Delayed Transfer - Chapter 200

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:26 AM

Chapter 200

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The twins and Nedertu arrived after a few minutes, and they started their lunch.

“What did Zenethor say about taming the rabbit?”

“He said he could perform a contract spell, but we need to wait until the rabbit is older, about a couple more weeks. He also said that normally, for a creature like the snow rabbit, he would dispense with the contract spell but since I mentioned that you were particular about the possibility of the twins getting hurt, he decided to perform it. He was worried at first about us bringing the rabbit to travel with us since they would not be comfortable in a hot climate, but I told him that you have the magic of making an environment comfortable enough for it.”

“Thank you. After lunch, I will need to find the halfings since Hamil said that he would introduce us to someone who can tutor the boys. So that meant you, Isaac, and Aaron need to come with me.”

“We wanted to play more with Deo and the others,” Isaac whined.

“This is important to me and to you.”

The boys agreed immediately, and Mark was glad they protested a bit since that meant that they were beginning to be comfortable with him.

“Don’t worry we will come back immediately so you can show them your toys later, okay?”

“Thank you, Mark,” Aaron replied.

“Why are you speaking funny?” Isaac asked.

“I’m learning your language so I’m not using the spell that I was using to translate the language so from now on you will hear me speak this way at least until I learn to speak fluently.”

Mark and the twins went to the carts where the halflings were staying. They were met by an enthusiastic halfling named Mosalan.

“Hello, mage. We’ve heard that you’re looking for a teacher for your boys?”

“Hi! Yes, Hamil mentioned that your wife used to be a teacher and I would like to hire her.”

Mosalan called his wife and a pretty, motherly halfling came out.

“Hamil informed us of your need for a teacher for the twins. Let’s talk.” Rendira said.

Mark and Rendira discussed the details of her employment and he wondered why Mosalan didn’t join them. When Rendira noticed that Mark was looking for something she asked if he was looking for her husband to which he replied that he thought it was a family matter, so he was expecting the whole family’s input.

“This would be my decision so he didn’t need to put in any opinion on this matter and besides, Hamil told us that you will continue traveling with us, so you are family. If you’re a stranger, then Mosalan would be here with me.”

Mark and Rendira concluded their talk and he saw that she was happy with the compensation she would be getting while she was tutoring the twins which was about the same as what Nedertu was currently receiving. The main difference was that she would only be teaching the twins a few hours each morning, at least when they stayed here in the city. Once they started traveling again, they would need to make some adjustments. She would start the tutoring the next day and when the twins heard that, they pouted a little.

“Of course, it would not be all fun and games guys. You will need to learn. You kids mentioned that you wanted to be mages since you’re planning to build a spaceship someday. How would you do that if don’t learn how to read and write?” Mark laughed.

“Besides, I’m learning to speak and write the same as you, and my teachers are stricter.” He added.

They went back home to their RV and when they arrived, Mark saw that Deo and the other caravan kids were waiting for the twins. The twins excitedly invited them to the old cart where Mark set up the place where they could play. He also put the Lego sets of the kids there.

Mark informed Nedertu and the kids that he would be gone for about an hour so if somebody came looking for him, to informed them to wait.

While the twins were busy with their play, Mark went to the twentieth floor of his dungeon to farm items. He wanted to get a complete set of items that he could auto-equip when he needed more firepower and density. He currently only had the boots and the wand of heal. He was planning to sell the Staff of Fireball for Mana stones. He wanted to collect more Mana stones since it was the only currency that couldn’t replicate.

Mark also wanted to study the stones to check if it was useful to him personally when he had time.

After defeating the boss and its minions on the twentieth floor which took longer since the boss there was stronger, he received two magic blue items and one legendary purple item. The first item was a Mage Robe of Mage Shield which added twenty to his Intelligence and twenty to his defense with twenty-five durability. It had the skill Mage Shield which summoned a mage shield that lasted for two minutes and would block some physical and magical damage. It had ten charges and would earn one charge per ten minutes. He assigned it to his armor auto-equip slot.

The next item was Magic Blue Pants of Vigor. It added twenty to Vitality, twenty to defense with twenty-five durability. Unfortunately, it didn’t have any skill, but the defense and stats were still nice, so he assigned it to be auto-equipped as well.

The last one was a surprise. It was called the legendary Crown of Resurrection. It didn’t have any stat or defense and it had only five durability. The skill was worthy of its name though which was Resurrection. The skill would be able to resurrect a person who was deceased for no longer than two minutes. It had two charges and would earn one charge per month.

The last item he would keep since it was a very important item that would definitely help someday.

After identifying the items and assigning them to his auto-equip slots, he returned to the RV, took a shower, and checked on the boys. They were still busy playing, so he went to Hami’s cart.

When Mark arrived there, he showed the staff of Fire Ball to the caravan leader and told him its details which greatly shocked Hamil.

“Are you saying anyone could use this and summon Fire Balls to attack their enemies?”

“Yes, why? Aren’t there items that have the same functions?”

“You also mentioned that it adds to a person's Intelligence. That meant that this is a legendary item!”

“Actually, it’s not. So how much do you think I can get for this? Of course, I will only sell this for Mana stones.”

“I will need to ask around and show them the staff. Can we use it for demonstration?”

“Yes, since it does earn a charge every ten minutes.”

“This stuff is powerful! You should keep it for our defense, heck if I have the money, I’ll buy it from you.”

“Well, if you really want it, you can buy it for me for its selling price then you can gradually pay me in Mana stone.”

“Thank you! I will talk to some mage friends of mine to have its price appraised.”

“Are you going to be fine though?”

Hamil laughed.

“Are you thinking that I will be in danger if I show this item around? You don’t need to worry about me.”

Mark shrugged since the caravan leader assured him that he would be safe. He just told Hamil that he should go to the RV once he had the price so they could talk about payment.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!