Delayed Transfer - Chapter 184

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:25 AM

Chapter 184

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The next day, everyone had a hearty breakfast then they continued traveling to their destination. About mid-morning, Natasha asked everyone to stop since she received a report from one of the scouts that the cult location was at the foot of the mountain three hours from where they were currently at.

Mark dispelled his Space Floating Disc and summoned an RV. He then asked the twins to go inside with him while Natasha, the mages Ardeen and Lossa, and the soldiers had a meeting.

Inside the RV, Mark summoned the entrance to his dungeon and asked the twins to go inside with him. They arrived at the 11th floor where his villa was located, and the boys were amazed when they went inside.

“Mark, is this your house?” Isaac asked.

“Yes. This is a dimension that I own, and you will be staying at this house since it will be extremely dangerous outside. I will prepare lots of food you can eat, and you can play wherever you want.”

Mark then taught the kids what to touch and what not to and then he showed them how to control the television in the living room then the cast Comprehend Spell so the twins would understand the movie playlist that he prepared which was the entire Star Wars movie series and entire Harry Potter series.

Mark told the kids that if they were hungry, he prepared a lot of food that would not go bad and did not need to be heated and put them on the table. He also prepared lots of toys that they could use to play and told the kids that he would be checking in on them whenever possible.

At first, the kids were sad but looking at all the toys and the movie that they could watch whenever they wanted, they forgot about that sadness almost immediately.

After a few more instructions, he went out of the dungeon and dismissed the RV. Mark always wondered why his friends were able to enter his dungeon even without him as long as he assigned one of them to be able to open the portal, but he couldn’t keep a live animal inside. He was guessing that it was based on intelligence or maybe the soul of the beings but then again it was a guess. He was reminded that his system and dungeon were truly powerful and if he did become a learned wizard of this world, he may know its secrets but for now, most of it was a mystery.

Mark then told Natasha and the mages that he put the twins inside his dimension and that they would be safe there. The mages gaped at him when they learned that he owned his own dimension.

“So, what is our plan?” Mark asked Natasha.

“Most of us will hide in the forest nearby while our scouts will investigate the village where the cult is located. Once we gather more intelligence, we can decide what we need to do?”

“Why do we need to deal with this cult? Are they harmful?”

“Normally, the city tends to not care if a cult appears but as you know, we heard a report that they may have awakened a powerful being they consider their god, and those types of beings usually cause devastation to a location until it is stopped by a high-level mage.”

The group left their mounts together with a guard who would take care of them, and they started walking to the village. The snow was thick, and Mark was a bit embarrassed to notice that he was very loud and kept leaving obvious signs. Even the mages were experts in the field, so he cast his spell Fly, and floated behind Natasha and the mages.

When everyone saw Mark flying, they looked at him in envy even Natasha.

“Can you not cast the same spell?” Mark asked the mages.

“Regular mages like us tend to save our spells for battles,” Lossa replied.

“We do have a spell called Levitation that will let us float but it’s very valuable and takes a long time to memorize and it had a short duration, so we tend to save it for an emergency,” Ardeen added.

“Do you want to fly?” Mark asked Natasha.

“Why, can you cast your spell on me?”

“No, but I can lift you and carry you using another spell,” Mark demonstrated by lifting Natasha using his telekinesis but when the guard captain saw that she didn’t have any control, she told Mark to bring her down and that she would just walk. Mark shrugged and brought Natasha down.

When they reached the forest near the village, everyone stopped, and Natasha asked the scouts to investigate.

There were three scouts that Natasha sent and after about an hour, only one came back and he was full of injury which greatly surprised Mark. He knew that this mission was considered dangerous but ever since he arrived on this world, he never experienced anything that truly brought danger to him or the people beside him.

“All the people in the village are already dead and we were attacked by an Ancient Beholder. Angus and Donde were hit by a ray from its eyes, and they died immediately. I was able to escape because of their sacrifice.” The scout reported.

“We need to kill that Ancient Beholder. I’m thankful that it’s not a local god but having that kind of monster will truly bring forth a disaster to this region.” Lossa said.

Everyone prepared themselves and went forth to battle with the monster. When they arrived at the entrance of the village, Mark saw the Ancient Beholder floating and it was truly humongous. It really looked like the beholder monsters depicted in fantasy novels or games from his home world.

“Can you tell me how to fight that monsters?” Mark asked.

“We need to avoid its attacks. Lossa and I currently don’t have a spell that can block any of its attacks and honestly, we’re not powerful enough to defeat it.” Ardeen said.

Natasha then gave command to his soldiers to surround the monster, but Mark decided to attack first. He cast Void Chain Lightning, but he was surprised that the monster summoned some sort of spell shield and blocked it.

Suddenly several spell rays of different elements came out of nowhere and attacked their group. Ardeen was hit in the head which caused his head to explode which greatly shocked Mark. He rushed to the mage to check if he could save him using his spell, but the corpse did not respond to the Dryad’s Circle Spell.

Two more Ancient Beholder appeared out of nowhere and that was where the spell that attacked their group came from. Ardeen and three other soldiers died.

Mark asked everyone to go near him and he cast Forest Sanctuary. He then noticed that his spell was not all-powerful since almost half of the attack went through but the good thing was, if anyone was injured in a non-critical location, they were healed by the spell, and any negative curses were dispelled by the spell as well.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!