Delayed Transfer - Chapter 152

Published at 31st of January 2024 11:29:55 AM

Chapter 152

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The weekend came and it was the day that Mark invited Natasha, the beautiful guard captain, to see the show of the circus in the hall that Hamil rented. It was also the day that Dozon, his brothers, and Mark would perform their acrobat show. Mark planned to surprise Natasha with the show, with him a part of it, then continue watching the rest, like Lorendo’s magician act, together with Natasha.

During the evening, Mark also planned to show off one of his movies to Natasha, hoping to use it to score. It had been a long time for him, and the last time was the village girl which he kept denying to Hamil and the acrobat brothers that nothing happened.

Mark hired a carriage to pick up Natasha from the guard station. When he saw the beautiful blonde guard captain, he was mesmerized again by her beauty. She was clearly a strong woman, being a guard captain, but she didn’t lose her charming femininity.

Natasha was surprised when Mark told her that he prepared a lunch spread from his hometown on his caravan. He told her that he would like her to have a taste of what food was available in his home country.

They arrived at the huge compound where the circus caravan was located, and Mark led Natasha to where his caravan was located which was between evergreen trees that provided privacy.

“What a nice, charming caravan. I could see myself traveling the world in a cozy caravan such as this. What animal is pulling this?” Natasha asked when she saw the caravan that the circus dwarves and halflings made.

“Some sort of lizard animal. I think it’s called Zzourta. I just rented it though from the circus caravan. I could use magic to move it, but I would have to be the one controlling the cart with an animal, the coach could drive it and I could just stay inside.”

“Zzourtas are docile creatures and a good animal to pull a caravan. You also have the option of using a rune to power the caravan so you wouldn’t need an animal and with a high-class rune, you could even make it float.”

“I don’t know how to do the runes yet and I imagine it would cost a pretty penny to have those installed on my cart by other wizards. Honestly, gold is not a problem for me but I’m quite sure that Rune Masters would require mana stones instead of gold for compensation and I don’t have those.”

“Yet? Do you know someone who could teach you runes?”

“I have the means of learning runes, but it would take time.”

Mark invited Natasha inside the caravan and there he served her some sandwiches and fruit juice.

“I have a performance that I want you to see so I can’t eat a heavy meal. Let’s eat after my performance.”  Natasha was surprised.

“I didn’t know you also perform in the circus?”

“I don’t need to since I’m paying them to travel with them, but I wanted to join in the fun.”

After having their light meal, Mark led Natasha to the hall, seated her in one of the front-row seats, and left to join Dozon and change into his costume.

The acrobat team was then introduced by Lorendo the magician and when Dozon, Rozon, and Koson together with Mark went out to show themselves to the audience, the audience clapped but the women were particularly loud. Mark saw that Natasha was staring at him and blushing.

For about an hour, Mark and the acrobat brothers performed their tricks, and the audience appreciated every act based on how loudly Mark heard their clap. After their act, Lorendo the magician show followed them, and Mark quickly headed to his caravan and into his house in his dungeon to take a shower. After that, he joined Natasha in watching the rest of the show.

When Lorendo’s show was done, Mark invited Natasha to his caravan and informed her that there was a 30-minute break before the next show which was a play, but he told her he prepared something better to show her after their lunch.

Mark served Natasha sushi and Sake and told her that it was made from a combination of meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and seaweed. He also informed her that the Sake was made from fermented rice grains. He also served some grape wine and fruit juice in case Natasha didn’t like the Sake.

Natasha was enamored with the food based on her expression while eating it. Natasha complimented Mark on his choice of food and commented that his homeland was home to genius chefs. She then asked what he prepared that was better than the circus play.

“That black rectangular device that you see attached to the wall will show you something beautiful, but I would like to ask you not to spread what you are about to see.”  Mark pointed at the television and tried hard to make it sound mysterious. He saw that Natasha was intrigued.

“I’m about to dim the light so we can see the show better.”  Mark dimmed the lights and loaded the movie “The Princess Bride.”  Natasha was focused on the movie and based on her expressions, was thoroughly enjoying her very first film.

Instead of watching the movie, Mark was watching Natasha, enjoying her reactions to the scenes of the movie. After the film, Natasha turned to Mark.

“That was the best show that I have ever seen! Instead of a show, it looked and felt like I was watching their true story unfold. How was this done? What a beautiful magic device.”

Mark shrugged and asked her how the story was, and Natasha couldn’t help herself and repeated some of the scenes that she enjoyed. After a bit of a pause, Mark led Natasha outside for a bathroom break then they went inside the caravan again to continue talking.

After some time, Mark kissed Natasha and the guard captain participated vigorously. She then mentioned that she found his costume during the acrobat show erotic.

Mark dimmed the lights again and summoned a very thick futon from his inventory and there, thoroughly enjoyed knowing the guard captain intimately.

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