Delayed Transfer - Chapter 149

Published at 31st of January 2024 11:29:57 AM

Chapter 149

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Toby, the caravan leader’s son led Mark to their next destination near the church which ironically was the streets filled with whores called the street of joy. The entrance to the red light district was filled with inviting magical lights and the kid just pointed it out. Mark heard from Toby that he was warned by his father to not go in the street, or he would receive the spanking of his life.

Mark was interested in the street but considering that he had Toby with him, didn’t enter. At first, he was wary about trying out the whores in this new world because of sexually transmitted diseases but according to Nedertu, those kinds of diseases could be easily cured by any priest and any high-class courtesan regularly had those types of spells cast on them.

Mark felt a little guilty about thinking about getting serviced by a courtesan, but he was really tempted by the stories told by his caravan coach, and he was a healthy young man with needs.

Toby mentioned that the street of ladies that he had shown Mark was a low-class one and that the really high-class one with the most beautiful ladies and men was located in the noble’s district.

After the street of ladies, Toby led Mark to a street filled with different shops. Shops that sold clothes, jewelry, furniture both big and small, toys, and even some cafes. This made Mark conduct an impromptu shopping spree.

The first shop that Mark went to, was a clothing shop. Mark bought a lot of clothes and shoes, and he was glad that the shop had clothes for all seasons. He asked the shopkeeper if he had high-class clothes for nobles since Mark wanted to have a collection just in case, but the shopkeeper said that he didn’t keep those in this shop. The shopkeeper mentioned that clothes for nobles and high-class merchants were usually custom-tailored and could only be purchased from merchants located in the noble district where the high-class shops were located.

Mark then went to the next shop which was a jewelry shop. He browsed the content but was dissatisfied. He thought he would find some magical items, but Toby told him that magical items could only be bought from the magic district.

Mark went to the last shop in the street which was a toy shop and asked Toby to purchase one for himself and one for all of his siblings. The kid grinned and wasn’t shy at all and purchased whatever took his fancy. He was surprised at how meticulous the kid was in choosing the toys for his siblings. He could hear Toby muttering about which toy a particular sibling would like.

After their shopping spree, Toby was happily carrying the toys that were gift-wrapped per request by the kid himself then they went home. Mark went directly to his caravan to rest after his exploration.

The next day, his education with the elven sisters started and after several fruitful hours of learning, he went to the acrobat brothers to practice their act. Dozon told him that their first show would be held two days later. In the afternoon, he went to Hamil and asked if he knew anyone who could be his guide in the rest of the city particularly in the high-class district and magical district. Hamil told him that he knew someone and to wait for about thirty minutes and that person would come to the inn.

Mark waited in the inn listening to the bard play some soft songs. After several minutes, a dignified-looking old man who looked like a butler went near him.

“Good afternoon, are you Mark?”  The old man who was wearing a high-class suit asked.

“Yes. Please sit down. Are you the person that Hamil told me who will be my guide?”  The old man who looked like a butler sat in front of Mark.

“My name is Johann, a friend of Hamil’s father. I’m a butler for a minor noble house but the family was out of the city right now and they left me to manage the house while they were vacationing in the south. Hamil informed me that you need a guide and for the right price, I could guide you where you can purchase whatever you may need in the noble or magic district.”

Mark wondered why a butler would offer himself as a guide, but he was not that interested in learning the reason. He agreed on the price the butler mentioned. Johann also informed him that he came in a high-class carriage which was a requirement if he wanted to shop in the noble or magic district and of course, Mark himself would be the one who would be paying for the carriage’s services. Mark was really glad that he could replicate as much gold as he could, and he didn’t have to worry about serial numbers or some such thing.

Mark and Johann went inside the carriage and the butler asked which district he would like to go to first. He told the butler that he would like to go to the noble merchant district first since he would like to commission some high-class clothes.

The butler instructed the carriage driver to go to the noble district and after about thirty minutes of travel, they arrived at a particularly posh establishment. Mark was really happy that he came with the butler since the man paved the way smoothly and he didn’t encounter any sort of discrimination. It was expected for the high price Mark was paying the man.

A tailor-sized Mark up and he ordered several suits in different styles for different occasions. He also ordered the footwear that would fit the clothes. The tailor informed Mark that his order would take about a week to complete since there were many of them and it cost Mark a lot of coins. Mark saw the tailor and his assistant’s eyes glimmered when they saw his wealth and Mark felt a little proud.

Mark asked Johann that they should go to the magic district next since he wanted to purchase some magical things and Johann had a look of concern on his face.

“We could tour the place but even though you have money, the magic shops may not sell their products to you since they only sell to wizards or those who have connections to wizards.”

“Is that the case? Then you have nothing to worry about since I am a wizard myself.”  Mark then cast a mage light to show the butler he was able to cast spells.

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