Delayed Transfer - Chapter 153

Published at 31st of January 2024 11:29:54 AM

Chapter 153

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Mark and Natasha played intimate games for several hours and to the amazement of the beautiful guard captain, Mark was very vigorous until the end. After that, Natasha requested to watch the movie again, but Mark showed a different film and it was the movie that he first showed to the elven sisters, “The Importance of Being Ernest.”

Mark was limiting the type of films he was showing to his friends since he didn’t want them to suffer any culture shock, but he knew that he was the type to share especially those things that he loved like his favorite movies and television shows but still, he was impressed at his restraint.

Sam, Armina, and Enleed always reprimanded him for being too generous to a fault, even endangering himself in the process but his counter-argument was, “One of the good things about having power or being powerful is to be generous to friends and ruthless to enemies.”  He once read that quote from one of his favorite authors, David Eddings, fantasy series, The Elenium and The Tamuli books.

Mark was one of those almost annoying guys who always wanted to share his love for otaku things and knew for a fact, even before he transmigrated, that he would not change and wouldn’t like to change. He remembered one time, Melissa, Sam’s sister once told him that at least he knew how to control himself when he felt that those people who didn’t share his hobbies were getting annoyed with him sharing his otaku things not like Sam or some of the other nerds that she encountered who couldn’t help themselves and tend to overshare to the point that those who are not interested would get bored.

Mark also provided some snacks to Natasha and gave her some popcorn and soda and told her that it was a tradition in his homeland to eat those snacks when watching a movie.

The moment the movie ended, Natasha told him that she enjoyed the movie and the snacks very much and would like to watch both movies again the next weekend during her day off and Mark agreed. After that Mark escorted the guard captain back to the guard station even though Natasha said that she would be safe. He insisted and said that he just wanted to prolong his time with her which Natasha just laughed off.

The next day, after his lessons with the elven sisters and his practice with the acrobat brothers, Mark explored the city by himself. He wanted to view the sights in the city and when he asked for Hamil’s advice regarding this, the caravan leaders said that he should be safe enough since he’s a powerful mage.

Mark's goal was to check the mage guild or the place where the wizards gather. He was interested to learn the magic system in this world. To be honest with himself, he could continue exploring his dungeon which was the boon that the system gave him when it fucked up and knew for a fact that based on what the system implied, there was no limit to his leveling up and the skills or spells he could get, and those spells could rival those of the most powerful wizards in this world.

The problem with that was the spells that he received from the system, even though it’s instinctive to use, he didn’t have the basic foundational knowledge of it. It would be better for him to know the magic in its basic foundation and build from it instead of relying on a game-like skill tree.

Mark's spells were very powerful, and he couldn’t deny that but knowing another magic system could supplement that power and help him a lot. Once he continued leveling up, his increased stats would provide him with a longer lifespan according to the “help section” of his system interface so he got the time, and he really didn’t have a personal goal like revenge or something like the protagonists on his favorite web novels or animes, so he could use the need to learn things as a personal goal instead.

Right now, the elven sisters were still focusing on teaching the language and general knowledge and said they would start teaching him the basics of magic once he adequately grasped the language.

Mark was glad of his thick clothes since it was really cold even though the enchantments in the city prevented the snow build-up. He was surprised that the guards staffing the gate to the inner city let him pass without any issues and thought that maybe his nice clothes paved the way or maybe some of them recognized him as a mage who delivered the robbers to the guard station.

Mark’s real goal when he went to explore was to go to the mage guild and have a look. Natasha mentioned that the mage guild was the highest tower in the city next to the city lord’s palace. He wanted to check what he could learn from there.

He arrived at the entrance of the mage guild and saw that it looked like a bank with counters and receptionists. It looked like one of those high-class adventurer’s guilds in the animes that he’d seen but the main difference was that the majority of people were mages based on the robes the people were wearing.

Mark queued on one of the lines so he could speak with one of the receptionists. When he arrived at the front of the line, the receptionist looked like the normal girl that you could find anywhere in California, aside from her wearing a mage robe.

“Hello, my name is Anna. How can I help you?”  The receptionist politely asked Mark.

“Hi, my name is Mark and I’m a visiting foreign mage and would like to learn about the rules on what mages need to follow to not offend anyone important here in the city. “

“We appreciate that you would like to inform us of your presence. Let me call someone to guide you.”

Mark didn’t know if the girl did something but after several minutes, a mage introduced himself to him and told him his name was Manolik and would be the one introducing the mage guild rules to him in the city of Argent.


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