Delayed Transfer - Chapter 137

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:38 PM

Chapter 137

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The caravan stopped when twilight came. Since Mark invited Hamil and his family, he also invited Nedertu, his caravan coach, to join them. Hamil’s family consisted of his wife, Halinda, and his sons Toby and Deo so he prepared a table just outside his caravan with six chairs. He prepared a large bowl of Caesar Salad, a huge platter of spaghetti with meatballs, Subway sandwiches, chocolate cake, and a pitcher of soda and fruit juice for the kids, and a couple of bottles of wine for the adults.

Mark hung some lanterns that he purchased from the other people in the circus caravan to complete the ambiance and he set up a battery-operated light that looked like an old medieval lantern in the middle of the table. The advantage of the rechargeable lamp was it was very bright, and it didn’t emit smoke, but it still fits the setting. The whole place was bright and welcoming, and the food looked good.

Hamil’s family arrived together with Nedertu. Mark invited them to sit around the table and he introduced the food to Hamil and his family and Nedertu. He noticed that although Hamil and his family and his coach welcomed the sight of the food, it didn’t look like they were unfamiliar with the food. That meant that a version of the food that he served already existed in this world.

Mark served Hamil first by putting some spaghetti and meatballs on his large plate plus a slice of Subway sandwich. When Hamil saw how he served the food, he did the same thing to his wife and his sons. Nedertu served himself by following Mark then they started to eat.

Mark was glad that Hamil and his family and Nedertu enjoyed the repast that he served. They kept praising that the food was well seasoned, and they particularly enjoyed the wine. The kids loved the soda and cake. Hamil finally asked Mark where he was keeping all of the things that he was serving and using, and Mark admitted that he had a particularly large space bag which surprisingly was not that rare in this world according to the elven sisters.

As a cover-up, Mark admitted to Hamil that his parents were particularly well off so when they died, he inherited a good amount of wealth, and he was keeping all of it in his dimensional bag. He also admitted that he was powerful enough to protect his belongings from any would-be thieves, so he wasn’t worried about that part.

After about an hour of talking, Mark invited Hamil and his family as well as Nedertu inside his caravan and seated them on the large couches that he prepared in front of the wide-screen television. He asked the people he invited to keep everything that they would see a secret, which they promised they would. Mark then served them some popcorn and soda and played the 1987 fantasy film The Princess Bride. He reckoned that the show setting was familiar enough to his audience. He dimmed the lights, turned on the heater since it was chilly, and turned on the Silence Rune.

Hamil and his family, including Nedertu, were captivated by the movie shown on television. Mark enjoyed his audience enjoying the movie while eating the popcorn. At the end of the movie, the kids were babbling about how wonderful it was, but Hamil and his wife also kept talking about the movie.  Nedertu was still staring at the blank television as if expecting the movie to be shown again.

Halinda and the kids said that what they had seen was a thousand times better than what the circus caravan play troupe could show, and they asked if they could see the movie once again. Hamil asked as well to repeat the movie but he said that he would like to invite Linuel so he could have some inspiration. Mark didn’t want to disappoint Hamil and his family, so he agreed. Toby ran to Linuel to invite him to Mark’s caravan.

Mark then asked everyone to do a toilet break before the movie started to avoid mid-movie interruption, so everyone did, but Linuel’s face was full of questions. When everyone arrived, it was a good thing that they all fit in the caravan. Mark asked if anybody wanted some popcorn again and they all replied that they did excluding Linuel since he didn’t know what it was. He gave everyone a popcorn bucket and after dimming the lights, started the movie again.

Mark was surprised to see that Linuel was actually crying during the movie and the others were still focused on the movie even though they’d seen it before.

After the second showing of the Princess Bride movie, the people babbled that the second time seeing the movie made it much better and Mark wondered what reaction they would have if he had shown them CGI-filled movies like Star Wars or the Marvel movies.  But of course, he wouldn’t do that for now.

Linuel kept saying that it was the most wonderful show that he had seen in his life and Mark was embarrassed to see that the leader of the actors was still crying. Linuel then implored Mark to allow the actors to see the movie so they would be inspired and do better in their own plays.  Linuel said that he was now full of inspiration and couldn’t wait to write some new plays. He kept begging Mark so he agreed to show the movie to the actors the next night but said that it would only be shown that night since the device needed charging.

Linuel said that it was okay since they would be arriving in the next village the day after tomorrow. Mark then asked how many people would see the movie the next night and Linuel said that there would be around 10 actors that needed to see it so including him around 11 people. Hamil and his family then asked to see the movie again then as well and Mark said that he would arrange the caravan in a way that everyone invited would fit.

Mark thought that if he removed all the furniture and just put in couches, he could seat about 20 people.  Mark said that he should charge an entrance fee while laughing and Hamil’s face put on a businessman-looking visage. When Mark saw it, he said that he was joking and mentioned again that he couldn’t use the television so many times due to the need to recharge it.

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