Delayed Transfer - Chapter 208

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:12 AM

Chapter 208

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Mark prepared food for everyone the next day and when the twins smelled the food, they woke up without prompting from him. After a few minutes, Nedertu and Rendira entered the RV and the cat man and the boy’s halfling teacher joined them for breakfast.

“I like your food, Mark. It’s different from what we usually eat,” Rendira said.

Mark paused eating for a bit when he heard Rendira’s comment.

“I think you’re correct Rendira. It’s mostly different from what the people here usually eat so I should try to learn about the food of this place. Hey, boys, want to have an adventure with me later after your lessons with Rendira and my lessons from the Elven sisters?”

“What kind of adventure?” Isaac asked.

“We should tour the city and go to the best place where we can find the best food. We will hire the best tour guide and then once we find the best food, we will keep an original of it in my dimensional space that we can copy anytime so that means that we can eat it anytime we want.”

The twins agreed to join him and kept shouting that they would have an adventure later.

“We can ask Lossa instead of hiring someone. I’m sure he knows the best places where we can eat the best food or if he doesn’t, I’m sure he knows where to find someone who does. Maybe we can ask Natasha to join us,” Mark added.

After that, he left the twins with Rendira and Nedertu and he went to the Elven Sisters for his lessons.

When the lessons with the Elven sisters were done for the day, Solinae spoke to Mark.

“We’ve learned a lot about your language. Can we request to get the laptop early so we can practice more?” Solinae asked.

“Sure, I’ll bring it tomorrow, and then as per agreement, we can start the magic lessons by next week I will also put in a copy of all the movies that we’ve seen so far. I will also put in a couple of novels by one of our distinguished authors. Her name was Jane Austen. You can check it out and tell me if you like it.”

“Thank you. We will also start preparing the curriculum for your basics of magic. At first, we would have taught you magic based on how we were taught when we were young but the books that you gave us about your “English” language inspired us on how systematic and organized it was. We will arrange the lessons on how we think the best way for you to learn as fast as possible given your capability since you are not a child.”

“Thank you. How about the Tetris console game? Are you still playing it?”

“Yes. Sometimes we would hide it thinking that we’ve already played it enough and outgrown it, but we would suddenly miss playing it, so we’ll take it out and play with it again. So far, the top scorer is Monterra.” Solinae said while laughing.

“When Hamil visited us, he told us that he would only allow his children to play the gaming console inside their family cart or somewhere he could see them. I think he was afraid of others seeing the gaming consoles and stealing them from him,” Eilintraee added while serving tea.

After their conversation, Mark said his goodbyes to the sisters and went back to his RV to fetch the twins. He wanted to start their adventure for the day as soon as possible.

When he arrived in the RV, he saw that the twins were already fully dressed in one of the good clothing from the tailor that they had commissioned and were excitedly waiting for him.

Mark and the twins said their goodbyes to Nedertu and started walking to the nearest place where they could hire a carriage that would bring them to the guard station. They were planning to invite Natasha and she’s busy, they would ask Lossa.

When they arrived at the guard station, somebody led them to Natasha’s office, and she was there doing some sort of paperwork. When she saw them, she stopped what she was doing, stood up, kissed Mark, and hugged the twins.

“Why are you here?”

“We’re planning to have an adventure for the rest of the day. We would like you to come with us to visit the best places that serve the best food so I can order a copy of it, and we can have it anytime we want.”

“I like the sound of that and fortunately, I’m not too busy for the day and can lead you. The best food though is only available to mages since they’re made from magic beasts and would cost you Mana stones instead of gold.”

“Unfortunately, I can’t copy food that has energy inside of it. We can order and eat it, but I can’t store it to copy. I can only store it to eat it a later time but once they’re gone, we’d have to order more.”

“So, our goal is to find the best food made from regular beast. That’s not going to be a problem since I know all the best places. Give me a few minutes to prepare.”

While Mark and the twins waited for Natasha, he thought of the fact that some food in this world was made from magic beasts but obviously, would have cost more. He wondered what benefits one could get by eating it and he decided to ask Natasha or Lossa later.

When Natasha changed from his guard captain’s suit to regular winter clothing, she led Mark and the twins outside, and there, a carriage was already waiting that was being driven by one of the guards. Natasha informed him that the carriage would drive them to wherever they wanted to go for the day.

The first place they visited was a restaurant that looked like a private villa of a rich noble. It didn’t have any indication that it was a public place and Natasha told him that it was very exclusive. She was able to get in anytime because the owner was a friend of her father’s.

Someone led them to a table and took their coats off. The twins were very excited but were well-behaved. The place was beautiful and high-class. There was a chandelier, a circular staircase, and the tables were arranged that add to the aesthetic instead of intruding on it which greatly impressed Mark.

The tables and chairs were also made to match the design of the mansion and the lighting was complimenting the coloring of the place.

Mark was glad he commissioned clothing for himself and the twins to fit high-class establishments like this.

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