Delayed Transfer - Chapter 183

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:26 AM

Chapter 183

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Mark prepared a mug of black coffee with sugar just like how Natasha liked it and served it to her. Natasha was reading some documents while waiting for him on the leather sofa.

“Your meeting took so long. What happened?”

“We will be arriving at the mission located the day after tomorrow, so we were planning on how to approach the village. Since the cult has a suspected powerful patron, we need to take care. You and the boys will need to stay several hours away, and if we really need help, the mages can communicate with you, and you could fly or teleport to us if needed.”

Mark decided then that he would need to put the twins in his home on the 11th floor of the dungeon to make sure they were safe.

“I think it would be best if I join you. I don’t want you to be in danger and the main reason the council asked you was for me to join you and for you to have the firepower if needed.”

“What about the twins?”

“I will hide them in another dimension that I own, and they would want for nothing when they’re there.”

“You own another dimension! Only legendary beings own their own realms!”

“Now you know how powerful I am.” Mark smiled at Natasha jokingly.

Natasha kissed Mark intimately and he wished that they were alone, but the kids were in the bedroom, so they were lacking privacy to alleviate his horniness.

After washing up, the couple decided to sleep so they could wake up and travel early.

The next day, the twins and Natasha were still sleeping so Mark prepared a delicious breakfast for them. He decided to cook some pancakes, but it was a disaster, so he just replicated the blueberry pancakes from a restaurant in his home world. He also prepared pitchers of orange juice and milk for the kids. After a while, the mages Ardeen and Lossa entered the RV, and Natasha and the twins woke up.

Mark told everyone that breakfast was ready, so everyone started eating and the twins praised the blueberry pancakes that Mark prepared.

After breakfast, the group continued their travel, and this time, Natasha joined them on the couch at the top of the Space Floating Disc. While they were moving, the mages finally asked what the floating glowing flower did.

“Every spell that I cast has a mana cost and a duration and as you well know, if you run out of mana, you will not be able to cast spells anymore. Well, the magic system that I use does that but from what you mentioned, it’s different from yours since once you memorize a spell, it will remain in your brain or something and when you cast it, it will be gone, and needed to be memorized it again if what has been said to me is right. My spells don’t do that. It remains with me forever but needs a Mana resource to be cast. The floating sunflower generates Mana for me so it essentially means that I will never run out of mana and can cast my spells how many times I want.”

The mages, Ardeen and Lossa, and Natasha gasped when they heard that.

“What you said is fairly correct for low-level to mid-level mages but starting from high-mages to legendary and beyond, beings like that will be able to retain their spells and cast them indefinitely and will only need Mana as fuel just like what you described,” Ardeen said.

“That meant, that how you cast spells is how high-level mages and legendary beings cast spells,” Lossa added.

Mark just shrugged since he really didn’t know and would probably know more once he learned this world magic system.

“Lord Mark, I recommend that you don’t share that information anymore,” Lossa said.

Natasha nodded vigorously and Mark agreed with them and realized that he may have overshared, but the elven sisters didn’t warn him about that. In their defense, he never gave the details to the sisters about how he cast spells.

Mark remembered Sam warning him about being naïve and gullible on top of being generous to a fault and Armina hypothesized that he would only change if he encountered severe betrayal which thankfully hasn’t happened yet. Enleed then added jokingly that maybe Mark’s IQ was below average which made all of them take IQ tests and thankfully he had above average IQ since he began to doubt himself after hearing his friends about his behavior. The funny thing was, he had the highest IQ of the four of them.

Armina argued that Mark was that way because that was how his parents raised him and that closed the discussion to that behavior.

“What other movie series do you have?” Lossa asked to change the subject.

“I have thousands upon thousands of shows stored,” Mark said, and everyone gaped at him, even the twins.

Mark told them that one of his favorites was a boy who discovered that he was a wizard so to pass the time, Mark summoned the first book of the Harry Potter series, The Philosopher Stone, and began reading it loudly for the twins to listen. The mages and Natasha listened closely as well.

After reading several pages of the Harry Potter, The Philosopher Stone, lunch arrived so he paused and distributed burgers and bottles of sodas to his audience. Once they finished eating lunch, the twins begged Mark to continue reading the book and he did so. When he paused for a bit, the mages asked to borrow the book for a bit to check it out, but they discovered that it was written in a different language.

The mages asked if he really had the movie version of the story and Mark confirmed it to them.

Mark read about half of the book when evening arrived, so they stopped for the night. After dinner, the twins begged Mark again to continue reading, and to his surprise, Natasha and the mages also asked to listen to the story, but the guard captain begged him to continue reading after she met with the soldiers.

After a while, Natasha arrived, and Mark continued reading the story. When he reached about three-quarters of the book, he stopped and told everyone they needed to rest since the mission would start the next day.

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