Delayed Transfer - Chapter 203

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:22 AM

Chapter 203

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Mark left the twins with Rendira for their schooling, and he was glad that the boys were obediently following their new teacher’s instructions. He advised Rendira that if she needed anything, to inform Nedertu and the cat man would know where to find him.

The halfling teacher shooed Mark away so he went to the elven sisters’ house.

“You are becoming good at speaking the language, so we are going to start you in learning the basics of writing the latter half of the lessons,” Solinae said.

Mark found it weird that the sisters interchangeably taught him. He didn’t know who was going to be his teacher for the day, but he guessed that today would be Solinae.

“I bought the books that we would need for me to teach you English so you can use the laptop without the need for the Comprehend Language spell. These books start from the first grade up to the sixth grade.”

Mark gave the books to Solinae, and she put in on a nearby bookshelf. He spent the first hour learning how to speak, the next two hours learning how to write the basics, and the last two hours teaching the three sisters English. He had to admit that the elven sisters were geniuses, they were able to learn so much in so little time.

After the lessons, he went back to his RV and saw that the twins were not there and when he checked, he found a note that said that they were roaming the compound together with the other kids.

Mark prepared lunch for himself, the twins, and Nedertu. He was planning to play some Skyrim while waiting but they arrived just when everything was laid down on the table.

“So how was your new teacher?”

“I thought it would be tedious, but it was fun!” Isaac said.

“Miss Rendira said that once we graduate from her teachings we can ask you to find us a magic teacher, then we can be mages!” Aaron added.

“That’s nice so study hard.” Mark and his family started eating.

After lunch, the twins asked if they could watch Star Wars Episode V with their friends but Mark told them that Hamil wanted to watch the movies as well so he would organize a circus-wide viewing at the theater.

“Okay, we’ll just wait then. In the meantime, can you give us more lightsabers so we can play lightsaber battle with our friends?” Isaac asked.

“Sure, but I’ll only give you an extra four lightsaber okay? Your other friends would have to be supporting characters and not Jedi or Sith,” Mark laughed.

Mark turned to Nedertu and asked his coach to look after the kids.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to hire a sitter for the kids? This is not the job that you signed up for.”

“I’m sure Mark. I’m glad that I have something that you need me to do or else I will feel that you’re paying me for nothing. Honestly, the others already envy me for being employed by you, so you don’t have to worry. I’ll look after the kids.”

“Thank you then. Remember if you and the boys need something to eat we have a storage full of food and you already know how to use the oven okay?”

The twins said their goodbyes after Mark gave the lightsabers to them and Nedertu followed them. After they left, Mark planned to go to the twentieth floor of his dungeon to get more items. Before he entered his dungeon, he left a note on the table using words that he recently learned from the elven teachers stating that if somebody was looking for him, he’d be back in a few minutes he then went to kill the boss monster and its minions on the twentieth floor.

After thirty minutes of battle with the boss on the twentieth floor, he received three magic blue items. A pair of bracers, A circlet, and a ring.

The bracers were called Bracers of Agility. It added twenty to Agility and it had twenty defenses with twenty durability. It didn’t have any skill, but the stats and defense were still nice, so he assigned it to an auto-equip slot.

The circlet was called Mage’s Circlet of Mana Shield. It added twenty to Intelligence with twenty-five defense and twenty durability. It had the skill Mana Shield wherein upon casting a Mana Shield with two hundred defense would materialize and would only disappear after three minutes or if a huge blow destroyed it. Then again, stacked with Bark Skin and Space Shield, that would hardly happen. It had ten charges and would earn one charge per ten minutes.

The ring was called the Ring of Sleep upon identification. It added ten to Intelligence and ten to Wisdom and it had twenty durability. It had the spell Sleep which would make a target fall asleep for three minutes which can be dispelled by an attack, physical or magical. It had forty charges and would earn one charge per ten minutes. Mark actually didn’t have a slot for rings on his auto-equip spell so he just wore it since the stats were nice and he could use the Sleep spell for a mild attack.

Now, Mark’s auto-equip slots were full, and it added considerable stats and defense to himself when all the items were equipped. He equipped the items then he checked himself on the RV mirror and he looked like a proper mage. He then used his skill of Inventory Item Restoration on his normal clothes to repair and thoroughly clean them then switched back to it. He loved that skill since it dispensed the need to wash and repair any item manually.

Mark remembered Nedertu asking him how he washed the twin’s clothing since they always looked new especially the one that the cat man delivered from the tailor, and he told Nedertu that he was using a spell to clean and repair the clothes.

When he got back from the dungeon, Mark noticed that the note was still on the table, meaning nobody came to look for him. He went outside to check the twins, but he couldn’t find them so more than likely, they were still roaming the compound together with their friends.

It was very early in the afternoon so without anything to do, he summoned a laptop and played games on it.

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