Delayed Transfer - Chapter 160

Published at 31st of January 2024 11:29:46 AM

Chapter 160

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Morning arrived and everyone rested well except for the two mages, Ardeen and Lossa. Mark prepared their breakfast which was just cooking omelets, and slices of bacon, and toasting the bread using the toaster in the RV’s kitchen. He also prepared some coffee and orange juice. When everything was ready, Mark called Natasha, the guards, and the mages for breakfast. Everyone ate well and the guards were generous in spreading the butter to their toasts.

“This is delicious Mark. I didn’t know you can cook.” Natasha said while spreading some butter on her toast.

“This is not cooking. I fried some eggs and bacon and toasted the bread on that device.” Mark laughed while pointing at the toaster.

“What happened to the two of you?” Mark asked the mages when he noticed the dark circles under their eyes.

“We would like to apologize Mark. We tinkered with some of the devices in your traveling home. We didn’t destroy anything though, we just experimented on what and how it can do what it does. That microwave is great! We heated everything that we brought using it just to check how it does it.” Ardeen said while drinking his coffee.

“I know you told us that the device vibrates the water, and it heats the food, but we still can't figure it out,” Lossa added.

“Some of your devices can easily be deduced on how they work like your dishwashing machine and your “fridge,” but the process was very different from using runes and we still don’t get how it was powered up.”

“Oh. That’s okay. I thought the bed was uncomfortable.”

“Oh no! The bed’s wonderful and the temperature in this place is perfect.”  Mark saw the guards’ nod and Natasha smiled.

“Lord Mark, we would like to ask, what circle are you? You’re very powerful to be able to summon something like this and think that we may be disrespecting you with our actions.” Ardeen and Lossa, even Natasha looked at Mark expectantly.

“I don’t know. My homeland’s magic system is very different from yours, so I don’t know how to compare it with yours. My teachers said that once I’m proficient with the language, they will start teaching me the basics of your magic system so until then, I don’t have an idea. Based on what I gather so far when Natasha mentioned that you’re second-circle, you should be able to use up to second-level spells, am I right?”

“Yes, you’re right. Honestly, reaching that level is rare and Ardeen and I are considered prodigies since we reached that level at an early age.” Lossa said while he stood up to get more coffee.

“This coffee of yours is delicious!”

Natasha and the guards agreed so Mark brewed some more. After breakfast, Mark stored the RV in his inventory, and they continued with their travel.

“That was convenient Mark, thank you.” Natasha kissed him on the cheeks before they set out.

When mid-day arrived, the group rested, and Mark generously gave everyone some burgers, fries, and soda. He didn’t want to eat travel bread and he couldn’t be the only one eating something delicious. Everyone appreciated the lunch that Mark provided, and he was reminded of one of his favorite web novels that was turned into an anime, “Campfire Cooking in Another World.”

“You’re overly generous Mark, I can’t help but feel that we're taking advantage of you,” Natasha said while eating her burger.

“Well, that’s one of the perks of dating me, Ms. Natasha.”

The mages and the guards laughed and stopped when the guard captain glared at them.

“Oh, don’t mind them. I just don’t want to eat those travel bread and dried meat and I couldn’t just eat the delicious food alone couldn’t I?”

“We are taking advantage of you Lord Mark. This has been one of the most comfortable travel that I’ve experienced. Great food, warm place to sleep, and hot water to wash in.” Ardeen added.

When night arrived, Mark summoned his RV again on the campsite that Natasha chose. After eating dinner, Mark and Natasha retired to their bedroom after the guard captain scheduled the guard duties.

“I’m not tired. Want to do something fun?” The beautiful guard captain asked Mark.

“They will hear us!”

“We’ll try to be silent and even if they hear us, so what? They would understand. We could die when we confront the wyverns, and they wouldn’t fault us for enjoying this night especially since it’s very comfortable here.”

Mark was persuaded easily, and the rest of the evening was thoroughly enjoyed by the couple. He did play some music loudly to cover the noise of what they were doing, and he would rather be questioned about the stereo that let their love-making noises be heard by everyone.

The next day, everyone asked about the stereo, and as a courtesy, Mark cast Comprehend Language on the device so everyone could understand the songs. He explained to the others that it was a device that produced music from his homeland and the mages, and surprisingly, the rest of the guards were curious about it, so he showed it to them briefly.

The mages and the guards were surprised to learn that the device could store thousands upon thousands of different music. After a brief show and tell of the speaker that had a hard drive filled with music plugged into it, the group continued with their travel.

While they were traveling, Mark asked the mages about his situation and whether he would encounter any trouble from the other wizards regarding the things that he showed them.

“It is expected from a high-level foreigner wizard that he would have magical things and wizards your level would not be interested in those things that we’d seen so far since they could also make things like that. Those that will covet your things will be commoners or low-level mages and could easily be handled by your power and it would be a suicide for them to confront you regarding those things.” Ardeen answered.

“Besides, even if for some reason they were successful in killing or subduing you, your things are in your space dimension and everyone knows that once a wizard dies, his space dimension and everything inside will be destroyed as well,” Lossa added.

“Nobody could really subdue a wizard since they have unknown spells that would help them escape or take revenge especially if the said wizard is a high-level one,” Natasha said.

The group arrived in Pine Creek, and everyone could see the devastation that the wyvern brought to the village.

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