Delayed Transfer - Chapter 141

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:34 PM

Chapter 141

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Mark decided to let the acrobat brothers Dozon, Rozon, and Kozon as well as their family, watch the Disney original animated film, Snow White. After an hour, the acrobats and their families returned, and their children, who didn’t know the reason they came back to Mark’s caravan were full of questions. Mark then clapped his hands and asked everyone to be quiet.

“Before we start, I would give everyone another ten minutes to go ahead and do toilet breaks. Once the show arrives at the halfway point, I will pause it for ten minutes and allow everyone their bathroom breaks again. I would also prepare some snacks and drinks that they can get during the break from the table just outside the door.”

Mark then invited everyone to go inside his caravan and sit on the couches that he prepared. When he saw that everyone was ready, he discreetly cast the Comprehend Language spell on the television dimmed the lights, and activated the Silence Rune installed by the elven sisters. He then explained to everyone that the show they were about to see was called an animated film. It was created by drawing a lot of pictures and using a device, the show’s creator was able to move the people and sceneries of the drawings. He mentioned that the animated film was created for children, but adults certainly could enjoy it as well. He said to his audience that since the majority of the people who would be watching were children, he decided to choose the animated film. Mark then started the movie and not only the kids, but everyone was focused on the television. He really enjoyed seeing everyone get hooked on the movie.

When the movie was halfway through, Mark paused the film and asked informed everyone that they had ten minutes for a bathroom break. He also mentioned that there were popcorn and soda cans on the table beside the door of the caravan. He asked Nedertu to show everyone how to open the can of soda.

Mark un-paused the film when everyone got back from their toilet break with bags of popcorn and cans of soda. After the movie was done, everybody clapped their hands. The children said that the story was wonderful and how beautiful the drawings were. Even the adults were non-stop in their praise. He asked everyone to put the litter on the table when they went outside.

Dozon and his brothers were thankful to Mark for allowing them and their families to experience the food and show from his homeland. Mark said to the brothers that it was just him wanting to let them know that he was their friend that’s why he wanted them to learn more about him through the food and the show they’ve seen.

Mark started the clean-up when everyone left, moved his furniture back, and destroyed the litter and furniture that he replicated that, that was not needed anymore.

After breakfast the next day, Mark went to Dozon and his brother’s caravan so he could help them in setting up the apparatus they would use for their acrobatic show. Dozon mentioned that the show would be in the afternoon.

The time for the acrobatic show arrived and Mark changed into his costume. He was still embarrassed about the skintight suit, but the show must go on. Besides, Dozon and his brothers were wearing the same thing.

The audience was captivated by the acrobatics that Mark, Dozon, and his brothers did on the rope at the top of the pole vault. There were instances when the performance was funny and there were times when it was frightening but one thing was for sure, everyone enjoyed it. After the show was over, the circus caravan people congratulated Mark on his superb performance.

Dozon tried to give part of the ticket earnings to Mark saying that he was grateful for allowing his family to see the wonderful show last night. Mark accepted the coins to avoid hurting the acrobat’s feelings.

Mark changed out of his costume and watched the other shows that were presented by the other circus caravan people. He particularly liked watching the plays. It felt like he was watching plays on Broadway in New York. There was no musical though and Mark asked Linuel about that. Linuel said that some of the most advanced theater troupe could present shows with music but only those who were specially trained could do such things.

The leader of the actors mentioned that the difficulty of playing with music was high since they would also need people who could play instruments. Not only that, but they would also need to train to make sure they could time their performance with the actors on stage. Linuel did say that he hadn’t heard any play with pure music though when Mark asked.

Three days later, the circus caravan prepared themselves for departure. They needed to strictly adhere to the schedule since winter was coming. Hamil mentioned that they would need to skip one village since they spent some time in the village where they found Mark, building his caravan. Mark apologized but Hamil said to not worry about it since he did pay for that time with gold.

Mark told Hamil that he wouldn’t be showing any more movies on the road since it was inconvenient. If they really wanted to watch movies, it would be best if they did it somewhere where there was a large room that could accommodate a lot of people so he decided to do it once they arrived in the city where they would be staying for winter.

Hamil was disappointed but agreed. He then told Mark that he enjoyed the brick game so much and asked if he could purchase it from him. Mark told the caravan leader that he could just use the console for now and they could talk about him purchasing it at a later date.

Mark continued practicing the act with the acrobat brothers so at least he could say that he was part of the people that were performing in the caravan. He did enjoy the acrobatics and it was safe since he could fly. Not only that, but his telekinesis skill also helped a lot in making sure that his performance was superb and elegant or funny when needed.

Several days of training while traveling to the last village made Mark a bit of an expert when it came to performing the acrobatic acts and he was happy with the progress.

They arrived at the last village after skipping the previous village to make sure they would arrive at their winter stop on schedule. Mark performed with the acrobat brothers splendidly and it seemed like his, performing with the troupe, brought forth acceptance in the rest of the circus caravan people.

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