Delayed Transfer - Chapter 202

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:23 AM

Chapter 202

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Mark and Hamil talked more about the circus caravan state and right now everyone was happy with the extra earnings the small movie theater was providing to everyone. Madam Luzviminda bought a lot of new clothes for her girls and boys and a lot of make-up for her girls. Hamil laughingly told Mark that the Madam gave him a free ticket to her girls or boys’ cart if that was what he preferred.

Ironically, the actors also bought the same things. New clothes and new make-up. The dwarves were drowning themselves in ale and Hamil had no idea what the halfings bought with their share. Zenethor and the zoo people bought some new baby animals and new carts. The Acrobat brothers also commissioned a new cart as well.

The witch Norunta bought a lot of alchemical products and alchemical equipment. Hamil didn’t know what the elven sisters did with their share. All in all, everyone in the circus was very happy since everyone received some part of the earnings even the sellers and handymen.

“Are the actors all right though, with the theater showing the movies instead of their plays?”

“At first they were worried, but the movies gave them a lot of inspiration, so they were very busy with new scripts they created and had been practicing hard. The money helped as well. Of course, they realized that we couldn’t show the movies to every town or village that we were going to, and the movies would only be shown in the cities and only during the weekend so they could still present their shows without any issues.”

“Why can’t we show the movies to every town or village?”

“I planned to show the movies to places that can afford to view them.”

Mark said his goodbyes to Hamil and went back to the RV. He saw that the movie that the children were watching was about to end so he prepared dinner for himself, the twins, and Nedertu. While waiting for them to arrive and the dinner was already on the table, he suddenly missed playing one of his favorite computer games. Skyrim. He thought that living a fantasy life in a fantasy world would alleviate his need to play or watch or read fantasy things but for some weird reason, he still loved doing those same things. He kept reading fantasy novels and now he wanted to play Skyrim, so he did.

He took a laptop from his inventory where the game was installed which thanks to Sam had already been modded by his favorite mods since Sam did have the list of his favorite mods and created a new character.

While he was playing the game, the twins and Nedertu arrived. They saw the game that Mark was playing and watched him for a while. After about ten minutes, he quit it and asked the twins if they enjoyed re-watching the movie with their friends.

“What are you playing Mark?” Isaac asked instead of answering his questions.

“Yes, it looked like a wizard battling some bandits in the wild. Can we play it?” Aaron asked as well and even Nedertu was curious.

“It’s a game called Skyrim and maybe someday I’ll let you play it. It had some things that kids are not allowed to see.” Some of his mods were not for children.

“So how did your friends find the movie? Did they enjoy it?”

“Yeah, they loved it so much so tomorrow we’ll play Star Wars games. We will battle each other with lightsabers. Can you give us more lightsabers?” Isaac asked.

“Sure, but you will have to do it in the afternoon since you have schooling with Rendira tomorrow morning remember?”

The twins pouted a bit then they started eating dinner.

After dinner he allowed the twins to play their Tetris console game while he and Nedertu talked.

“Did you like the movie?” Mark asked the cat man.

“Yes. I couldn’t imagine something like that and some of the scenes made my blood boil. I had this urge to find the characters and join them in their adventure.”

“You will probably have to repeat watching it since Hamil will organize another viewing for those who are interested.”

“I will be happy to watch it again.”

The kids fed Chewbacca and then washed themselves after an hour of playing. Mark was glad that they were starting to become independent without him asking them to do things.

Nedertu left and the kids slept on the bunk beds. He then heard a knock on his door. He saw that it was Natasha and Lossa, so he invited them in.

“Hi! I’m glad you visited me but why so late at night?”

“Late? It’s only eight in the evening.” Natasha said.

“It felt late since the twins were already sleeping.”

“What happened to your voice Lord Mark? Why are you speaking like that?”

“I dispelled the Comprehend Language spell that I’ve been using since my teacher instructed me so I could learn to speak the local language more fluently.”

“I see. Anyway, we're here to give you your share of the earnings and rewards for completing the mission,” Lossa said while he sat on the couch.

Mark prepared coffee and gave Natasha and Lossa a cup. After drinking their first cup of coffee Natasha started talking.

“The reward for the mission was high and we’ve already distributed it to the team, but the council decided to give you a separate reward. They gave you one thousand low Mana stones. The sale of the three high Mana stones, the corpse of the ancient beholders, the corpses of the magic wolves and the other monsters that we killed, and the items from the dungeon was a total of thirteen thousand Mana stones and we’ve already divided it. You will receive three thousand Mana stones.”

Mark accepted the Mana stones and kept them in his inventory. His mana stones were starting to pile up and he was happy about that. He still didn’t have any use for them though, but he knew that someday he would learn how to use them since he did have the crafting on his skill tree.

“Do you want to eat something?”

“I’m craving for pizza, Lord Mark.”

Mark served them special pizzas and wine.

“This is called a deep dish pizza.”

Natasha enjoyed the dish so much that they actually wanted Mark to give them some more to take home with them, so he obliged them.

“What are you currently doing?”

“I’m back to doing my routine and we still have to handle the deaths of some of the guards and Ardeen. We have to give compensation to their families and hold a funeral for them.”

“Please tell me when the funeral is so I can join you.”

“Of course. The guards hold you in high regard. They knew that without you, all of us would probably be dead, Lord Mark.”

“Mark, can we play a bit of the Star Wars game on your television?” Natasha asked.

Mark then prepared the console and the television and allowed Natasha and Lossa to play. They did for a couple of hours and after that, they stopped saying they still had to do things the next day. Mark smiled then gave Natasha and Lossa their Pizza in a huge bento box. He also provided them both with a bottle of wine.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!