Delayed Transfer - Chapter 191

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:14 AM

Chapter 191

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The next day after breakfast Mark, Natasha, Lossa and a couple of guards that Natasha assigned to join them prepared themselves to enter the dungeon. He told Natasha that he would put the twins in his dimension so they would be safe.

“You can leave them with the guards, they would be safe with them.”

“I don’t know. What if a dragon suddenly appears.”

Natasha rolled her eyes at him and continued with the preparations.

“How did you get your dimension, Lord Mark? Of course, legendary beings had theirs and they of course didn’t share the method on how to get or create one,” Lossa asked.

Mark smiled and told the mage that it was a secret.

“Yes, I know you wouldn’t tell, I’m just trying my luck.”

When everyone was ready, Mark asked Natasha and Lossa to go outside the RV so he could put the twins in his dimension and when they were gone, he told the twins that they would stay at his house again in the other realm since they would be battling monsters in a dungeon, and he wanted them to be safe.

The twins just shrugged and followed Mark in entering the dungeon portal. When they arrived at his Villa on the 11th floor, he prepared toys and food again and then told them that he shouldn’t take long and to remember to take a nap if they were tired.

Mark replicated a lot of toys for the kids so they wouldn’t get bored. He also gave them a lot of coloring books and crayons. He then left the dungeon and joined Natasha and Lossa.

The whole group traveled near the dungeon. Natasha left some instructions to the soldiers then they entered the dungeon portal which was located in a cave in a forest.

At the entrance of the dungeon, Natasha asked Mark to hold off helping them since they knew that with his power, it would be easy to conquer the dungeon and she would like to test her mettle and her new sword on the dungeon enemies. Lossa agreed with her and told him that he would like to use his spells since they’d been rotting on his brain on this mission and also he would like to vent some anger as well.

Mark agreed and told everyone that he would only assist them if needed.

Natasha would act as their tank, one of the guards would act as an off-tank and the other guard and Lossa would be the damage dealer. Mark would act as a healer if needed.

The first floor of the dungeon was a cave and according to Lossa, dungeons with less than ten floors like this usually would have the same setting until the end so that meant that the first floor until the last floor would be a cave.

“Is there a boss at the end?” Mark asked.


“I’m sorry. A leader who is more powerful than the normal mob at the end of the dungeon and would award the dungeon divers some loot.”

“Yes, once the leader of the monsters is dead, a chest will coalesce from the magic of the dungeon that would have a random item,” Lossa told Mark while they were moving slowly.

“What about the normal dungeon mob, do they have loot?”

“We can get their Mana stones and any weapon or armor they’re wearing.” The mage added.

The first monsters they encountered were a group of five goblins. It was expected since Natasha found the dungeon on a goblin’s nest although according to Lossa, the goblins looked stronger than the one they killed last night.

When the goblins saw their group, the monsters ran towards them. Natasha met them with her shield and the guard with a shield assisted her. The other soldiers were holding a spear, attacked one of the goblins and Mark heard Lossa casting a spell, and then at the end of the casting, the mage muttered “Magic missile.”

Mark noticed that Natasha wasn’t using the skill that came with the magic sword that he gave her, and he assumed that she was saving it for tougher enemies.

After about ten minutes, Natasha, Lossa, and her soldiers killed the goblins and Mark was watching at the back. It should have felt weird to him, but he had done something like this before when he and his friends were dungeon diving back on his home planet.

Natasha and the guards took the time to check if the goblins had Mana stones and they only found three which according to Lossa was a good haul.

“We should rest for at least ten minutes so we can recover our stamina,” Natasha said.

“Oh, we don’t need to do that,” Mark then asked everyone to go near him then he cast Dryad’s Circle.

Everyone was amazed at the trees that grew and at the beautiful dryad that appeared amongst the trees. After a few seconds, everyone confirmed that all injuries, even the tiny scratches were healed, and their stamina was full.

“This would shorten our adventure on this dungeon a lot,” Natasha said when the Dryad Circle spell expired.

The next group was still a group of five goblins, but it was a bit dangerous since there were a couple of goblin archers who shot arrows at them when the monsters saw them. Natasha and the soldiers used their shields to repel the arrows and Lossa used a mage shield. Mark cast Bark Skin and Space Shield so he wasn’t affected by the arrows even if he was hit.

Natasha, Lossa, and the soldiers made short work of the goblins and after that, they harvested the Mana stones. Mark cast his Dryad’s Circle spell again to renew everyone’s stamina and to heal any soreness or injuries even if it were minor.

“We should eat so we would have the energy to continue the fight.”

“Oh, we don’t need to,” Mark then cast his Good Berry spell and gave the berries to everyone which sated their hunger.

“What spell is that, Lord Mark?” Lossa asked.

“It’s called Good Berry and the berries from the spell would heal injuries and satisfy hunger and thirst although once the spell was cast, the berries should be eaten immediately since they wouldn’t last long.”

“That spell is a good spell! That meant that you will never go hungry or thirsty in your adventures.” Natasha gasped.

“Yeah, but it would be so boring if it were all you would eat all the time,” Mark replied.

After that, they moved forward again, and everyone was full of stamina.

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