerful as the members of the Justice League and Armina argued that they were powerful as the X-Men. Albert shouted that they should form the Power Rangers, and everyone laughed.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!