Delayed Transfer - Chapter 175

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:09:04 PM

Chapter 175

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Mark and the group traveled North of the city slowly enough that he could appreciate the beauty of the snowy wilderness especially since they were sitting on a comfortable couch on top of a floating disc while enclosed in a warm heavy blanket. The twins were napping while Mark was observing the surroundings. He noticed that there were very few animals which confirmed the reason why Natasha and the soldiers brought a supply cart.

At first, he thought that the main reason was for them not to be slowed down by looking for food, but the fact was, that there were very few resources at this time of the year in this location.

Late afternoon came and the group didn’t stop for any rest. Natasha told them that were not stopping since the animals could handle the travel until they stopped for rest in the night. He asked the kids if they wanted some snacks, and they declined saying they were going to eat tonight.

“We wanted to be hungry so we would enjoy the food much more,” Issac said.

When the mages heard that, they laughed.

Night arrived and Mark summoned his RV where he, the twins, Natasha, and the Mages, Lossa, and Ardeen would be staying while the other guards would stay outside to prepare their tents. Natasha stayed outside with the soldiers first to assign night guards and other necessary roles that soldiers needed in a camp.

Inside the RV, Mark prepared their dinner and after it was all laid down on the table, he then prepared the bento boxes for the soldiers. He made sure that there was plenty of food per box and the good thing about his replicate skill was, that he only needed to prepare an elaborate bento box one time and just replicate it for the rest of the soldiers to have one.

He also prepared pots of coffee and water enough for all the soldiers and after everything was done which surprisingly took little time, he called Natasha so she could ask someone to distribute the food to the soldiers.

Mark, the twins, and the mages started eating since Natasha told them that she still had something to do with the soldiers and that they should eat first.

“I missed your food, Lord Mark. It’s truly delicious and traveling with you is making this journey very pleasant.” Lossa said.

Mark prepared some Wagyu Steak, mashed potatoes, Caesar Salad, and some pastries for dessert. The twins requested some fried chicken so he served them that but when they requested some soda, he told them he wouldn’t serve them that tonight since it's bad for their health if they drink too much of it. He served the kids some freshly squeezed fruit drinks and some milk.

Ardeen saw the fried chicken that the kids were eating so he requested to have some as well and when Lossa heard it, he asked for some as well.

“Your magic is so wonderful, if I want to eat something, you don’t need to prepare it, you just wave your hand and it’s there,” Ardeen said.

The twins nodded when they heard it and loudly yelled that Mark was the greatest wizard ever.

“If I’m a woman, I would marry you in a heartbeat,” Lossa added, and everybody laughed. The twins though didn’t understand the joke based on their expressions but just laughed with them.

After a while, Natasha entered the RV and Mark served some food to her.

“What were you laughing about?” The guard captain asked.

“Lord Lossa said that he would marry Mark since he can give him food anytime and everybody laughed,” Aaron said innocently, and everyone laughed again including Natasha.

After dinner, Mark bathed the twins and then took a shower himself after the boys were dressed. After them, Natasha bathed next. Mark thought that it would have been better if he bathed with the beautiful guard captain but there were a lot of people in the RV. The mages also took a hot shower and with comment that Mark’s traveling home was truly wonderful, able to provide hot water whenever they wanted.

Mark, Natasha, and the twins slept together in the main bedroom, and it was big and spacious enough to fit them and the mages used the kid’s bunkbeds.

The next morning, Mark served toasted bread with butter and lots of coffee to everyone then he dismissed the RV. The group started their journey again.

During the journey, the surrounding area was starting to get colder until everywhere they looked, there was nothing to see but snow. By mid-morning, the snow started to fall heavily, and the wind was getting thicker. Mark was getting worried, and he summoned more blankets for the twins until they were so bundled inside them that they looked like huge Rolly Polly dolls.

By Afternoon, the snowfall turned into a full-blown blizzard and the group had no choice but to stop to wait it out. Mark cast Floating Sunflower for MP management and actually summoned three RV so the group could wait out the blizzard in style. He asked Lossa and Ardeen to stay with the other two RVs since they roughly knew how to use the devices in the RV.

The wizards had no problem separating from them since the RVs were fully stocked. Natasha also had to meet with the soldiers so they could plan what needed to be done during the blizzard. Basically, ten soldiers could stay in each of the RV with one wizard each, and Mark, the twins, and Natasha would stay on the main RV.

Natasha assigned the guard rotation, but she assured him that the soldiers would be fine since they were experienced with this type of situation and the RV actually made their stay in their chosen campsite comfortable even amid a blizzard.

It was very noisy outside due to the wind caused by the blizzard, but Mark and the twins were comfortable. They drank some hot chocolate and played some simple board games that Mark summoned from his inventory. He didn’t let them watch any show on the RV’s television since Mark thought that it would be a good idea for them to be focused amid the storm.

The three RVs and the supply cart were parked in a closed circle and the animals were inside it. The doors of the RV were close enough that Lossa and Ardeen could go to the main RV if they needed to ask Mark for something. Mark also noticed in the window that there were some soldiers outside guarding the RV, but he was not worried since Natasha told him that they would rotate with the others regularly, and seeing the guards outside was making him glad that he was not part of that rotation.

The animals were also comfortable enough since there was a fire that was expertly created by the soldiers that was warming them and the fact that the RV was stopping the wind somewhat helped a lot.

Mark and the twins were happily playing the board game Snakes and Ladders and their laughter was making the RV lively.

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