Delayed Transfer - Chapter 169

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:09:12 PM

Chapter 169

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Mark saw that everyone was focused on watching the movie Pinocchio, so nobody noticed when he left. He went to the bunker beds and replicated some stuffed toys. He had a lot of diverse items in his inventory but unfortunately, most of the toys were related to animes one way or another.

“Well, they are cute so I think that twins would enjoy them,” Mark thought. He was also planning to bring the boys clothes shopping the next day after his lessons with the elven sisters so they would have better clothes.

Mark replicated some snacks that he brought to the viewers so they could enjoy the movie more. When the movie was done, the twins kept telling Mark that it was so wonderful, that it was the best thing that they had ever seen. They kept on babbling the scenes from the movie and he just smiled at them.

Hamil said that the movie was great, and he was sure that their customers would enjoy it once they showed it together with the two new ones after three weeks. Mark asked Hamil if they encountered any issues with the theater and the caravan leader that there was indeed an attempt to steal the devices during the days that Mark was not present since the theater was not active after the spell Comprehend Language expired.

It was a good thing that with the help of the elven sister’s rune knowledge, the spell lasted for a couple of days instead of its usual twelve hours and the elven sisters were researching on how to extend it further. Mark knew he could extend the duration by adding more skill points to the spell, but he really wanted to use the points when he really needed it like for defense, offense, or healing.

Mark knew that he should really get back to diving his dungeon so he could get more skills or spells and more skill points, but he was currently enjoying his time with the circus caravan especially now with Natasha and the twins. He also decided to stop with the acrobatics so he could focus on learning from the elven sisters, going out with Natasha, and taking care of the twins.

Hamil, Deo, and Nedertu said their goodbyes and left. Mark led the twins to the bunk beds and told them that from then on, the bunk beds would be their beds.

Mark thought that the boys would be excited to see the toys on the bed, but he saw that they were sad instead.

“Why, don’t you like the toys? The bed will be as soft as the large bed.”

The twins looked at each other and then turned to Mark.

“It’s okay Mark. We’ll sleep here.” Isaac said.

“No, tell me. Families don’t keep secrets to each other.”

“We want to sleep with you!” Aaron blurted.

Mark thought that the boys must still be insecure since they had just lost their parents but of course, he really did not know about these things.

“I understand. Let’s go ahead and sleep on the big bed but if Natasha is here, you should sleep on these beds okay?”

The twins cheered and hugged Mark again. He noticed that the boys were especially clingy, and he thought that it was just them trying to adjust and reassure themselves and trying to find stability in their suddenly unstable world.

“Here I am, pretending to be a psychologist again,” Mark thought and laughed to himself.

The next day, Mark woke up early and prepared breakfast for himself and the twins. He told the twins that he would need to visit somebody to study the local language and some other subject. The boys wanted to go with him, so he just allowed it.

Mark and the boys stayed with the elven sisters for his studies for three hours. He was glad to see that the twins behaved themselves and actually participated in the lessons, especially during the English language lesson that he was doing with the sisters.

After the lessons, Mark, followed by the twins went to Zenethor to talk to him about Nedertu and to see what his caravan coach’s decision concerning being his employee.

“Mark! I’m glad you’re here. I’ve made my decision and Zenethor agreed with me.” Nedertu said when he saw Mark arrived. Zenethor was there listening.

“As Zenethor told me, it was a rare opportunity to work for a mighty wizard especially since you’re very generous, so his advice was to agree to be your employee.” The cat-man continued.

Zenethor nodded and commented that since Mark was staying with the circus caravan, it would be as if nothing changed anyway.

“That’s great! You will need to learn how to operate the devices in the RV including how to drive it so I will teach you.”

When Zenethor and Nedertu heard that, the both of them gaped then Zenethor suddenly looked envious.

“You’ll teach me to use your precious magical devices?” Nedertu asked, surprised.

“Yes, that’s what I said. Actually, that’s one of the reasons why I wanted you to become a personal employee since I will be teaching an employee of mine to use the devices. Do we need to talk to someone about contracts and stuff?”

“No need for that. We here at the circus don’t usually do something like a written contract for such a simple thing as employment since if any of you broke the verbal agreement, the employment will just stop.” Zenethor added.

“That’s great. Let’s go ahead and eat a feast at my cart for celebration!”

Everyone cheered and the twins joined in the cheering.

Inside the RV, Mark replicated a lot of tasty food which Nedertu and Zenethor helped polish off. After lunch, Mark went to Natasha so she could help him sell the earth dragon’s corpse and he brought the twins with him since after that, they would be shopping for clothes. He was hoping to get Mana stones for the earth dragon’s remains instead of gold coins.

When they arrived at the guard station, some of the guards, led Mark and the twins to Natasha’s office.

“We reported the success of the mission, and we were rewarded well since the intelligence regarding the difficulty was incorrect. And the fact that we also encountered an Earth Dragon and killed it which could have been an unmitigated disaster to nearby villages, increased the rewards significantly. The council would like to see the earth dragon corpse first before we sell it, is that okay?”

Mark told Natasha that it wasn’t a problem. The guard captain also asked if he was amenable to letting the council purchase the corpses and Mark said that as long as he could retain its Mana stone and that he would be paid in Mana stone as well, it wasn’t a problem.

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