Delayed Transfer - Chapter 182

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:27 AM

Chapter 182

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Mark made sure that the wide-screen television set, speakers, and laptop were working properly and when everyone was ready, played Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope again. He had seen the movie countless times, but he never got tired of it especially if he were with some people who would be watching it for the first time.

He loved the fact that everyone who had seen the movie was still focused on the television as if they were seeing the movie for the first time and he remembered his experience watching this same movie the second time. Instead of getting tired of it, the magic just grew.

Looking at the baronet and his family’s expression and the mage Endor while watching the movie brought satisfaction to Mark and by the end of the movie, their stunned expression was enjoyable to see.

“So, how is it?” Lossa asked the baronet.

“You are right, it’s the best show I’ve ever seen. It’s as if I’m a legendary mage watching the lives of people in a crystal ball and their adventures touched me in a way that made my blood boil making me want to enter their lives and be a part of it.” Baronet Marcon said.

“My brother-in-law is correct. The adventures of the characters and the fact that they’re able to travel to different planets created a seed of ambition in me making me want to be more powerful so that someday I would be able to travel to different planets too.” Endor said.

“Princess Leia is so beautiful,” Mariona commented.

“You mentioned that this show was supposed to be the first one in a series of shows, am I correct?” Endor asked.

“Yes, unfortunately, we will be departing early the next day. If you’re interested in watching the rest of the movie series, you can go to the circus caravan compound in the city of Argent. I’m a part of it and the caravan leader made a theater that will allow you to watch different shows for a fee.” Mark said.

The baronet and his family made a disappointed expression but when they heard that there was a possibility of them watching the rest in the city, they put on a hopeful expression.

After several minutes of talks and coffee, their guests said their goodnights, and everyone prepared to rest.

The next day after breakfast, Natasha said their goodbyes to the baronet and his family and continued traveling.

Mark summoned his Space Floating Disc and a comfortable couch where he, the twins, and the mages would sit. When the baronet saw the spell, Mark heard him asking his brother, the mage Endor if he had the same spell and the Endor just ignored him.

During their travel, the twins kept on talking about their plans to become powerful mages so they could build spaceships to travel to different planets. They kept on repeating the adventures of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.

Aaron mentioned finding his very own Chewbacca so he would have a loyal companion on his travel and suddenly mentioned that he was considering becoming a space bounty hunter instead of a mage. Mark indulged the twins by telling more stories about Star Wars. He also told them about the time he got addicted to playing a massive online game called Star Wars the Old Republic wherein thousands upon thousands of people were playing together to have adventure in the Star Wars universe through the game.

Mark told the kids how he played starting from a low-level character to a high-level one finally owning his own spaceship and fighting monsters so he could get rare items that would make his character grow.

The twins said that they would like to play that as well and even the mages who were listening said that they wouldn’t mind playing something like that.

Mark told the twins and the mages that aside from the movies and games, there were also television shows and books that comprised the Star Wars Universe and he gave an explanation on what a television show was.

Lunch arrived and Mark asked the twins what they would like to eat, and they both said that they would like to have some potato fries, so he replicated some and gave them to the kids. The mages requested some pizzas, and he conjured a salad for himself.

Unfortunately for the soldiers, Natasha commanded them to eat their rations, so they suffered through eating the sad food. When the guard captain saw her soldiers’ expressions while eating the food, Natasha got angry and scolded everyone, telling them that this mission was not a vacation and that they shouldn’t depend on Mark for everything.

Night arrived and Mark was a bit sad that they had not encountered new people or a new village. Natasha told him that they should reach their destination the day after tomorrow.

Mark summoned the RVs and prepared their dinner.

“Lord Mark, we’re feeling guilty that you kept giving us these things and we’re not paying for it,” Ardeen said.

“Yes. You are too generous, and we feel that we’re taking advantage of you,” Lossa added.

“Then after this mission ends, you can give the Mana stone reward to me.” Mark laughed jokingly but the mages took it seriously and promised him that they would give the Mana stone reward to him.

Mark told the mages that he was just joking but they were adamant about their decision. He just shrugged and continued eating their dinner.

The twins asked Mark if they could watch more movies, but Mark decided that they should hold off on watching until the mission ended. He did allow them to continue playing with the Lego sets before sleep while the mages started reading their spell books again.

Mark saw that the kids were getting sleepy, so he commanded them to wash up and sleep. Mark was happy to see that the twins were obedient and followed his orders without complaint.

He prepared some coffee and waited for Natasha to come in. After a while, the guard captain completed her meeting with her guards and entered the RV. He served her some coffee and they talked for a bit while the kids were sleeping.

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