Delayed Transfer - Chapter 213

Published at 23rd of April 2024 10:58:59 AM

Chapter 213

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After breakfast the next day, Mark left the twins with Rendira for their daily lessons and went to his own lessons with the elven sisters. His teacher for the day was Solinae.

“Your progress is very good. You are now at the high school level based on the education system similar to yours as we’ve seen in the books that you’ve given us,” Solinae said during one of their breaks.

“We have decided to give you a week’s break for you to consolidate your knowledge by yourself,” Eilintraee added.

“And we need a week’s break because we have to do something next week,” Monterra said while laughing.

“When we return from our business, based on the review test that we would be conducting, we can then start with the basics of magic,” Solinae said while pouring tea for everyone.

That statement from Solinae greatly excited Mark.

“I wanted the magic lessons to start soon! I really want to learn new spells, the spells of this world since from what I’ve seen, the spells can be utilized greatly for adventure.”

“You have your own spells, why would you want to learn the spells of this place?” Solinae asked.

“You can’t have too many spells and besides, I like looking at the variety and usefulness of different spells. Can the members of the caravan go on their own private business anytime just like what I did? What would happen if we were in the middle of traveling?”

“Anyone who is planning to do their own private business would usually talk to Hamil then he would give that person the route so they can search the caravan and as you know, the caravan is conspicuous, easy to find,” Solinae said.

Their lesson for the day ended and Mark returned to his RV. There he found the twins and Nedertu were already waiting. While he was preparing lunch, he thought that he should also hire a cook who would cook food for the family, and he would prepare ingredients in the refrigerator and food storage area.

The best thing that he could do was hire someone who would look after the kids and cook for them. As the head mage in the family, he shouldn’t be preparing food all the time, just on special occasions. He then opened the idea to everyone.

“I would be hiring someone who will look after you boys and he or she would be our cook as well, so we need to look for someone who is a great cook as well. I will be preparing ingredients or money for the cook and he or she will take care of our breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

“Why? Are you tired of preparing food for us?” Isaac asked in a small voice.

Mark remembered that the twins had just recently lost their family and would still be insecure, so he reassured them.

“No, it’s just that we have been eating my food, and that food is from my homeland. We should get used to the food here and don’t you find it weird that the head of the family is also the cook or the one preparing the food?”

“You’re right Mark. I remember my father rarely cook. It was always my mother and she said that he was the head of the family and was responsible for earning money.” Aaron said while eating.

Mark knew that it would take more than simple platitudes until the twins were truly secure. It had taken him a long time before he was able to adjust to the fact that his parents were gone, and he was way older than the twins.

“So, what are you planning to do before the movie showing?” Mark asked the boys.

“We’ll play a bit then take a nap so we can play some more later,” Isaac answered.

“Well, that’s a plan. See you later but you shouldn’t give Nedertu trouble okay?.”

The twins replied their affirmative and Nedertu reassured Mark that he would be looking after the twins.

Mark went directly to the twenty-fifth floor after lunch using the bedroom door. He arrived at the last place where he left and started to move slowly. Before he started, he customized his Space Shelter. He planned to use it as a force field so using the system interface, he created a sphere that would cover him. It had great defense and if he added it after casting Space Tower, his defense would be formidable, or he could just use it by itself, and it would be a good deterrent. He thought that maybe he should customize it as a wall instead of a globe, but he could use the globe as a wall to make it more versatile.

He didn’t know if he would truly need it since he was able to kill the monsters on the floor faster than expected since he was way over-leveled for the floor, but he liked the fact that he was overpowered. He didn’t want to gamble using his life and would probably do that someday anyway in the real world or another dungeon but on his dungeon, he wanted to be safe and use it to become more powerful and get more powerful items.

He wanted to reach the next level where he could see the next set of new skills before he learned the basics of magic to check if he could use the new spells as a further reference and he really wanted to use the accumulated skill points.

Once he was done customizing his Space Shelter skill to look like a force field dome, he continued moving forward. He saw a dilapidated house in the distance and knew that the next set of enemies would be there.

The house was a two-story run-down house that you could find in any horror movie. It was so cliché that it should be funny but since Mark was a super scaredy cat, it just gave him goosebumps.

Mark summoned the bush golems so he would have company even though the summon duration was not long. They’re still company. He thought of inviting someone to dive with him just like he did with his friends on Earth but this time he really had to be careful.

He wasn’t afraid to over-share when he was on earth because his time there was limited due to the fact that he would be transmigrating after a year but this time, the consequences could be severe since this world was full of powerful people and they could do something to him, and he was living here permanently.

Honestly, Mark thought that he overshared already when he told some of the others that he had his own dimension but what was done was done, and moving forward, he would really be careful.

The council of the city of Argent already tried to use him by assigning a difficult mission to Natasha but thankfully, they were aware that he would be leaving soon with the circus caravan, so they didn’t repeat that tragedy.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!