Delayed Transfer - Chapter 174

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:09:06 PM

Chapter 174

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Nedertu then asked if he should come with them to the mission so he could take care of the kids, but Mark declined and said that it would be extremely dangerous. The caravan coach told him that he could handle himself in a fight and Mark reiterated that his responsibility as his employee was to take care of the RV and once he learned how, to drive it to their next destination. Endangering himself was not part of their contract especially since it was a mission for the city, so Mark declined Nedertu’s offer to come with them again.

Mark then went to Hamil to bring the caravan leader a copy of the next set of movies they planned to show to their customers and to inform him that he and the kids would be gone for approximately five days.

“Are you bringing the twins with you? You said that it would be very dangerous. You can leave them here and we’ll take care of them.”

“That was my plan, but the boys begged me, and I couldn’t say no. I’ll protect them so you don’t need to worry.”

Mark then cast the comprehend spell to the theater devices and a good thing that the rune that was created by the elven sisters extended the spell up to five days so he should be back before the spell expired.

There was one peculiar thing about his computers. Other people’s spells that translated languages didn’t work on them, only his spell did. Once he knew enough magic of this world, he would research that.

Mark went to the elven sister’s house to inform them of his upcoming five-day absence. At the door, he heard one of them singing the song The Last Unicorn by America accompanied by a stringed instrument. When he knocked on the door, he was greeted by Monterra and then when he went inside, he saw Solinae playing on some sort of harp while singing the song.

Mark clapped after the song ended.

“That was a beautiful interpretation.”

“Thank you. We like this song. It speaks to us. The fact that it was about a magical creature that was the last of her kind in their world makes it sound so poignant and lonely.” Solinae said.

“What brought you here?” Eilintraee added while bringing Mark a cup of tea.

“Me and the twins would be gone for five days. Natasha received a difficult mission, partly because of me so I will need to help her.”

“You’re bringing the twins?” Solinae asked.

“Yes. I know it’s dangerous, but I’ll protect them. They begged me to bring them, and I just couldn’t leave them.”

“I see. Good luck on your mission.” Monterra told him. After that, he went back to his RV to prepare.

Mark met up with Natasha and the others early the next day. The guard captain was surprised when she saw that he was bringing the twin boys with him.

“This is a dangerous mission, Mark. Why are you bringing the twins with you?”

“They begged me to. I’ll make sure they’re safe.” People kept on bringing that up and Mark began to worry about the stupidity of bringing the twins with them but what was done was done.

Natasha’s group consisted of the two mages, Ardeen and Lossa, and a lot more guards, about twenty of them. They were also bringing a supply cart with them since there were a lot more people.

Mark thought of offering to carry the things in his inventory but decided to let them be. He thought that it was not a wise idea to make their travel to be so reliant on him. He was still going to use his RV during rest times though since wanted the twins and Natasha, and of course, himself, to have a good rest.

Natasha also told him that she would not be joining him on his flying disc and would ride her horse so she could lead the group properly and Mark just shrugged. The mages though asked him if they could join him, and Mark just nodded.

The twins were very excited to have another adventure and they told Mark that when they told their friends about them going on an “important” mission for the city, they went blue from envy.

Mark cast his Space Floating Disc and summoned a long couch where he, the twins, and the mages would sit then followed Natasha.

While they were floating behind the huge group of soldiers, the mages talked to Mark.

“This is one of the best spells that I’ve ever seen allowing us to travel conveniently and comfortably,” Lossa said.

“Don’t you have a spell like this?” Mark asked while making sure that the twin boys were bundled properly so they wouldn’t catch a cold.

“We do but it doesn’t last long like your spell,” Ardeen answered.

“What about a flight spell?”

“That’s a higher level spell so no, we don’t.”

“I can fly, as well as teleport.” Mark boasted. The twins clapped and giggled when they heard that.

“Lord Mark, I think it would be a good idea to let us test your circle once we're back from this mission,” Ardeen said.

“You can test that?”

“Yes, we have a device that can do that. It’s in the mage’s guild. I will apply for it once we’re back.”

“Okay, I’m curious to know too.”

The group started their travel from the North gate so while they were traveling, Mark felt that it was getting colder. He asked the twins if they were feeling okay and the boys said that they were feeling a little cold, so Mark summoned more blankets from his inventory. At lunchtime, Mark, Natasha, the twins, and the mages ate a quick but delicious meal courtesy of Mark and he felt guilty since the other guards were eating regular travel ration.

“You don’t need to worry about that part, Lord Mark. It’s customary for the leaders and mages in an expedition to have better accommodation during travel.” Lossa said when he heard Mark’s concern.

“I know but when I read it in my novels, it felt like it’s a dick move.”

“Dick move?” Natasha asked.

“Oh sorry. It’s a colloquial term from where I’m from meaning it’s something done by people who only thought of themselves.”

“If you’re that concerned, we can eat your food during dinner time.”

Mark smiled and then said that he would prepare the food during nighttime so everyone would be comfortable.

“Although, if you’re going to summon your traveling home, you will need to allow the soldiers to sleep outside for them to not get the idea that you will provide everything to them.”

Mark agreed with Natasha’s condition then after lunch, they continued on their way.


Shameless plug. Please check out my Patreon. You can read up to 40 advance chapters. It would really help a so-called struggling author so much thanks.

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