Delayed Transfer - Chapter 199

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:27 AM

Chapter 199

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Mark continued talking with Nedertu until well into the night.

“Are you still planning to use this traveling home to travel with the circus caravan?”

“No. I decided to continue using the caravan cart that the dwarves and the halflings made. This one I think is too bulky for the roads. I’ll just summon it during the camping hours during nighttime.”

“Good decision. You are correct that this is too large although I’m a bit disappointed that I will not be able to learn how to drive this monster.”

“No worries. Maybe someday you will. In the meantime, are you planning to stay here with us in the RV during the travel?”

“No, I’ll stay with my friends in the zoo caravan. I’m comfortable surrounded by animals. I’ll just return every morning when we’re ready to travel.”

After they drank a few more cups of coffee, Nedertu said his goodbyes and Mark washed himself and slept in the main bedroom alone. He was glad that the twins were learning to sleep alone on the bunk beds. He did check on them to make sure and the twins looked peaceful in their sleep. Chewbacca was awake though but silently chewing on a piece of lettuce leaf.

The next day, Mark woke up early as usual and he prepared breakfast for himself, the twins, and Nedertu, his cat man coach. He decided to serve garlic fried rice, some sweet sausage from his mother’s homeland called “Longanisa,” sunny side-ups, and coffee and orange juice.

The twins woke up because of the smell of the sausage and told them to sit and wait for Nedertu.

After a few minutes, the cat man arrived but he was not alone. Hamil came with him, so he invited them for breakfast.

“What kind of food is this Mark?” Hamil, the caravan leader asked.

“It’s a typical breakfast meal from my mother’s homeland.”

Everyone started eating. Hamil and Nedertu praised the food, and they did eat a lot. The twins were eating with nonchalant expressions.

“So, how’s the taste?” Mark asked the boys.

“It’s delicious,” Isaac said.

“Well, everything you serve is delicious,” Aaron added.

“Hey, are you taking me for granted?”

“No, we really like the food Mark,” Everyone laughed.

After breakfast, he reminded the twins to feed the Chewbacca and told them that they would go to the elven sisters.

“Mark, I’m here to give you the earnings from the movie theater.”

“Hey, as I’ve said, you can distribute it to the whole caravan.”

“I know. I just need to double-check. By the way, we don’t need to change the movies since we will start traveling again after a month.”

“The six movies are enough?”

“Yes, they should be although I’ve been hearing some suggestions from some of the nobles that we should leave movies behind so they could continue with the business but when they learned that it was owned by a high-level mage, which was a rumor I started, they behaved. They believed it immediately since in their minds, only mages could have produced something as magical as the movies.”

“Okay, I’ll abide by your decision, and we will be ready to go with you once the caravan wants to leave the city.”

Hamil was happy when he heard that since that meant that Mark, the mage who could produce magical things and was very generous to a fault would still be with the caravan.

“Hamil, do you know someone I can hire to teach the twins what they need to learn at their age like reading and writing and etiquette or something? I was planning to bring them with me when I go to the elven sisters for my lessons so I can ask them for advice regarding the boys’ schooling.”

“Rendira, Mosalan’s wife used to be a teacher. Mosalan is one of the halflings who assisted the dwarves in making your cart. We can go ask her.”

“Thanks. I’ll meet with her in the afternoon after my lessons.”

“Nedertu, is it okay for me to leave the boys with you this morning?”

“Of course. I’m your employee and they’re good kids.”

Mark called the twins and told them that they would need to follow Nedertu’s command for today. The kids asked if they could watch a movie or play some console games, but he told them that they should get out and meet with their friends since they hadn’t seen them for a while. When the twins heard that, Mark could actually see the realization on their faces.

“We can show them Chewbacca!” Aaron told Isaac.

“Yes, I bet they will be so envious of us! Chewbacca is so cute, and then we can show them our Millennial Falcon and Death Star Lego set,” Isaac replied.

“Nedertu will lead you to Zenethor who will teach you how to tame Chewbacca since he is a magic Snow Rabbit.”

The twins happily followed Nedertu and Mark said his goodbyes to Hamil and went to the elven sisters’ house.

Eilintraee opened the door when Mark knocked on their house.

“Welcome back Mark.” The elven woman said. She then led Mark to the living room where Solinae and Mentorra were already waiting.

After they served him tea, Mentorra asked him some questions.

“What type of monsters did you encounter in your mission?”

“There were three ancient beholders. A mage and some of the guards died since we were surprised and attacked by the monsters.”

The sisters were flabbergasted when they heard that.

“Ancient beholders are very powerful creatures and we’re surprised that only a few people died. Who killed it?” Eilintraee asked.

“I killed them and gave the Mana stones and corpses to Natasha to show the council.”

“We didn’t know that you had powerful attack spells. We thought that you specialized in Lifestyle magic since you were able to produce wonderful things and the spells that we’ve seen you used were specially created for life convenience like your Space Floating Disc. The only attack spell that we’ve seen you used were those special bolts that you’ve used on the bandits.” Solinae said.

Mark just shrugged and smiled.

“Now that you’re back, we should focus on you learning the language and after a while, start you on your course in writing. So, we ask you to dispel the Comprehend Language spell that you cast on yourself.”

Mark did so and he and the sister focused on him learning the language. The lessons were so intense that even though Mark suffered, he was happy with the results after three hours. He continued to not use the spell so he would become more proficient as time went by.

When he went back to the RV, he saw that the twins and Nedertu weren’t back yet, so he prepared lunch for them which meant just replicating food and putting it on the table then he read a novel on his tablet while he was waiting for the kids and his coach to return.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!