Delayed Transfer - Chapter 197

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:04:52 AM

Chapter 197

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The next day, as usual, Mark woke up before anyone, and he prepared breakfast. This time, he was in the mood to introduce one of his favorite breakfasts that his mother usually prepares for him during the cold weather. It was called “Champorado.” It’s a soupy rice dish with cocoa, sugar, and milk. He wanted to make it authentic, so he added fried dried fish called “Tuyo” which was usually paired with the dish.

He also prepared a staple breakfast bread from his mother’s homeland called “Pan de Sal” and jars of peanut butter and slices of cheese. To top it all off, he prepared lots of coffee. Of course, he didn’t need to cook anything since he had the dish in his inventory as well and everything was as fresh as the day the food was made so when he laid them down on the table, the smell spread, and that woke up the twins and Natasha.

Natasha and the kids arrived at the dining table.

“What’s that? It smells delicious.” Natasha asked while the twins looked at the unfamiliar dishes on the table.

“It’s called “Champorado” and “Tuyo.” It’s a rice dish and fried dried fish that my mother used to make for me during cold weather. I would like you all to have a taste of my homeland.”

Lossa arrived when everyone was just sitting and when the mage asked what was for breakfast, Natasha repeated what Mark told them earlier.

“It does smell good Mark,” Aaron said.

The kids smiled when they saw how happy that comment made Mark. He then spread some peanut butter on the “Pan de Sal” and gave them to the kids plus small bowls of “Champorado.”

Mark also gave them a small amount of the “Tuyo’ for taste and told the twins that they didn’t have to eat it if was not their liking. He asked the kids what drinks they wanted, and they asked for soda. He explained to them that sodas are for rare occasions only, so he served them orange juice and milk.

Everyone started eating.

“This is delicious, Lord Mark,” Lossa said.

Mark laughed and told Lossa that even if the food was bad, he knew for a fact that he would still receive praise for it.

Everyone laughed but Natasha did say that the food was really delicious.

After breakfast, Mark asked the twins to feed the rabbit and clean it up, and then he dismissed the RV, and everyone prepared for travel.

Lossa asked if he could join them on the disc since he was feeling lazy, and Mark agreed. Natasha joined her guards though.

Natasha informed him that they should arrive home the next day. They continued traveling even when lunchtime arrived, and everyone just ate while moving. This time they encountered some travelers going to the city and everyone who saw the Space Floating Disc stared in awe.

“Do spells like my Space Floating Disc rarely seen by others?” Mark asked Lossa.

“Spells like this one are only used by very high-level mages so yes, this is rare.”

“I think when we get home I’ll ask someone to construct someone something that has a roof that will fit the disc so in case we travel somewhere where it’s raining, we will still be dry, “Mark thought out loud.

“That’s a good idea, Lord Mark. It would be more comfortable.”

“Did you know that on our next travel when the circus caravan finally leaves after the winter I was planning to use the RV since it does have the capability to move but I changed my mind? The RV is very bulky, and it would be hard to maneuver on these roads, so I think I’ll continue using the caravan cart I’ve been using and just summon the RV every night.”

“I wish I could join you, Lord Mark. How nice it would be to travel the world in your RV. Comfortable and warm, with all the best food and entertainment.”

“Did you know that I have thousands upon thousands of movies, shows, and games on my database?” Mark teased the mage and Lossa’s jaw dropped.

“Not only that, but you’ve also only eaten about ten percent of the type of food that I can conjure,” Mark added to further tease the mage.

“Lord Mark stop! I’m going to die of jealousy. I have half a mind to resign my post and follow you like a dog, but my master would probably capture me and electrocute me if I did that.”

Mark laughed and the twins joined him.

When night arrived, Mark and the group camped with some merchants on a designated campsite. Although Natasha and Lossa talked with the merchants, they did not invite them since they were just regular merchants who were too much in awe of Lossa especially when Mark summoned the RVs. They thought that Lossa did it since he was the only one wearing a mage’s robe.

Mark was surprised to see a couple of children with the merchant and was informed by Natasha that they were a merchant family who came from another city nearby.

The twins went to the merchant’s children, introduced themselves, and played with the kids with the ball he gave the boys and showed them their pet rabbit.

When dinner was ready, he called the twins, and they left the merchant’s children to eat. Natasha and Lossa also joined them, and the guard captain asked someone to take the food prepared by Mark to distribute to the others. She also permitted the guards to continue watching the Star Wars series. Mark thought that they probably caught up with them and were on Episode III.

Mark, Natasha, the twins, and Lossa ate delicious dinner which consisted of steak and mashed potato with Caesar salad and dessert pie. After dinner, instead of playing the console game, they watched Star Wars Episode III since Natasha wanted to complete the series up to that part because they would arrive in the city the next day.

Everyone enjoyed the movie and he told Lossa that if he wanted to watch and game some more, he could just visit them in the circus caravan compound. Lossa was very happy to hear that and said that once everything was settled, he would visit them. The kids had gotten close to the mage and treated him as an uncle. Natasha, they treated as an older sister though even though the mage was the same age as her.

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