Delayed Transfer - Chapter 177

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:09:02 PM

Chapter 177

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While Mark was preparing lunch for the soldiers, Mark asked the opinion of the mages, Lossa and Ardeen regarding the movie they’d just watched and how the other mages would receive it, and whether would they pay good money to watch it.

“I would say with one hundred percent guarantee that the movie will be received by low-level mages like us very well. Right now, I’m hunkering for more and couldn’t wait to see the next one. I would also pay good money to watch it.” Lossa said.

“I don’t know about the high-level mages though since they really don’t associate with us much,” Ardeen added.

“Those legendary beings, I think would not be interested because they have the power to travel between realms so I’m guessing that they’ve seen their fair share of inter-dimensional adventure,” Lossa commented.

“You can’t say that. Even those well-traveled enjoy good adventure stories and I’ve never heard anyone traveling outside of our planets before. Only between dimensions.” Ardeen argued.

“Do legendary mages have the ability to travel between planets?” Mark asked while he was replicating the bento boxes that he’d prepared for the soldiers.

“Our teacher told us that with our power right now, we can’t conceive the capabilities of legendary beings so more than likely, they do have that power,” Lossa said.

“Powerful mages can locate realms and travel to them, and I imagine that travel between planets can be done that way as well,” Ardeen added.

Hearing about the possibility of having the power to travel between dimensions or planets excited Mark and right then, it solidified his ambition of learning the magic of this world and climbing through the ranks. He would also continue exploring his dungeon so he would become powerful since he imagined that it would make acquiring the magic system of this land easier if he were powerful himself.

“Do you think the movie was too out of this world for regular people?” Mark continued asking the mages.

“In a regular city, some will be shocked of course but all of us have heard tales of what the mages could do with their power ever since we were young, so I imagine that it’s not going to be as huge a shock as you expected,” Lossa said.

“I have a question that might be a bit sensitive, and you don’t have to answer Lord Mark. Why are you showing these “movies” to people? You clearly don’t need money since you’re a powerful wizard yourself.” Ardeen asked.

Mark stopped what he was doing for a bit so he could explain his reasoning to the mages clearly.

“I came from a world where these types of entertainment are rampant. You cannot envision the imagination of our creators in my homeland, and I grew up loving those creations. I wanted to share what I love with many people hoping that it would inspire them to be creative as well and start a movement that would drive them to be imaginative and creative and maybe someday, a time will come when this planet will be just like mine in terms of entertainment. I know my goals are shallow but it’s what I like, and I wouldn’t apologize for it. It’s not harming anyone, I think, and truthfully, being full of creative people will help this world a lot.”

After a few seconds of silence, while the mages were contemplating what Mark said, Lossa commented on what he did say.

“You may be right Lord Mark. Inspired mages can create new spells that would invigorate their school and I’m all for it.”

“Yes. Becoming stagnant is one of the symptoms of a dying school in wizardry,” Ardeen added.

Mark called Natasha to inform her that the soldiers’ food was ready, and a couple of guards took them away but before they went, one of them thanked Mark and told him that his food was the best food they’d ever eaten. Mark just smiled at the guard and told him that they were welcome.

Mark then prepared their lunch and after a while, Natasha came in and joined them.

“Mark, can you give me an hour before you play the next movie? I need to continue meeting with my guards. One of our rangers informed me that this blizzard could potentially last until tomorrow.”

“Sure, I’ll start the movie once you arrive.”

In the meantime, After lunch Mark surprised the kids with a huge Millennium Falcon Lego Set and they spent their time assembling it. Lossa and Ardeen actually joined them.

“Mark this is the best toy in the world. Thank you for giving it to us,” Isaac said while Aaron nodded.

“Can I buy something like this from you Lord Mark?” Lossa asked while looking at the instructions on how to assemble the Lego set.

“How much are you willing to pay me for something like this?” Mark laughed.

“I’m willing to give you five low Mana stones.” Ardeen interrupted.

“Hey! I’m the one who was asking.” Lossa argued with Ardeen.

Mark smiled at the seed of otakuness that was beginning to spread.

“I suggest you hold off on buying since you’ve only seen one movie so far. There’s a lot more where they came from.”

Mark then summoned a Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca action figures and gave them to the twins.

“Is this for us?” Aaron asked.

“Of course.”

The twins hugged Mark and thanked him.

Mark saw that there was a desire in the mages' eyes for the action figures.

“Do you want something like this as well?” Mark asked.

Ardeen and Lossa actually blushed and nodded.

“I think we should discuss this once the mission ends,” Mark said while smiling, and the mages agreed.

After about an hour, Natasha arrived together with his vice-captain and his aide. They saw the Millennium Falcon Lego set that was one-quarter done and the three actually rushed to it.

“That’s the Millennium Falcon!” Natasha said.

Everyone laughed at Natasha and the guard’s reaction and the guard captain as well as the two soldiers blushed.

Mark then asked the twins to transfer the Lego set to their bunkbed and the mages helped them.

“I’ve encountered a problem, Mark. The other guards heard about the movie, and they expressed their desire to watch it as well. My vice-captain’s aide couldn’t help himself and spread what he’d seen thinking that since it was just a show, he was allowed to tell. He kept bragging about the greatest show on the land he’d seen and told some of the story to the others. They are willing to pay you for the privilege.”

“Will it disrupt the mission?”

“We’re stuck here until tomorrow anyways so I’m thinking of letting them see it as some sort of reward.”

“I’m fine with it but I’ll let you handle who will watch the movie and I’ll teach one of the mages to set it up on the other RV.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!