Delayed Transfer - Chapter 144

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:29 PM

Chapter 144

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Mark talked to the elven sisters for hours. They talked about different things. He described things about his homeland, although heavily edited, to make sure that it would be easily accepted by the sisters. He admitted that he had thousands upon thousands of shows, but he was wary of being so open about sharing those with others because it could bring culture shock.

The elven sisters were interested in learning about Mark’s culture but as elves, they were patient and didn’t urge him to share the shows with them immediately. They said that he should show it once he was ready and comfortable enough.

The elven sisters then talked about where they came from. They revealed that they were old enough to be his great-grandmother when he admitted that he was twenty-six years old. They told him that they came from the elven island of Syldaril. They also mentioned that the elves had several places that they could call their own.

Mark learned from the sisters that there were several species of elves and that they, the sisters, were moon elves. Other types of elves were the forest elves or green elves, the sun elves, the sea elves, the Drow, or dark elves, and more. Just like in the novels, the Drows were living in cities underground and they were incredible mages and warriors but unfortunately, they served evil gods which made them cruel. Eilintraee then admitted that some Drows also worshiped good gods and were good people.

The elven sisters admitted that the elven people were respected craftsmen as well and Mark wondered about the similarities with the novels from Earth. Mark was familiar with some of the stories about the elven people since he was a fan of the Forgotten Realm series.

Mark learned a lot of things from the elven sisters, and he indicated that he would like to learn more and was willing to pay.

The sisters talked to each other first then after a couple of minutes, indicated that they were willing to teach him but would rather have some of his gadgets that he was willing to part with as payment instead of coins.

Mark agreed and asked to be taught how to read and write the common language first since he admitted to them that he had been using a spell called Comprehend Language. The sisters were actually shocked when they heard it.

They concluded their talk by making a verbal contract that the teachings would formally start in the city of Argent during the wintertime. The hours of course would be negotiated based on the payment that he would make.


Mark concluded the talk with the elven sisters, so he visited the acrobat brothers next. He brought with him a bag of candies for their children.


Mark saw Dozon, Rozon, and Kozon practicing but not their acrobatics. They were practicing the use of daggers in battle. They set up dummies that they used to hit with thrown daggers from afar. They were also practicing combat with a dummy with many arms, just like from that movie, Ip Man.


Mark saw their wives were doing chores and their children were around this time, playing or practicing combat, he couldn’t tell. Mark noticed, not for the first time, how gorgeous the wives of the acrobat brothers which was understandable since the brothers were truly handsome. They could give the male prostitutes in Madam Luzviminda’s caravan a run for their money.


The children saw Mark first and all of them ran towards him. Some of them were shouting that they wanted to see Snow White again. Mark smiled and told everyone that he came bearing gifts. He opened the bag of candies that he brought and gave the kids each one then he gave the bag to Dozon’s wife for her to manage the rest.

The children ate the candies and shouted that it was very delicious then ran around again. Mark remembered when he was a child, he was just like them. Not a care in the world. He was very happy then with loving parents and good friends.

“What brought you here?” Dozon stopped practicing his knife throwing.

“Nothing really. Just visiting to check if everybody was all right.”

“We’re all right. Oh, by the way, my kids keep pestering me to ask you if they can watch that show again on your device?”

“We would have to wait until we’re in the city. I’m kind of worried that while we’re watching we would be attacked again. I know it may be a baseless worry since you’ve been doing this circus troupe for quite some time, but I would have to get used to it first. Is that okay?”

“Of course. I’ll tell the kids. At least they would have something to look forward to when we arrive in the city.”

Mark then said goodbyes to Dozon and his family and continued roaming the caravan. He had little time left before the caravan started moving again to continue their travels.

Mark arrived at the caravan where the exotic animals were being kept. He talked to Zenethor, the beast-man leader of the zoo, and asked if everything was all right. The zoo leader assured Mark that the animals were fine and since most of them had to stay to manage the animals and guard the caravan, they didn’t receive any damage.

Zenethor mentioned that Nedertu kept on boasting that he was eating the most delicious food ever since he started working for him. He understood that the zoo leader was hoping to get an invite to one of his dinners which were becoming famous. Mark promised the zoo leader that he would ask Nedertu to invite him if a dinner plan was made which made Zenethor grin.

Mark went to the actor’s caravan next but only stayed for a little while when he received assurance that everyone was fine. The caravan needed to start traveling for them to be able to reach the city of Argent before winter came.

The caravan started moving but Mark wasn’t worried about his cart since it was going to be driven by Nedertu. He went to Hamil’s to check with him but saw that the caravan leader was extremely busy, so he just went and joined Nedertu on his caravan.

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