Delayed Transfer - Chapter 196

Published at 8th of March 2024 07:04:53 AM

Chapter 196

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The next day, everyone woke up early due to the fact that they were well-rested. After a hearty breakfast, Mark dismissed the RVs and the whole group started traveling back home. This time only Mark and the twins were riding the Space Floating Disc since Lossa joined Natasha and the guards in riding their mounts to travel saying that he needed exercise.

The twins were active and kept pointing at things they saw like some of the small animals and interesting landmarks. Due to it being winter and the place covered in snow, the animals they saw were white and fluffy.

One time, they saw an actual family of rabbits, and the twins asked if they could capture one of the young ones as a pet.

“Wouldn’t it be cruel to separate one of them from its mother?”

Suddenly a fox came out of nowhere and hunted the rabbits. Mark saved one of the young ones with his Telekinesis but unfortunately, the fox was fast enough to run away with the big rabbit he assumed as the mother. The other young rabbit was killed immediately so the only one left was the one he saved so he brought it them.

He took a towel from his inventory wrapped the shivering little thing and gave it to the kids.

“Oh, poor little thing. I’m sorry your mom got killed but don’t worry, we’ll take care of you,” Isaac said while both boys fussed over the trembling little rabbit.

Mark shrugged and they continued following the soldiers. He got to admit though that the rabbit was very cute. It was white and fluffy and after a while fell asleep inside the thick warm towel with the kids hugging it.

At lunchtime, the group didn’t stop so Mark prepared something for the twins to eat. They requested some French Fries, so he replicated some and then he gave them some leafy vegetables to feed the rabbit. Natasha and Lossa approached him and requested burgers which he promptly replicated and gave to them as well and asked about the other guards.

Mark could feel the guard’s eyes on him so he persuaded Natasha that it would be no problem for him to prepare lunch for the soldiers as well. Natasha acquiesced so Mark prepared lunch boxes for them as well.

Lossa saw the rabbit that the children were fussing about.

“Are you going to keep that rabbit, Lord Mark?”

“Probably since the kids seemed to be attached to it and it’s so cute.”

“You do know that that is a snow rabbit and is a magic beast? It would grow to have a magic of its own.”

“Will the kids be in danger?”

“Well, since it’s still very young, you can ask someone to tame it.”

“We do have a highly skilled animal tamer in the circus so he could help us.”

“That’s great. In the meantime, that rabbit is very young so it’s still safe for the twins to play with it.”

“We’ll take good care of Chewbacca, Mark,” Issac said since the boys heard what Lossa told them about the beast.

“You already named it so it will be your responsibility. You have to clean after it and feed it. Can you do that?” The boys nodded vigorously then turned back to the small beast to fuss over it.

After several hours, Mark noticed that the rabbit stopped trembling and seemed to get closer to the kids. He was glad that the rabbit entertained the children so he didn’t have to read them a book or something and he could concentrate on admiring the beautiful sceneries they passed.

The snow covered everything, and it made the environment pristine. The surroundings evoked a sense of adventure in him, and he was glad that he was traveling with Natasha and the twins. Honestly, at that moment, he could say that he was very happy.

When evening arrived, everyone felt the cold, but they were comforted at the fact that Mark would summon a shelter for them where they could rest warmly and comfortably where they could eat delicious food that was fit for nobles, and where they could watch a show on a device about people who could travel the outer realms fighting a good fight and having adventures.

Mark summoned the RVs and prepared everyone’s dinner. It was a good thing that preparing dinners would only take him a few seconds since he would just need to replicate food that was already in his inventory. The only difficult part was what food to choose.

Natasha allowed the soldiers to watch one movie after dinner and after that, they would need to rest.

Mark told the twins that they could only play for a couple of hours as well after they ate and they needed to mind Chewbacca, their pet rabbit.

After everyone ate, Natasha and Lossa played their saved game on the other Television and the kids continued theirs. Mark informed Natasha that he would be gone for about half an hour since he would visit his personal realm for something.

While everyone was playing, Mark went to the tenth floor of his dungeon to farm items. After killing the boss and its two minions, he received three magic blue items. One was Boots of Haste which added ten to Agility and with twenty defense and twenty durability. It had the skill Haste that increased walking and running speed greatly with a one-minute duration that could be canceled anytime, and it had forty charges and would earn one charge per ten minutes.

The second item was the Staff of Fire Ball. It added ten to Intelligence with ten physical damage with twenty durability. It had the skill Fire Ball, an area of attack spell that had sixty damage and twenty charges that would earn one charge per ten minutes.

The third item was the Wand of Heal. It added five to Intelligence and five to Wisdom. It didn’t have any attack damage, but it had thirty durability. Mark wondered about the wand having no attack damage.

“Does it mean that if I hit someone with it, it would not cause any damage at all?”

It did have the skill Heal which was a range heal spell with a range of ten feet and it would heal thirty damage. It had thirty charges and would earn one charge per ten minutes.

Mark wore the boots and kept the Staff and Wand in his inventory, after that he went back to where Natasha and the kids were.

When he arrived back at the RV, he saw that they were still playing which wasn’t a surprise since he was only gone for about forty minutes. He took a shower and then read a novel on his tablet. After about an hour more, he told the kids to save their game since it was time for bed.

Mark was happy that the twins obeyed him without any fuss, and they stopped gaming once in a while to check on the rabbit which was sleeping on a bed that the twins made from towels. He washed the kids and put them to sleep, although, they asked him to put the rabbit beside the bed.

Natasha and Lossa ignored Mark and the kids and just kept on playing. After about an hour more, they stopped and Lossa told Mark that he would go to the next RV to shower and sleep. Natasha showered in their bathroom and joined Mark and the kids to sleep.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!