Delayed Transfer - Chapter 201

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:24 AM

Chapter 201

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Mark returned to the RV and thought about what Hamil said that the staff of Fire Ball was a good offensive weapon since it could be used by anyone in the circus caravan. He remembered when they were attacked by a gang of bandits on the way to the city of Argent, they could have used something like that. He was proud of himself though for asking for payment from Hamil since Natasha told him that he was being overly generous to a fault and that he could be taken advantage of, and he wouldn’t even know it.

When Mark arrived in the RV, the twins and their friends were waiting for him.

“What happened? Why are you all outside? It’s cold!”

“We told Deo and the others about Luke Skywalker and Han Solo and his partner Chewbacca,” Isaac said.

“They asked why the rabbit’s name was Chewbacca, so we told them the story and they got confused. We told them the Millennium Falcon was a spaceship by Han Solo and Chewbacca and Deo said that we’re confusing,” Aaron added.

Mark looked at Nedertu and the cat man told him that the twins told their friends about some of the scenes from the movies they watched.

“Yeah, we even showed them some fight scenes using our Lightsabers!” Isaac added while showing the toy lightsaber that he gave them.

“Can we show them the movies Mark so we can play Star Wars?” Aaron asked.

Mark looked at the time and it was about four in the afternoon. Since it was still early, he decided to indulge the twins.

“Okay, I’ll let everyone watch Episode IV A New Hope.” Mark then asked Nedertu to help him arrange the cart as a mini theater. While they were busy arranging the couches and food that he would serve the kids, Nedertu asked why they would start with episode four.

“The maker of the movies arranged it that way. First, you will need to watch four, then five, then six then episodes one to three then seven to nine. I know It’s a bit confusing but that’s just how it is.”

When everything was arranged, Mark asked everyone to sit and there were a lot of children. There were about ten of them and according to Deo, that was not even one-fourth of the total kids in the circus caravan. He then gave everyone a couple of slices of pizza and cans of soda and told everyone to ask Nedertu if they wanted to go the bathroom or wanted something more to eat or drink.

“I’m sorry to spring this on you but can you watch the kids for me and handle the devices as well since you know how?”

“Of course, Mark. I’ll be happy to do it since it will allow me to watch the movie as well and thank you for these three boxes of pizza.”

Mark, of course, didn’t forget to cast Comprehend Spell on the devices and it had already been a habit for him to do so whenever he arranged a show.

Once the movie started and he saw that all of the kids were focused on the television and that the heaters were working properly, he went outside the cart and went to the RV so he could have some alone time. He was thinking of running another pass on the twentieth floor of his dungeon so he could get more items since it would only take him less than an hour, but he remembered that he recently went there, and it needed a day more for the boss to respawn, so he went to the tenth floor instead.

When Mark was inside the RV, he directly went to the tenth floor and proceeded to destroy the boss there and its minions for items. After about fifteen minutes, the boss went down, and he received two magic blue items. They were a necklace and a mace. He was hoping to get some more armor like a pair of bracers or a mage hat. The necklace was called Necklace of Intelligence which only added ten to Intelligence with fifteen durability and that was it. The mace was a bit better. It was called the Mace of Strength, and it added ten to Strength with twenty damage and twenty durability, but it did have a skill called Force Strength wherein upon casting it, the user would receive an additional twenty-five to Strength with a two-minute duration that could be canceled anytime. It had ten charges and would earn one charge per ten minutes.

He assigned the Necklace as one of his accessories in his auto-equip slot since it did add some Intelligence which would add damage to his spells. He planned to sell the Mace of Strength for Mana stone.

Mark showered for a bit and checked on the children. When he saw that they were still watching the movie, he went and looked for Hamil.

“Mark, I asked someone to find Deo since his mother wanted him to do some chores and I was told that the kids were watching a brand new film that was so incredible that it was mind-blowing!”

“Yes, it is called Star Wars Episode VI A New Hope. It was about a kid who inherited a power called the Force and had adventures in outer space. Outer space is the location where you fly so high you leave the world and the protagonist, actually, everyone on the film can travel between planets using a spaceship.”

“Wow! Now I want to watch it.”

“Sure, go ahead and arrange a date for our people to watch it but give me a couple more days of rest.”

“Thanks, I will. What are you doing here anyway?”

“I decided to sell one of my magic items for Mana stones and I was hoping for you to sell it. You can get five percent as your commission.”

“Really? Thanks! What is it?”

“It’s called the Mace of Strength.”

Mark showed the mace to Hamil and told him its details. He allowed the circus caravan leader to test it.

“When I hold it, I do feel an increase in my strength and when I activated the skill as you taught me, I felt a great increase in my strength! You mentioned that this skill would last two minutes?” Hamil said while he swung the mace around.

“Yes, and you can cancel the skill anytime you want within the two minutes. It only had ten charges, but it does earn one charge per ten minutes.”

“Why are you selling your items, Mark? These are legendary items! Do you need a lot of Mana stones?”

“I don’t need the item and I want to earn Mana stones while we’re still in the city.”

Hamil didn’t persuade Mark anymore, but he asked if he could purchase the item as well. The caravan leader promised that he would pay the agreed-upon amount once the item was appraised.

Mark just shrugged and agreed and thought that it shouldn’t count as being taken advantage of since Hamil would pay him and honestly, he considers the caravan leader as a friend so even if it takes a long time for Hamil to pay, he wouldn’t mind at all.

Besides, the item was really useless to him and could only be a bit useful if he destroyed it for crafting materials.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!