Delayed Transfer - Chapter 148

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:25 PM

Chapter 148

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Mark helped the elven sisters in cleaning up the manor. It wasn’t really dirty, just dusty and Eilintraee mentioned that the manor hadn’t been used for just a month. Their friend sent them a message spell stating that the manor would be empty once they arrived and would need some dusting. They did the dusting for about an hour, and it helped a lot that the sisters were using some sort of spell to control the dust and wave them away through the doors and windows.

Mark used his telekinesis skill to move the furniture aside to sweep the floors and walls free from dust. After dusting the entire manor, Mark informed the sisters that he would prepare their lunch and asked if they had any requests. The sisters told him that he could surprise them with anything he would like to throw together.

On the table in the kitchen, Mark prepared exquisite sushi from Japan that he stored and replicated from his inventory. Then he prepared bottles of liquor and fruit juices. After that, he invited the sisters to eat.

“What are those? They’re beautiful!”  Monterra mentioned while looking at the sushi that Mark arranged on the table.

“They’re called sushi. They were prepared by highly trained chefs from my homeland. They’re made from rice, fish, meat and fruits, edible seaweed, and vegetables.”  Mark invited the sisters to sit, and he picked up a chopstick and taught the sisters how the sushi was eaten. He told them that if they were not comfortable with the chopsticks, they could use the spoon, fork, and knife that he prepared.

Mark was surprised that the elven sisters knew how to use chopsticks and they mentioned that men from the east visited their island frequently. He wondered why Asian people and culture were always in the East. He was ashamed to see that the sisters were better at using the chopsticks than him.

Eilintraee, Solinae, and Monterra were impressed with the food and praised the chefs in Mark’s homeland. They said that the taste of the sushi was exquisite and how the ingredients blended in one bite was genius.

Eilintraee mentioned that she would really like to see the chefs preparing the sushi so she could learn, and Mark told her that he could show her some videos or what they knew shows that showed how to prepare some sushi.

The sisters were greatly interested so they asked him if they could go to his caravan now to watch it. Mark replicated a laptop and one of the hard drives that was labeled YouTube videos that had the category recipes from Japan.

Mark turned on the laptop and plugged in the hard drive. He searched for one of the videos that showed a Japanese chef preparing some sushi and then showed it to the sisters. There were many types that the chef in the video was preparing, and the video was actually an hour long. After about a couple of sushi, Mark stopped the video.

“We will teach you everything you want to learn, even our magic if you give us that device.”  Eilintraee decisively asked Mark not disguising her greed to acquire the laptop.

“Even if I give you this device, you will encounter a problem. You will need to learn how to use the device, but the problem is, I’m using a spell so you can understand the shows that you’ve been seeing. Without me, you wouldn’t be able to understand anything. Not unless you have a spell that worked the same way as my spell, able to give you comprehension of any language you may hear.”

“We do have something like that, but it’s limited. There is a time duration, and we wouldn’t be able to understand the writings.”  Monterra said sadly.

“Why don’t we teach each other our languages? How to read and write and once the both of us are expert or at least quite capable, I can give you the laptop as payment.”  Mark suggested and the sisters happily agreed.

Mark and the elven sisters decided that they would have three hours of lessons every day. One hour for language lessons, one hour for basic of magic and other general knowledge, and one hour for language lessons for the sisters so they could use the laptop and its content without being dependent on Comprehend Language spells. All of them decided that the lessons would start around seven in the morning since they still had responsibilities in the circus caravan. They would also need to inform Hamil of what they would be doing during the mornings. The lessons would start the next day since the sisters and Mark would still like to take some rest.

Mark said his goodbyes to the sisters and went to the Acrobat brothers' caravan to check if they had a show in the hall the circus rented and if he was still a part of their performance. Dozon was thankful to Mark that he was still interested in joining them in their act. Dozon admitted to Mark that he would be a great crowd puller especially for girls since he was handsome and exotic. Mark blushed when he heard that, and the brothers laughed.

According to the brothers, shows in the hall would start around six in the evening. The time before that would be the practice time for the people in the circus caravan using the hall since it was the only place that was warm enough where they could practice.

Mark informed Dozon of his schedule with the elven sisters and the acrobat said that it was all right. They would schedule their practice routine after his studies.

Since it was still early, Mark decided to roam the nearby parts of the city and Hamil asked his son, Toby, to be his guide since the circus leader was worried that Mark would lose his way.

Toby excitedly led Mark and the nearest place that they visited first was the temple of the gods. Toby mentioned that a few gods were sharing that temple but didn’t know which ones. The kid said that it was the place where people who had money received healing if they were sick.

Mark asked Toby about those who didn’t have money and the kid said that usually there were kind priests who held free healing sessions weekly, but the slots were limited.


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