Delayed Transfer - Chapter 212

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:59:00 AM

Chapter 212

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Mark studied the minute details of the environment on the twenty-fifth floor. The tombstones looked so archaic filled with mold with withered grasses surrounding them. Some were askew just like what you would find in a horror film. If the environment weren’t so creepy, he would have said that it was so cliché.

He saw some mausoleums in the distance. The whole world looked like a broken cemetery. Mark thought of what type of undead he would meet. He did encounter some zombie swamp before that was raised by some necromancers on previous floors but those, he treated as summons.

Mark cast his defense spells and the Fly spell even though he was still planning to walk. He would like to be able to fly anytime he wanted. He moved forward but it was slow. While he was walking, zombie hands suddenly popped out from the ground which gave him goosebumps.

Mark thought that at least he didn’t scream like a girl. About five zombies crawled out from the ground and these zombies weren’t slow. They were as fast as regular humans and when they finished crawling from their graves, as one, looked at Mark which gave him the creeps then ran to him so fast that he wasn’t able to react.

The only thing that he could think of while the zombies were running towards him was to fly up, so he did. The zombies jumped to try to reach him and their jumping reach freaked Mark, so he flew higher. He cast Glacial Void to freeze them, and it worked. The spell froze the five zombies, so Mark finished them off by casting Void Hurricane and then Void Chain Lighting at them.

The five zombies dropped three items, so Mark kept them in his inventory. The fast zombies reminded him of the zombies of the Dawn of the Dead movie, and he had always been freaked out by the fast zombies there and now he encountered them.

Mark moved forward to continue checking things out. Even though it was supposed to be afternoon, the place was gloomy. The cold was different and now he understood the phrase “cold as a grave” since the coldness of the environment gave a different kind of chill that affected the soul.

He knew that he should not be afraid since his level was very high compared to the dungeon floor, but the setting had a truly excellent horror design. He saw a couple of monsters in the distance. He identified them and they were called ghouls. The identification promptly made the monsters aware of his presence, so they ran towards him. While they were running, zombies crawled out from the ground and there were five of them.

Mark cast Void Tsunami which pushed all of the monsters back then he cast Glacial Void to freeze them. The zombies were frozen, but the ghouls were only slowed down which was enough. He cast Void Hurricane at the monsters then Void Meteor. As a finishing move, he cast Void Chain Lightning which killed the ghouls and the zombies. Before the zombies died, he identified one of them and they were called Cemetery Zombies.

Three items dropped so he kept them on his inventory and would identify them when he completed the dungeon.

Mark checked the time and saw that it was five in the afternoon. It was early but he decided to stop for the day since the tense situation exhausted him.

He went outside the dungeon, took a shower, and decided to clean up the place which meant destroying the RV and replicating a new one including replicating a new set of clothes for himself and the kids that he kept on his inventory.

After everything was new, Mark went to the circus theater to check things out and the movie was still ongoing. He saw everyone was enjoying the film even the kids who were sitting in a special section reserved for them.

Mark didn’t stay and returned to his RV. He prepared hot dinners for everyone and kept them in his inventory to prevent the food from turning cold then continued reading his web novel on his phone.

After about an hour of waiting, everyone arrived so Mark took the food from his inventory and laid it down on the table.

“Yey, dinner!” Isaac shouted when he saw the food on the table.

The twins sat on the table and without further ado started eating. Mark and Nedertu laughed and joined them in eating.

“Anything special happened?” Mark asked Nedertu.

“Nothing really. Hamil announced that the next film will be shown tomorrow.”

“I went there for a brief visit earlier and everyone looked like they were enjoying the movie.”

“All of us did and we can’t wait for the next one. It’s actually becoming famous since those who’d seen the movie kept bragging about it, so Hamil was getting a headache from people who wanted him to open the showing to the public.”

After dinner, the boys went outside for a bit to play followed by Nedertu, and Mark went to Hamil to talk to him about hiring a permanent sitter for the boys once they left the city.

He saw the caravan leader was talking to a group of people who looked like nobles, so he waited until those people left.

“Hello, Hamil. What was that all about?”

“Those were the ones that heard about the Star Wars films, and they were trying to convince me to show the film to the public or at least let them watch it.”

“You can do whatever you want as long as everyone earns a lot of money it’s no skin off my bones.”

“Really?! I thought you would be angry if I let the public see the movie.”

“No, as long as you continue allowing our people to see the film. I would also continue reserving some seats for our people who wanted to watch the movies but hadn’t been able to join the current showing.”

“Okay, I’ll do that. We would earn a lot of money from this venture!”

“By the way, I’m here to ask if you know anyone who would be willing to stay and look after the kids permanently when we leave the city to continue our travels. Of course, I would prefer for that person to be already part of the circus caravan but as I’ve said, I would like that person to become a permanent part of our family. That meant that he or she would be staying with us since once we leave, Nedertu would go back to being the cart coach instead of looking after the kids.”

“I’ll go ahead and look for one for you. Do you have any preference? I would suggest females since they are better suited to look after kids, but do you have any preference for race and capability like knowing how to fight or something?”

“None really. Go ahead and look for some and we’ll start interviewing a week from today.”

Mark said his goodbyes to Hamil then returned to the RV.

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