Delayed Transfer - Chapter 151

Published at 31st of January 2024 11:29:56 AM

Chapter 151

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Johann drove the carriage that Mark was riding to the nearest guard station while a group of six robbers and the previous driver of the carriage were floating beside them.

When they arrived at the guard station, a group of guards confronted them while the rest were looking at the floating men. The butler went down from the driver seat of the carriage to talk to the guards and explained to them what happened.

The guard that was talking to Johann asked one of his colleagues to call a guard captain when they heard that somebody attempted to rob a mage. When Johann was talking to the guard, a female guard captain arrived based on the behavior of the surrounding guards.

The butler explained to the beautiful blonde guard captain that the floating people attempted to rob Mark who was a mage. The pretty lady laughed when she heard it and commented on the fact of the stupidity of criminals attempting to rob someone who could suspend them in the air with magic.

Johann explained that the driver was part of the attempted robbery and that they didn’t know that Mark was a mage. The carriage driver only saw Mark was extremely wealthy and probably managed to contact the robbers somehow.

The female guard captain went to Mark after talking with Johann.

“Your excellency, thank you so much for your mercy in not killing these criminals. You could put them down now so my men can apprehend them. I recognized most of them and most had outstanding warrants for their arrest. One of them is even a murderer and the family of the murdered victim offered a reward.” 

“No need to thank me, I was just defending myself and Johann here asked me not to kill them. Regarding any rewards or bounties, you could just donate them to an orphanage in the city.”

The blonde guard captain smiled and said that she would follow his instructions. Seeing how pretty the captain was, Mark tried his luck.

“As a reward for my good deed captain, I would like to invite you to dinner if you’re available.”

The group of guard’s jaws behind the captain fell. Mark could almost see their thoughts saying, “How dare this plebian covet our captain.”

Based on the male guard’s reactions, Mark expected the captain to decline but was surprised when she agreed.

“I would be honored to join Sir..?”

“I’m sorry. My name’s Mark. A foreign mage lost in this foreign land attempting to find beautiful friends who can guide me such as yourself.”  Mark said with an exaggerated expression implying that it was a joke. The guard captain laughed.

“If you would give me an hour, I will meet you here. Is that okay? By the way, my name’s Natasha.”

Mark then told Natasha that he would be back in an hour. He then asked Johan to bring him somewhere where he could purchase a high-class suit immediately since he would only receive the custom-tailored ones a week from that day.

Johann brought Mark to what he said was a well-known men’s boutique. Mark purchased a suit and wore them in the changing room of the store. After making sure that he looked handsome enough, he went back to the guard station to wait for Natasha.

The butler was then made the carriage driver for the rest of the day and when Mark asked if he could handle it, the butler gave his assurances that he would be able to do the job. Mark decided that he would add a bonus to the butler’s compensation.

Mark then replicated a bouquet of roses from his inventory. He knew he had different types of flower arrangements in his inventory. He saved a lot of different things during the last months before his transmigration from the most important to the most trivial things. It made sense to him to store a lot of things since he did have a huge inventory and he had a house and a warehouse on the eleventh and twenty-first floor of his personal dungeon.

Mark was glad that he managed to find confidence in himself to be able to ask a pretty lady out. His friends helped him gain that confidence during the last few months of his stay in his home planet and having a fit body and pretty face also helped. He was really not that shy when it came to talking to others, it’s just that he was not comfortable in large gatherings of people who didn’t share his interests and hobbies so comic-cons were exceptions.

Natasha came out of the guard station wearing a beautiful dress and a fur-covered coat. Mark again wondered at the fact that even though it was winter, due to the enchantments that the city wizards laid down on the city, it wasn’t that cold, and people could wear less clothing, at least compared to outside the city.

Mark kissed the back of Natasha’s hand as taught by Armina then led her inside the carriage while the other guards were looking their way. He then gave the captain a bouquet of roses which she sniffed and laid down beside her.

Johann led their carriage to a gorgeous high-class restaurant and its maître d’ led Mark and Natasha to a nice table. After ordering, Mark and Natasha started talking about different things. Mark told Natasha that he was currently staying with the circus caravan and would join them in their travels after winter. He mentioned to her that he intended to travel the world.

Natasha told Mark that she was a Rogue, the profession, not that she was one of those unruly and wild persons and had been a captain of the guards for three years.

Their food arrived and Mark and Natasha kept talking to each other about themselves while eating. Mark made sure that he was the listener and not the speaker as taught by Melissa, Sam’s sister. After the dinner date, Natasha asked to be brought back to the guard station and Mark asked when they could go out again.

Natasha told Mark that she enjoyed their date and would like to go out with him again during her days off during the weekend which was a couple of days from now. Mark invited Natasha to see the circus on their next date and the beautiful guard captain agreed.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!