Delayed Transfer - Chapter 190

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:15 AM

Chapter 190

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The next day, Mark woke up before everyone else and he prepared breakfast for the twins and Natasha. He replicated blueberry pancakes for the boys since it’s their favorite and grilled cheese sandwiches for Natasha. For himself, he just prepared a bowl of cereal and milk then he brewed a pot of coffee. He almost forgot about Lossa, so he just replicated another set of grilled cheese sandwiches for him. When everything was prepared he went to the bedroom and woke everyone up.

“Wakey, wakey! Breakfast is served!” Mark jumped on the bed. The twins woke up and laughed but Natasha gave him a stink eye which he just ignored.

Mark brought the kids outside the bedroom to give Natasha a few more minutes. When the boys saw the pancakes, they cheered. Lossa arrived so he gave the mage his plate of grilled cheese sandwiches, but the mage requested a plate of pancakes instead, so he replicated that.

After a few minutes, Natasha joined them, so Mark gave her a mug of coffee and her grilled cheese sandwiches which she also declined and said that she wanted pancakes as well. Mark wondered why he prepared the sandwiches.

Natasha told him that they would be travelling the whole day today so they should prepare themselves.

The group continued their journey home after breakfast. Several hours passed and they arrived at the campsite where they met the Baronet, but they didn’t stop and pressed on. They ate their lunch while on the move and after that, the twins took their nap.

They didn’t encounter any wild or magic animals or beasts, so their progress was smooth. They arrived at the village that they passed before when evening came but instead of stopping in the village, Natasha said they should move forward and would camp passed the village since Mark’s RVs were more comfortable than anything the small remote village could offer.

Mark was preparing their dinners when Natasha entered the RV and told Mark that they had a visitor from the village.

“What happened?” Mark asked Natasha while he continued replicating everyone's dinner.

“They’re asking for help. A group of children from the village were playing and a couple of them were taken by a group of goblins and the rest escaped and informed their parents. The parents of the kidnapped children are very frantic right now.”

Mark checked the twins, and they were busy playing with their Tetris game console.

“Do you think the children are still alive?”

“According to the villager it had only been a couple of hours when they were taken and if the goblins are saving them for tougher times, they should be still alive.”

“What will you do?”

“I’ll take Lossa and half of the guards to save the children. You stay here.”

“Okay, I’ll follow your command but if you need help please send someone to get me.”

“Of course. Save the food. We’ll eat it after we return.”

Natasha kissed Mark and then left to save the villager’s children.

“Mark, where is sister Natasha going?” Isaac asked.

“Some of the villager’s kids were taken by goblins and she left to save them.”

The twins left their toys and hugged Mark.

“Will you save them?”

“Natasha is very powerful, and she’ll save them. Remember she has a brand new powerful sword.”

Mark stored the food so Natasha, Lossa, and the soldiers could eat it fresh and hot later when they returned. He fed the twins their dinner and was glad that the boys still had their appetite since he couldn’t eat. He knew that Natasha and Lossa were capable, and the enemies were just goblins but he still worried.

After dinner, the twins played some more and when they got sleepy, Mark tucked them in. He tried to read a novel on his smartphone but couldn’t concentrate. After a tense three hours of waiting, Natasha and the rest arrived, and Mark was happy to see that they were safe.

“Can you give us the food Mark, we’re so hungry,” Natasha said so Mark distributed the food to the soldiers and served Natasha and Lossa on the table.

“So, what happened?” Mark asked after Natasha and Lossa ate some of their food.

“We successfully rescued the kids, but they were traumatized,” Natasha said.

“They will heal. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence in remote villages.” Lossa added.

“The goblins were hiding in a cave where we discovered a temporary dungeon.”

“What’s a temporary dungeon?”

“It’s a dungeon that will disappear after clearing it once. The rewards are good, but this one is dangerous since the dungeon portal indicated that it would require five people level ten and above. It meant it would require at least a couple of third-circle profession holders included on the five-man team.” Lossa informed Mark.

“So, there’s a way for you to know the level of profession holder?” Mark asked.

“Yes but only if somebody has an identification spell which is a rare spell but generally, when dungeon indicates a certain level, everyone will know to which circle of profession it meant. Ardeen kept telling me it would have been easier if everyone had the Identify skill.”

Mark had the Identify skill, but he held off on informing anyone about that since according to the elven sisters, any profession holders would know if they were being identified. It’s taboo if he did it without their permission.

“How many levels does this dungeon have?”

“According to the dungeon portal, it has eight levels.”

“We can dive into this dungeon. I’m powerful enough and we could probably complete it in a few hours.” Mark said.

Natasha thought for a bit, but she continued eating. Mark could see that everyone was really famished.

“We can do it tomorrow. I’m excited to see what reward we can get. Maybe we can get a legendary item like my sword. By the way, my new sword helped a lot! It made killing the goblins easy.”

“So, it's decided. We will dive into the dungeon tomorrow. Who will dive with us?”

“We will just add a couple of guards. Anyone would do but not my vice-captain since he would need to stay and manage the guards and of course make sure that the twins are safe.”

Mark knew that the twins would be safe with the soldiers, but he still decided to put them in his villa on the 11th floor of his dungeon, just to be sure.

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