Delayed Transfer - Chapter 168

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:09:14 PM

Chapter 168

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Mark and the twins were followed by Hamil and his son Deo to where his cart was parked. Mark thought that more than likely, the caravan leader wanted to see his RV home. When they arrived there, Mark saw Nedertu waiting by the cart.

“Good evening Mark, I’m glad that you’re back.”

“How did you know?”

“A lot of people saw you came in and told me about it. Are we eating here tonight? I was told that you have guests.” Nedertu said while looking at the twins. The twins went behind Mark and clung to his legs.

Mark laughed and told Nedertu that they would be eating dinner in a while, but he had to do something first.

Mark was glad that the location where his cart was parked was big enough for the RV, so he summoned a newly replicated fully stocked RV. When the black monstrosity of an RV appeared, he saw that Hamil and Nedertu were excited to see it.

“It had wheels, but the materials were made differently. It would take several animals to pull it though. It’s huge!” Nedertu commented.

“You don’t need animals to pull it, it can run by itself. It had a machine that runs on fuel.”

“Does it use runes?” Hamil asked.

“No. It’s very hard to explain but it doesn’t actually use magic to run.”

Mark invited Hamil and his son as well as Nedertu inside the RV. When the caravan leader and his cart coach entered the RV, their eyes were wide with curiosity. Mark gave a brief tour to Hamil and Nedertu while the kids followed. He introduced the steering wheel, the leather couches, and its wide-screen television which they already knew what it was, the kitchen with its appliances, the refrigerator, the generator, the toilet, and the bunk bed that Mark planned to let the twins use, and the master bedroom. He gave a very brief explanation of some of the devices.

“If I want to buy something like this from you, how much will it cost me?” Hamil asked while looking around.

Mark laughed and told the caravan leader that owning something like this in this place would be very difficult since it uses a different kind of fuel to run.

“Where will you get its fuel?”

Mark just smiled and didn’t answer. He turned on the generator and cranked the heat up to warm up the RV. He then asked the twins to wash up on the toilet but to make sure that the water was warm first. The twins went to the toilet while Deo followed. Mark asked Hamil’s son to make sure that nothing would happen to the kids and Deo just nodded.

Mark prepared food for dinner which meant, he just replicated anything he fancied from his inventory and put it on the table.

“Why are you being blatant in using your powers? At first, you were kind of being subtle, as if you don’t want people to know that you’re a wizard.”

“I did that because I don’t want to scare people. I thought by displaying my magic, people would either get scared and avoid me or look at me with suspicion. When I talked to the mages that went with us during Natasha’s mission, I realized that what I could do was not that special compared to the truly powerful archmages.”

Hamil nodded when he heard it.

“You’re right. I was able to visit the city of Leldorin once when I was very young. My father’s caravan passed through there briefly and I was amazed at the magical wonders I’ve seen. They have floating buildings and floating vehicles!”

“My father told me stories as well when I was a child. He mentioned that in a city of wizards that he’d been in, it was very normal for them to wave their hands and food appear, just like what you’re doing and the wizards who do it were the servants and not rulers.” Nedertu added.

“My father mentioned to me that the wizards were not really creating something from nothing. They either opened small portals to where the items were located, or they had dimensional storage where the items were stored.” Hamil said.

After a while, Mark excused himself to check up on the twins and he saw that Deo joined them in their shower and they were still at it playing. Mark brought them towels and told the kids to dress up since dinner was ready.

During dinner, Mark asked Nedertu if he were willing to become his permanent employee, meaning that if anytime he wanted to leave the caravan, he would go with him. Nedertu paused for a bit, thinking very hard.

“Can you give me some time? I will need to talk to Zenethor.”

“Of course. You don’t need to worry about me leaving the caravan anytime soon. I’m planning to stay for a while and join its travel.”

Hamil smiled when he heard that.

“So how was your theater project? Did you earn much?” Mark asked the caravan leader.

Hamil became excited.

“My coffers are overflowing! I needed to increase the price five times and there’s a two-month waiting list already. Since there were only three hundred seats, I decided to just assign fifty seats to our people. I hope you understand.”

“Well, I’m a bit disappointed since my priority is still our people’s enjoyment but you’re still our leader so I’ll abide by your decision.”

Hamil grinned when he heard Mark say that.

“The big problem was, people started complaining to me since a lot of the ones who had already seen the movies kept on watching it again so those who had heard about it, weren’t able to get the chance to watch the shows.”

Mark laughed and then told Hamil ruthlessly that it was his problem.

When dinner was over, Mark told the twins that he prepared something special for them and the boys listened expectantly while Hamil, Deo, and Nedertu looked on.

“Tonight, instead of me telling you a fairy tale, I will show it to you instead.”

Mark turned on the television in the living room. He then told everyone that he would show them a story about a puppet that was created by a lonely old man who wanted his own son and that the puppet dreamed of becoming a real boy. He briefly mentioned to Hamil that this would be the second animation he was planning to let the caravan leader use.

Mark dimmed the lights and started the Disney animation movie, Pinocchio.


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