Delayed Transfer - Chapter 145

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:28 PM

Chapter 145

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Mark was looking at the surroundings filled with snow. Everything was covered with it and the world looked pristine. It looked like one of those Christmas cards with beautiful snowy scenery. He was glad of the clothes that he was wearing which was enough to offset the cold. The problem was his clothes looked different from what everyone was wearing since they came from modern Earth, but it was too cold for him to care anymore. He asked Nedertu if his clothes would be a problem and his caravan coach said that he was in the circus, it's expected by the people to see them wear unique clothes.

Mark did plan to purchase a lot of clothes in the city to conform to their sense of fashion and besides, he was really looking forward to wearing the fashion of the other world. The villages that they’d been didn’t have the clothes that he wanted to wear.

The good thing about the road to the city was, surprisingly, the road itself was free of snow. The elven sister revealed that it was enchanted by the wizards in the city as commissioned by the city lord. They also stated that roads near cities usually were very safe because the city guards had scheduled patrols.

The sisters also mentioned that as the road neared the city, the enchantments would be more complex like those enchantments that would keep monsters away. They said that the city of Argent was average when it came to its wizardly capability and if he really wanted to see the wonders of magic, he could go to one of the cities that wizards ruled.

One good example of a city ruled by wizards was the city of Leldorin. It was a city that was ruled by a council of mages and most of its high-ranking nobles and politicians were high-level wizards. The sisters said that it was only one of the wizard cities and not even the most powerful one. They mentioned it since they did plan to go there but it would take a long time since it was located far away, and the other wizard cities were even farther.

Mark asked the elven sisters what other types of cities he could expect, and they said that there were of course the typical human cities that were focused on trade. Some cities were revolving around their dungeon or dungeons meaning their economy was based on the loot that adventurers could get from dungeon diving. There were those cities underground ruled by the Drow and other underground denizens like the Duergar. There were also cities under the ocean ruled by the sea elves and of course, cities ruled by elves and beast folks. There were also lawless cities and they’d been to one before which had a famous colosseum where warriors fight to the death for money, pride, or whatever float their boats.

After hearing all of that, Mark was really inspired to travel the world and experience everything the new world had to offer. The elven sisters mentioned that if he were planning to travel, it would be more fun if he had a group of adventurers with him to share the joy and pain of the journey. They said that he could try finding groups of adventurers that he could join by going to a city with a dungeon.

At first, Mark was planning to purchase a house in the city so he could set it up like a modern house full of modern equipment that he could show to his friends for bragging purposes but now, he thought that it would be a mistake. His plan right now was to become a nomad, traveling to various places and if he found that he needed to rest in his own house, he still did have the eleventh floor of his personal dungeon.

Mark suddenly thought of his dungeon. It had been a very long time since he explored it but right now, he still didn’t have the desire to because he was busy with the new world. More than likely, if there was a need for him to grow stronger, he would start diving into his personal dungeon again but for now, his current personal strength was enough to traverse the new world.

Mark understood that his personal strength was not really that great since he did hear from the elven sisters about the wizard cities ruled by high-level wizards who could travel dimensions. Some could even contend with gods. He couldn’t imagine the power it would take to fight with deities.

Mark also thought of joining one of those wizards’ academies that Monterra mentioned so he could experience the Harry Potter life and it was also a way for him to learn how the magic system of this world works. He was tempted because he wanted to become powerful enough to traverse dimensions and possibly visit his home world someday.

He wondered if the elven sisters could teach him magic, at least the basics. They did indicate that they were willing to teach as long as he paid them, but he didn’t know if that could extend to magic. He would ask them once they were in the city since it would not hurt anyone just by asking.

Hamil went to his caravan to talk to him. The caravan leader told him that the witch Norunta stated that he was one of the most powerful wizards she had seen because he was able to summon a forest god but Mark just shrugged and said that what he summoned was not really a god but a forest guardian and that it was a common spell where he came from which was a lie of course but he really didn’t want the circus caravan people to look at him differently.

The caravan leader told him that the main reason he wanted to speak with him was, if he were willing to set up his device that show plays on a hall they would rent and then sell tickets for money. Mark didn’t want to disappoint Hamil so he told the caravan leader that he would think about it first.

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