Delayed Transfer - Chapter 181

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:08:51 PM

Chapter 181

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Natasha introduced everyone to the visitors.

“This is Mark, the owner of this traveling home, the twins, Aaron and Issac, Mark’s brothers. These two are Lossa and Ardeen, second-circle mages from the city of Argent. This is my vice-captain, Mercurio.” Natasha said while pointing at them one by one.

“Everyone, this is Baronet Nudina Marcon from the city of Norwuga, his wife Ilone, his daughter Mariona, and his brother, the second-circle mage Nudina Endor.”

“Please call me Marcon. Baronet is just a title my grandfather purchased from the city to make our business a bit easier. It’s not even a hereditary title and needed to be purchased every generation,” Marcon said then he laughed.

“I must say, wizard Mark, this traveling home is wonderful. An advanced magical artifact even. The guard captain didn’t say what circle you are so forgive me for any disrespect.” Endor said.

“I don’t know what circle I am since I’m not from this land and my magical system is different. Welcome, welcome. Please take a seat so we can start with dinner.”

Everyone took a seat but when the guests saw the spread that Mark prepared, they were taken aback by the extravagance.

“Lord Mark, you truly are welcoming. This feast deserved to be served in the table of kings.” Baronet Marcon praised the dinner spread and his wife and daughter obviously agreed by their expression. The mage Endor’s expression didn’t change, and Mark guessed it was one of his idiosyncrasies.

Everyone started eating and Mark expected that there would be talk in the midst of it, but everyone was focused on decimating the food which validated their quality.

“It should be good since every one of those cost me an arm and a leg,” Mark thought, remembering that every food in his inventory cost a lot of money since they came from well-known restaurants all over his previous world.

After a few minutes of eating, the talk started, and Mark assumed it did since everyone already alleviated some of their hunger.

“Lord Mark, this traveling home of yours is truly wonderful. The temperature is controlled and there are so many devices that I can’t recognize.” Endor, the mage, said.

“There is also hot water in the restroom, and it cleans itself automatically!” Mercurio boasted which made the mage Endor smile. Mark knew that any mid-level mage could heat their own water so that boast was empty.

Everyone started on the dessert and the women were particularly enamored with the chocolate cake.

After dinner, Mark served some coffee, and Mercurio, Natasha’s vice-captain excused himself. The talks that Mark was expecting started.

“We’re surprised to see your group here but based on the number of guards and mages, I can say that you’re in the midst of a mission. But of course, we won’t pry what it is.” Marcon said.

“Your cake is truly delicious. Can I have a copy of the recipe?” Ilone, the baronet’s wife requested.

“I do have a copy of the recipe but unfortunately It’s in my native language. I only began learning the local language and I’m only able to communicate due to a spell.”

“You can dictate it to us!” Mariona, the baronet’s daughter interrupted.

Ilone blushed and Endor glared at the girl.

“Mariona, I’m sure that Lord Mark is too busy to do that, and as I’ve said, they may be in the midst of a mission and don’t have time to cater to your whimsy.”

Mark saw that the girl was embarrassed and became teary-eyed which almost made Mark say that he was willing to dictate the recipe, but he received a glare from Natasha.

“Did you encounter any danger while traveling?” Mark asked the baronet.

“We did but our guards were sufficient in handling those and those that they couldn’t handle, Endor here has spells that helped a lot.”

The twins were actually ignoring the talks and were focused on assembling the Millennium Falcon Lego set and Endor was actually looking at it as well instead of participating in their talks.

“What is that?” Endor asked the boys.

“This is the Millennium Falcon. It’s the spaceship owned by Han Solo who helped Luke Skywalker battle the emperor. When I grow up, I’ll build an actual one and fly into space!” Aaron replied.

“Mark will build one first and we could just join him,” Isaac said to his brother.

“I still want to build my own so if Mark’s spaceship breaks, I will know how to fix it,” Aaron replied to his brother.

“What is a spaceship and who is Han Solo,” Endor asked.

When Mark heard the mage’s questions, he smiled and waited to hear how the twins would answer.

“A spaceship is like a ship, but it flies and travels to different planets,” Isaac answered.

“Han Solo is a space pirate and a hero of the rebel alliance who helped the rebels defeat the empire,” Aaron added, and Mark saw that Endor got more confused.

“I want to learn how to wield the Force and become a Jedi,” Isaac said while he was busy adding more Lego pieces to the set.

Mark interrupted their talks.

“Don’t mind them, they are only talking about a show they’d seen,” Mark said to Endor.

“The toy they're playing at is very well made and the show they’d seen should be good if they remember the details of it,” Endor said, and this promptly made everyone laugh.

“Do you want to see it? It will take several hours though,” Lossa uncharacteristically offered which surprised Mark and Natasha.

When Lossa saw everyone’s questioning faces, Lossa offered his opinion.

“Lord Mark told us that one of his goals was to spread his shows to everyone so a lot of people would be inspired and probably someday create their movies. And I want to see it again.”

Mark laughed and asked Natasha if it was all right and the guard captain just shrugged.

The Baronet and his family were intrigued by what everyone was talking about.

“What do you mean that it will take several hours?” Baronet Marcon asked.

“There is a device on this traveling home that will allow us to see a very advanced show that will make you crap in your pants,” Ardeen said and the expression that he used made Mark laugh.

“I’m very intrigued. Can we see it, Lord Mark?” Endor asked.

“Sure, since I can see that the guard captain, our leader already agreed.”

Mark then cleaned everything up and asked the boys to take them to bed. Lossa then told the baronet and his family the location of the toilet in case they needed to answer nature’s call.

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