Delayed Transfer - Chapter 176

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:09:04 PM

Chapter 176

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The temperature was freezing outside but the RV’s heaters were powerful enough that the inside of the traveling home was very comfortable. It was going through the fuel like there was no tomorrow but of course, Mark was not worried. He could replicate enough of it that it would never be a problem. After tonight, he would just destroy the RVs with his Inventory Material Destruction skill and replicate new ones if needed so wear and tear would not be a problem either.

During breakfast, the mages joined Mark and the twins in the main RV while Natasha ate fast so she could join the soldiers and make some plans for the day. The blizzard was still going strong but due to Mark’s magic, nobody was worried about their resources.

After eating some blueberry pancakes, some coffee for the adults, and hot chocolate for the kids, Natasha arrived.

“I’m afraid we would need to stay here for several more hours to outwait the blizzard. I was hoping that it would be done by now and we could go on our way but it’s still going strong. It would probably last until late afternoon.”

“Are the soldiers okay?”

“Everyone is fine and comfortable. They’re happy with the RVs and it’s full of food. They have even learned how to use the kitchen devices so they could even use the supplies in our cart and cook them using your appliances.”

“So, what should we do for the day?” Lossa asked.

“We do have a television here so we can watch some movies,” Mark suggested.

The twins clapped and said that they were excited to watch new shows and the mages gave positive responses as well. Natasha shrugged and said that she was fine watching some movies.

“What about the soldiers?” Mark asked.

“They don’t need to join us. They will be on guard rotation and those who are not on duty are perfectly fine resting in your RVs.” The guard captain responded.

“What are we going to watch?” Isaac asked.

“I want to watch The Last Unicorn again,” Aaron added.

“No, we are going to watch something special.”

“We heard about your shows from some of the nobles in the guild. It was mentioned that the theater in the circus was mind-blowing and that it was beautiful.” Ardeen commented.

“The show that I’m going to play is something very different and I’m quite sure that it will blow your mind! Everybody, go ahead and take your bathroom break we will not be interrupted.” Mark excitedly told everyone.

“I may need to leave from time to time to convene with the soldiers,” Natasha said while smiling and Mark just said all right.

Mark prepared the television and connected the laptop to it. He then prepared speakers so that the sound would be extra special. He was planning to show them “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.”

The movie was one of his favorite science fiction movies and he wanted to see the reaction of this particular select people. He wanted to see what the mage’s reaction would be and would ask their opinion regarding the reception of this type of movie by the regular mages. Natasha would represent the soldiers and would probably ask her to invite one or two more soldiers so he could gauge their reaction.

The twins of course would be the representatives of the children who would watch this type of movie but more than likely, they were too young to be the proper representatives.

As planned, Mark asked Natasha to invite two soldiers to watch with them and told the guard captain that he wanted to see a regular soldier’s reaction to the movie. Natasha just shrugged and invited her vice-captain and his aide.

When everyone was ready, Mark dimmed the lights and made sure that the speaker volume was loud by playing a small clip, and then after that, he played the movie.

The opening scene of the “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope” appeared and Mark was closely watching everyone’s reaction.

Mark was excited to see that everyone was wide-eyed while watching the scenes unfold. Especially during the space scenes with the spaceships and the galaxy.

He knew that the simple story of a farmer’s son rescuing a princess and discovering his power in the process would resonate with the common people in this world but even the mages, whom Mark knew had seen extraordinary things were also wide-eyed while watching the movie.

During the film, Mark got a little worried since he felt like some of the people in the room were so focused that they stopped breathing but that was just his imagination.

When the ending credits rolled, everyone stayed silent until it finished. Mark turned off the television and turned on the lights. Everyone looked at him with stunned expression then everyone started talking all at once.

“Mark is it all true? Do you have the Force as well? Do you have a spaceship?” Isaac babbled.

“Can I join the rebels and fight the empire?” Aaron added.

“Lord Mark, that was the most wonderful show that I’ve ever seen,” Lossa commented.

Natasha and his soldiers were still silent, and Mark could see that they were still stunned by the movie.

Mark clapped his hands. When everyone turned silent, he gave his announcement.

“That was episode four of an extensive list of movie series. There were nine movies in total and the next movie is called Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back.”

“Why did you start with episode four?” Natasha asked.

“The creator of the movies wanted to show it that way. After episode five next was episode six then episodes one to three, then six to nine.”

“That was really a superb film Lord Mark. I want to know what happens next so can you please invite me when you’re going to watch the next one.” Ardeen said.

Mark could see that Natasha’s Vice-captain and his aide were also nodding earnestly although they held themselves off from speaking.

“It’s lunch time so let’s prepare something to eat. I thought you would need to meet up with your soldiers once in a while Natasha?”

Natasha yelped and hurriedly commanded his vice-captain to gather everyone for a meeting. While Natasha was leaving, he told her to come back to get the soldier’s food and also reminded her that they would watch the next one after lunch since the blizzard was still going strong.

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