Delayed Transfer - Chapter 193

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:05:12 AM

Chapter 193

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The group of hobgoblins that Mark and his group encountered also included a couple of hobgoblin assassins but this time, everyone was ready. Lossa cast a detection spell that revealed the place where the assassins were lurking and as agreed, Mark held them in place using his Telekinesis spell.

Natasha, Lossa, and the two soldiers killed the rest easily even the hobgoblin shaman wasn’t a problem for them and after that, Natasha easily killed off the stuck assassin.

Mark’s group easily conquered the sixth floor, but Natasha had this discontent expression on her face.

“What’s the problem?” Mark asked the guard captain.

“I was hoping we would be able to conquer this dungeon without any help from you but from how it looks like, that was impossible.”

“You don’t have to beat yourself up. We were warned that you would need third-circle profession holders, so this is quite normal.” Mark consoled Natasha.

The seventh floor not only had hobgoblin assassins, but they also had to contend with ogres, and this time, Natasha told Mark defeatedly that they weren’t powerful enough to kill the ogres immediately, so she assigned them to Mark.

The first monster group consisted of two shamans, one assassin, three warriors, and an ogre. With Lossa’s detection spell, Natasha swiftly dealt with the assassin using her Vicious Slash skill. Lossa then concentrated on casting his spells against the shamans and Mark cast several Void Bolts that easily killed the ogre.

With the Dryad’s Circle spell at the end of the battle, they easily defeated the group with all injuries even the minor ones, fully healed.

After that, Mark’s group easily conquered the seventh floor without any issues with him dealing with the ogres and holding assassins with Telekinesis.

They earned a lot of Mana stones and several enchanted weapons and armor to the delight of Natasha and Lossa. Natasha told the group that he would like to sell all the items and then after that, distribute the total earnings to everyone in the mission, not only to those who participated in the dungeon dive.

“I don’t have a problem with that,” Mark told Natasha.

“Thank you. I’m really in awe of your generosity,” Natasha kissed Mark.

After satiating themselves on Good Berry they prepared themselves to battle the leader of the monsters on the eighth floor of the dungeon.

“You know Lord Mark, you mentioned that you would hate these berries from your spell after a while but I’m still liking it.”

“Well, this is the last time we will eat this because I want to be hungry so we can eat a sumptuous feast later after this dungeon run.”

Everyone prepared themselves to tackle the last floor of the dungeon. Upon entering, Mark noticed that it still looked like the regular floors.

“Where is the leader?”

“At the end of the dungeon, there would be a room and there we would find it.”

“Is it always like that?”

“Mostly, but there are variations.”

Mark and the group began killing the monsters they encountered. Their strategy remained the same, Mark would kill the ogre with his spells and assist anyone who was in danger, and then at the end of every battle, he would cast his healing spells to make sure that everyone’s stamina was full. This time though, Mark didn’t give anyone anything to eat. He was following his statement on making sure that everyone was hungry enough for a feast after the dungeon dive ended.

After a few more battles, Mark and his group reached the end of the floor, and as Lossa said, there was a room blocked by a huge door. When everyone was ready, they opened the door and entered the room where the leader of the monsters was located.

Mark saw that it was a hobgoblin shaman with an elaborate costume and mage weapon and his minions were five ogres.

The moment the shaman leader saw them, it casts several buff spells on his minions making the ogres look terrifying.

“Mark it’s your turn. Go ahead and kill it and its minions,” Natasha said.

“What happened to testing your mettle?”

“I don’t want to fight that. We would only be injured and I’m pretty tired.”

Mark rolled his eyes but went and moved forward by himself. He cast Bark Skin and Space Shield for defense then cast Glacial Void. The Shaman and his minions who were still bunched together were surrounded by frost and began moving slowly. He then cast Void Hurricane and then the shaman and its minions were surrounded by void energy ripping them apart. After that Mark cast Void Chain Lightning which summoned lightning from the void that hit the shaman and the lightning rolled to its minions.

For the finishing touch, Mark cast Void Meteor that summoned a huge rock from another dimension that hit the shaman and its minions.

The leader of the monsters and its minion didn’t even have the chance to attack them and that goes to show that Mark was way over leveled for this specific dungeon.

“You are truly powerful Lord Mark. If you said that you are a legendary being, I would believe you.” Lossa said with his face full of awe at witnessing the spells that Mark cast one after the other.

After a few moments, a chest appeared where the shaman died and Natasha and Lossa excitedly ran towards it.

When everyone was ready, Natasha opened the chest and there they found five items. A staff, a robe, a book, a gem, and a potion.

The two guards began cutting the shaman and the ogres opened to get the Mana stone and the stones were particularly large compared to the ones they’d gotten from the regular monsters.

“I can’t wait to get home to have these items appraised. Once we sell them, the earnings will be tremendous, and everyone will be happy.” Natasha told Mark.

“What if the items were particularly useful to you? I suggest that you keep them for yourselves.”

“Usually, if anyone is interested in an item, they would have the right to purchase it but if they don’t have the funds, we have no choice but to sell it.”

“Well, I killed the leader and its minions, so this is my decision. If an item is particularly useful to anyone, they can have it and if it's useful to more than one person then they can talk it out.”

“Okay, we’ll follow your decision,” Natasha kissed Mark on the cheeks again.

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