Delayed Transfer - Chapter 140

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:35 PM

Chapter 140

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Mark and the three acrobat brothers, Dozon, Rozon, and Kozon practiced their act in the forest with the small animals, their audience. The brothers taught Mark the different acrobatics needed and the presentation timing. They taught him how his expression should be during the assorted styles of acrobatics and finally, he was presented with a costume that was made by Dozon’s wife which was a modified version of Dozon’s own costume. When Mark wore the costume, he was embarrassed at how tight it was on his body and it showed every part of his anatomy.

When the three brothers saw Mark wearing the costume, they whistled and said that the village girls would definitely fall in love with him. Mark was asked by the brothers to do the acts while wearing the costume to evaluate its comfort and durability during the acts. He was able to perform all the acrobatics with the costume without any problem and Mark was impressed by how durable it is despite it being so tight and experiencing abuse.

Dozon mentioned that with the addition of Mark to the group, the show would be much better, and they couldn’t wait to perform the next day.

Mark and the three acrobat brothers were cleaning up their equipment when three goblins wandered into their midst. Dozon immediately acted by throwing three knives at the goblins. One of the goblins took a hit on the throat, the other on the eye and the third one was hit on the chest. Mark was surprised at how fast Dozon acted, and he saw that the other two brothers were calm and didn’t take any action as if showing off the fact that Dozon would be enough to deal with the small fires.

“Wow, Dozon! You’re a great warrior. You took down those creatures so fast! I was just thinking of what I will need to do and then they’re dead.” Mark complimented the oldest of the acrobat brothers.

“During our travels, we would encounter different challenges. We needed to learn how to battle with our would-be enemies be it monsters or bandits.”

“Your movement was so fast and precise, it’s like you’re an assassin or something.”

The brothers laughed nervously and changed the subject so fast that Mark got suspicious. He reckoned that there was a backstory there and he decided to be friends with the brothers so he could learn what it was. He invited the brothers and their families to dinner as a celebration of their new cooperation and said that he would prepare food that was made especially in his homeland. He told the brothers that they should go to his caravan after an hour, and they promised they would.

After they’d cleaned up the equipment, Mark went to his caravan to prepare. He set up the table and brought meals from his mother’s homeland which he kept a copy in his inventory that he could replicate anytime. He prepared four roasted whole chicken called “lechon manok.”  He then prepared a huge bowl of sour soup made from pork and different vegetables called “pork sinigang.”  He also prepared several choices cut of pork marinated in soy sauce and herbs and then grilled using charcoal. The grilled pork was called “inihaw na liempo” in his mother’s tongue.

Mark also prepared several bowls of steamed white rice and several pitchers of sweetened vanilla drink with jellies called “sago’t gulaman.”   For dessert, he prepared several glasses of mixtures of jellies, beans, custard, ube, and a lot more in crushed ice topped with sweetened condensed milk. The dessert was called “halo-halo.”

When the acrobats and their families arrived, their children came with them and there were a lot. There was a total of eleven kids, and it was a mistake of Mark not to ask how many children would come. The three brothers introduced their wives and children to Mark. He asked everyone to give him a few more minutes. It was not really a problem for Mark. He went to the caravan and replicated the chairs and tables and replicated more food that would be enough and more, for everyone.

Mark asked Nedertu for help in setting up the additional chairs and tables and putting the extra food on the tables. After everything was set up, he invited everyone to sit. He then explained to everyone what the dishes were one by one. He showed everyone how to eat the rice and the other dishes. He put some white rice on his plates then put some chicken and grilled pork. He then put some of the sour soup in a small bowl and then topped his rice with the soup and some of the vegetables. The kids were staring at the roasted whole chicken and charcoal-grilled pork.

Everyone saw how Mark filled his plates and copied what he did. When everybody started eating, nobody was speaking, which was a testament to how good the food was, Mark assumed. Mark told everyone to leave some space on their stomach since there would be sweets after. When he saw that the food on the tables was gone, Mark served the “halo-halo” to everybody. He showed everyone how to mix the dessert dish and they copied Mark again.

After the meal was over, everyone complimented Mark on how good the food was, and he could hear the kids babbling about which one was their favorite. Nedertu told Mark that he was surprised at the variety of meals that he could serve his guests and Mark just laughed it off. Nedertu then asked if he was planning to show a play on his device. Mark was about to mention that he was not, but Dozon overheard the question. Nedertu then told the three brothers of the most beautiful show he’d seen on a device inside Mark’s caravan. The coach described how beautiful the movie was.

Dozon, Rozon, and Kozon looked at Mark expectedly and Mark didn’t have the heart to tell them no so he said that he would need time to prepare and asked everyone to come back after an hour.

Nedertu asked Mark if he would need help in cleaning up, but he declined. After everyone left, Mark kept all the tables and dirty dishes in his inventory and destroyed them using his Material Inventory Destruction skills. After that, he prepared his caravan again by keeping all the furniture inside his inventory and putting up couches. He thought of what movie to show the acrobats and their families and since there were a lot of kids, he decided to show them an animated film.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!