Delayed Transfer - Chapter 159

Published at 31st of January 2024 11:29:49 AM

Chapter 159

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Mark’s recreational vehicle was large but not overly so. When he was choosing to buy an RV, he chose a middle-size one with a master bedroom, a bunker bed for two children although adults could fit in those as well.

It also had a complete set of kitchen appliances, and every part of the RV had a heater or air conditioner depending on the weather. It had a shower and restroom that was comfortable enough, and he made sure that the water, fuel, and food were fully stocked when he stored it in his inventory so whenever he replicated the vehicle, it would be replicated fully stocked and once he was done with the copy, he would just destroy it using his Inventory Material Destruction skill. The MP cost was hefty though but still, making sure that he was comfortable was enough to spend the MP and he could always regenerate it if needed with his skills.

Mark went back to where everybody was preparing their tents. He called Natasha and asked about the sleeping rotation. The guard captain said that Mark and the mages were exempted from the guard duty since there were enough people. Aside from Mark, Natasha, and the two mages, the guard consisted of six people. The other skills people had were a combination of warrior and rogue professions and Natasha believed that together with the two mages, they were enough for the wyverns.

“Natasha, I really don’t want to sleep in a tent so could I summon a temporary home? It’s fairly large though so do you think I can do this without disturbing something?”

Natasha was surprised when she heard Mark asking for permission to do something like this.

“How large is this home that you’re planning to conjure?”

“It would comfortably fit six people. That means that we and the mages could sleep in there comfortably and depending on the guard duty rotation, the guards could rest comfortably as well. It should be a little bigger than my caravan.”

Mark could see Natasha’s hesitation.

“It had hot water for the shower and toilet where we can do our business comfortably and the bed is soft and warm.”  Natasha’s hesitation disappeared when she heard it and agreed on Mark conjuring his traveling home.

Natasha called everyone and when the mages and the guards gathered, they questioningly looked at the guard captain.

“Mark here said that he is going to conjure something where we could stay comfortably and if it is indeed large and comfortable enough, we could stop the preparation for the tents and campsite fire.”

Everyone looked at Mark and waited expectantly. Mark replicated his RV. When it appeared, everyone was surprised when they saw the huge black thing that looked like a big caravan. He chose a black color when he purchased the thing since he thought that black was cooler than a regular white RV.

Mark asked Natasha and the two mages first inside the vehicle so he could show them how everything worked and then asked the guard captain to be the one instructing the guards on what to do inside the RV.

Natasha and the two mages, Ardeen and Lossa were amazed when they entered the recreational vehicle. The first thing Mark did when they entered the vehicle was to turn on the vehicle’s generator so he could turn on the heater. He was glad that the generator was powerful but silent enough to support the vehicle.

“What did you do?” Natasha asked.

“I turned on the power so the heaters could start heating the place.”

Everyone inside the vehicle felt the RV warming up. Mark showed them the kitchen, the big freezer, and storage places where the food was stored. He also showed them the restroom where one could take a shower and do their personal business and taught them how to use it, and then finally showed them the bunker beds and the master bedroom.

Mark told Natasha that he was too tired, so he showed them the TV dinners stored in the refrigerator and heated one in the microwave. Natasha and the mages tasted the food and said that it was all right enough to be their food for the night.

The RV was warm enough for the people to remove their winter clothing so everyone inside did and stored their clothing on a cabinet that Mark showed.

Natasha invited four of the guards inside to eat and the two remaining would stand guard first. Mark prepared the microwave dinner and when Natasha was done teaching the guards what to do inside the vehicle, they started eating their dinner. Everyone enjoyed their dinner although, to Mark’s taste, the food was mediocre, it was something hot and didn’t take long to prepare.

After everyone ate, including the guards who were stationed outside the vehicle, Natasha went on assigning them their duties. Mark led the mages to the bunker beds for them to rest and he went to have a shower.

When Mark was done with his business in the restroom, he was followed by the two mages. Natasha was still busy checking out the perimeter of the campsite.

Mark went to the master bedroom and summoned a tablet where he could read a web novel. When Natasha entered, fully washed, she lay down beside him.

“This is an amazing traveling house, Mark. It’s complete and comfortable enough to be used even by high nobles and high wizards. You’re really powerful to be able to conjure something like this.”

“I didn’t make this from nothing. It was stored in my space dimension and just summoned it to be used.”

“I noticed that it has wheels. That meant that it could travel the road. How many animals would one need to pull it, or does it run in magic?”

“Remember earlier when I mentioned that I didn’t learn mount riding since my homeland had vehicles that we used to travel around? This is one of them and it runs on something called a gasoline fuel.”

“Although it is very good to live at while traveling, I understand why you would not like to use it in the circus caravan since it was huge and very conspicuous, but still, having something like this is very convenient.”

Natasha noticed the tablet in Mark’s hand and asked what it was, and he told the guard captain that it was something he used to read documents. The couple rested and didn’t do anything funny since they were tired and on a mission.

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