Delayed Transfer - Chapter 173

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:09:07 PM

Chapter 173

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The children woke up late in the afternoon and after playing for a bit, everyone went back to their parents. The twins kept on babbling about their day and Mark was glad to see that the boys were very happy with how the day went.

“Did you and your friends enjoy the toys?”

“Yes, Mark. They were jealous and said that we were lucky that we could stay in a magical home with a wizard as a brother.” Isaac said while tinkering with the Lego set.

“They asked if they could play again tomorrow,” Aaron added.

“Sure, but as you can see, our home is in shambles, so you must use the other cart as your playhouse starting tomorrow. Don’t worry since I will make sure that it will be convenient for you and your friends to play there. I will put in a lot of toys and a refrigerator to store food so you and your friends can have a snack anytime you get hungry.”

The twins stopped playing and looked at Mark. Then after a few seconds, both of them stood up and hugged him fiercely. They both started crying again.

“We’re so sad that we lost our parents but I’m so happy that we have you as a brother,” Issac said while sobbing making his words slurred.

Mark hugged the children back. After everyone calmed down, he asked Nedertu and the twins to go outside with him for a moment.

“What are we doing outside?” Nedertu asked.

“Everything inside is dirty so I’m going to replace it with a brand new one.” Everyone gaped at Mark, and he just smiled.

Mark stored the RV in his inventory and used his Inventory Material Destruction skill to destroy it and replicate a new one. When they went inside, Nedertu and the twins saw that everything looked brand new again and all the food in the storage spaces was filled to the brim. Mark then took out all the toys from his Inventory and placed them on the children’s bunk beds.

After a huge dinner, Mark asked everyone to bathe, then prepared the twins to sleep. The twins bravely told Mark that they were ready to sleep in the bunkbeds but before they did, Mark read another fairytale to them.

Mark saw that Nedertu was preparing a sleeping Mattress in the living room and when the cat-man saw him, Nedertu told him that the RV was truly magical since the heat was constant.

The next day, Mark prepared the caravan cart so the twins would have a nice playhouse for their friends. He filled it with different toys some picture books for little children and even some coloring books, colored pens, and crayons. After that, he went to the elven sisters for his lessons.

At lunchtime, he went back to his RV to eat together with Nedertu and the twins. While they were eating, he asked Nedertu for his opinion regarding hiring someone to help him take care of the kids and Nedertu declined and said that he could handle it. The cat-man insisted saying that since he had little responsibility right now since they were not traveling, it was only right that he takes care of the little ones.

After lunch, they received some surprised guests. Natasha, together with the two mages, Ardeen and Lossa arrived. Meanwhile, the twins went back to the other cart to continue playing and Nedertu followed them.

Mark invited Natasha and the two mages inside.

“Did something happen?”

“We received a new mission and it’s especially difficult. We received a report that a powerful cult occupied one of the villages under our city and it was believed that the cult actually awakened a sleeping god. Some of the council members said that since we were successful in killing off the mutated Wyverns and the earth dragon, we would be powerful enough to handle this one. We argued that we were only successful because you were there.” Ardeen said to Mark while Natasha looked guiltily at him.

“The council members believed that since you and the guard captain are in a relationship, you will be willing to help us again,” Lossa added.

“I argued that since this mission is especially difficult considering the fact that we could be dealing with a god, they should assign a higher circle mage but according to the council, all high circle mages are currently busy,” Natasha said.

Mark looked at Natasha and the guard captain kept looking at her feet.

“Natasha look at me. You don’t need to feel guilty. Of course, I’ll help you. When are we leaving?”

Natasha hugged Mark and the two mages excused themselves.

“Thank you, Mark. You don’t need to do this. This mission is an impossible one if we are really dealing with a forest god. It’s okay if we die since this is a mission assigned to us by the city but you’re not a citizen of this city.”

“I like you Natasha and I know that you will not be coming with me once we leave with the caravan but while I’m here, I will do everything I can to help you.”

Mark was also curious about how powerful this forest god was and if he could fight one. While the Wyvern and the Earth Dragon gave him some experience points, it was not even enough to increase one level.

“We will be leaving early in the morning, but this village is a bit far, we would need to travel at least five days.”

“Okay, let me talk to the caravan leader, Nedertu, and the twins.”

“All right. I will need to go back to prepare.”

Natasha left together with the mages.

Mark went to the other cart to talk to the twins and Nedertu, but he saw that it was filled with the circus children. He called the cat man and the twins and told them that he needed to talk to them.

Inside the RV, Mark told them about the mission and that it was especially difficult and would take about five days. Since it was particularly dangerous, he couldn’t bring the twins with him. The boys started crying and hugged him.

“Mark, please bring with us with you. We will be very good and will not be in your way.” Isaac cried and Aaron just cried loudly.

Mark thought for a bit and decided to bring the twins with him. He knew that it was a foolish decision that would definitely endanger them, but he couldn’t part with the twins. If the worst-case scenario happened, he would hide them in the dungeon while he escaped.

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