Delayed Transfer - Chapter 207

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:14 AM

Chapter 207

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Nedertu invited Lossa and his two friends inside the RV and when Mark saw the mage and his guests, he replicated a few more foods and invited Lossa and his two friends for dinner.

Mark saw that Lossa was hesitant in joining them but Lossa himself joined them without any hesitation and started eating.

“Hey! Introduce your friends first Lossa,” Mark said to the mage.

“Oh! I forgot about them. I just missed your food. These are my colleagues Rodan and Luansa. They wanted to meet the person who brought the movie, and I came here to eat your food.” Lossa said while laughing.

“Pardon Lossa’s behavior, Lord Mark but he is correct that we’re here because we really wanted to see the person who brought that wonderful movie. I couldn’t imagine something like that but there it was in all its glorious presentation. Worlds that can be traversed by ships made of metal and a system of incomprehensible energy called the “Force”.” Rodan said while Luansa nodded.

“Lossa and I were friends, so you don’t have to apologize. We’ve been through thick and thin together.”

“I’ve heard the details of the mission and we also wanted to thank you. Battling three ancient beholders would have caused everyone’s death on that mission but because of you most survived.” Luansa said while Lossa didn’t waste time sitting down at the table.

Mark stood up fast and invited the two mages to sit down beside Lossa. He was glad to see that they had followed Lossa’s behavior and served themselves food.

Everyone continued eating while talking. Mark saw that the two mages that Lossa brought with him were observing everything first and were stiff, but they calmed down and relaxed and they saw the informal behavior of everyone.

“Are you planning to join us in watching the next movie?” Mark asked his guests.

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Rodan replied.

After dinner, the twins asked Mark if they could play lightsaber outside, and he allowed the boys to go out as long as Nedertu was with them. The twins gave the cat man puppy eyes and Nedertu laughed and followed them while the boys kept waving their toy lightsaber around. He wasn’t worried about the boys getting too cold since they were wearing very thick winter clothing.

“Those toys are interesting. Are they powered by Mana stones?” Luansa asked.

“No, they’re powered by something else,” Lossa answered for Mark.

“So how can I help you?” Mark asked the mages directly knowing that they had more reason for wanting to see him.

“According to our resources, the circus caravan would probably leave after a month after winter, and we wanted to see the whole movie series,” Rodan said.

“Lossa informed us that he had already seen six movies,” Luansa added.

Mark observed the two mages. Just like Lossa and Ardeen, they were both second-circle mages. Rodan looked handsome with his blonde hair and blue eyes. He almost looked like Natasha’s brother with his coloring. Luansa was the first overweight person that he personally encountered, and she was a mage. Most of the overweight people that he’d seen so far were nobles and according to Natasha that only happened to those nobles who usually don’t manage their responsibilities personally and mages usually would not become overweight due to the energies their bodies were handling.

Not that he had a beef with fat people. He was just curious because he had been very fat himself before and he was still conscious of the body type. He still had this fear of waking up someday still very fat.

The two mages noticed that Mark was observing them carefully, so Rodan added some more details.

“Luansa and I both specialize in illusion, and we wanted to know if the movies were made with illusion magic.”

“That is also the reason why we wanted to watch the rest of the movies. Not only to see the secrets behind how it was made but it also inspires us to create different types of illusion spells.” Luansa said.

“And they’re very entertaining,” Rodan added, and everyone laughed.

“I don’t think you have to worry about the movies not going to be completed since Hamil already had plans about that but if you want to know something concrete, I can ask about it tomorrow and send someone to inform Natasha.”

“Thank you, Lord Mark, and thanks for entertaining our questions,” Luansa said.

Lossa and his two colleagues said their goodbyes and left. Mark then asked Nedertu to talk to Hamil about his movie schedules with regards to the Star Wars series and to convey it to the guards which the cat man agreed to do.

Since it was late, Mark asked the kids to wash up and go to sleep. In the meantime, he thought about what he was going to do with his skill points, but he decided that he would wait until the next set of skills appeared then he would spend most of them since he was already level eighty-two, and it would only take a few more levels before the skills appeared.

After that decision, he decided to relax and read the current web novel that he was reading. It was a Chinese-translated web novel that he paid a lot of money to have translated since the website that was translating it was only in the 900th chapter and there were 3000 plus chapters already so he asked Sam to find a group of Chinese American people who could translate it for him. The novel’s name was called “Demon’s Beside You” and it was about an illegal doctor who was staying in Los Angeles. He liked it so much and since before he transmigrated, he was swimming in money, he decided to have his favorite novels fully translated.

“Oh my God, I’m such a nerd!” Mark thought and he laughed at himself. When he got sleepy, Mark decided to rest, and he was glad to see that the twins were sleeping in their bunk beds. He wished that, that signaled the fact that the boys were already adjusting but he did read somewhere that kids were resilient.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!